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Author Topic: The Steve's Adventures Game  (Read 5522 times)

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Re: The Steve's Adventures Game
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2012, 11:59:24 AM »
"Uhh....Sure", Steve said, thinking he could still squeeze in his studying and Assignment Tomorrow on Sunday.  After all, what wank does that on a Saturday anyway ? 

"Great", Lisa exclaimed, "Tell me where you live and we'll be by in a half-hour or so !"

"Uh...We ?", Steve said, after giving her his address.

"My Mom's driving", Lisa said in a lowered voice.  "But don't worry, she was really impressed with you and the fact that you got me home on time really helped !  You don't mind, do you ?"

She said the last so sweetly that Steve just couldn't object.  "Aw, shucks no, it'll be fine.  See you soon !"

After a few more exchanges, they hung up and Steve raced to get ready.  He went and got on some cool 'hanging around' threads and went outside to wait on Lisa.  Steve really hated shopping, like most males, but the thought of being with Lisa he felt would make even the most mundane of experiences bearable.  Hell, he might even grow to like it.

The car pulled up to the front of his house and he went over to it.  "You'll have to ride in the back", Lisa said from the passenger seat, he eyes searching his.  "You don't mind, do you ?"  Her eyes flicked to her mother beside her and then back again.  Steve got the message.

"Sure, no problem", he said with forced cheerfulness, and opened the back door and climbed in.

"Hello, Steven", Lisa's mother said.  "So pleased you could join us today !"

"Nice to see you again, Mrs. Jones", Steve said politely, and the car began to roll away.  About 20 minutes later, they got to Eagleton Mall, the biggest shopping mall in the county.  It was getting a bit crowded, even for a Saturday morning, so they had to park in the 'back 40', as it was referred to, way out in the lot.  On the long walk to the entrance, Steve so wanted to hold Lisa's hand but didn't dare in front of her Mother. 

Inside the Mall they paused, and Lisa and her Mother discussed where to go.  Steve looked about and was relieved to see no one he knew from school.  He sort of felt like he was being chaperoned, and was feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Why don't you kids go off where you'd like to go ?", Mrs. Jones said.  "I've got some Gowns to look at over at Allstyle.  We'll meet back here in a couple hours, OK ?"

Steve's awkward feelings melted away.  Lisa's Mother was cool after all, and understood.  She headed off towards the North end of the Mall, leaving Steve and Lisa standing there.

"Ok, Stevie, where would you like to go ?", Lisa asked perkily.

Steve should say.....

1).  Let's go to the Music Store !
2).  I'll leave it up to you !  Anywhere is fine with me !

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Re: The Steve's Adventures Game
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2012, 08:58:27 AM »
Stevie hated shopping, but shopping with Lisa was different.

"I'll leave it up to you Lisa, I'd like to go anywhere you want to go." Steve said smiling

"Lets go over to that clothes story over there, I want to try out a few of the items!" Lisa said

"Yeah, okay.." Steve said, in a depressing tone.

"Haha! Just kidding, I knew you would hate it, lets go to the movies"

"Alright!" Stevie said, sounding happier.

The duet got in line and saw a few of the movies they could see.

"You can pick a movie, Steve"

"You sure?" Stevie said

"Yeah, go ahead. I don't mind"

Stevie looked up at the screen and pondered over which film he could see...

Should Stevie Choose.......

1) Men In Black III


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Re: The Steve's Adventures Game
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2012, 03:10:11 AM »
"I think we should see....Men In Black III", Steve hazarded.

"Oooh, good choice !" cooed Lisa. "I absolutely LOVE Will Smith !"

Steve did the gallant thing and paid for both admissions, and they took their seats just as the previews were starting.  A half hour into the movie, Steve saw Lisa was really getting into it. Steve felt like a stretch. 

Should Steve.....

1) Make his move and put his arm around Lisa.
2) Offer to get Lisa something from the Concession Stand.

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Re: The Steve's Adventures Game
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2012, 03:49:45 AM »
Steve thought about doing the old school thing and put his arm around her, but he knew that she was getting into the movie and he thought that he should only do that if he is watching a Horror movie with her or a sad movie, so he decided to ask her if she wanted anything.

"Hey Lisa, do you want something to eat or drink?" Steve whispered..

"Uh.." Lisa was too busy watching the movie, but then she finished her sentence ".... Sure, here is 20 bucks, get me a Coke and treat yourself to something" Lisa said

"Alright, thanks. I'll be back in a few"

Steve walked up the aisle and exited the door, he went over to the concession stand and waited in the Line.

After about 3 minutes of waiting in line, he talked to the cashier.

"Could I get some Pepsi and some coke, also that bag of chocolate as well, please"

"Sure!"  The cashier then got it all ready, "That comes to... Ten dollars"

Steve then handed over the money and got back the change, he then started eating the chocolate, not wanting to share it with Lisa, but he realized he would of took too long and he quickly ran into the cinema room and sat back down.

"Alright, here is the Coke, and the change" Steve said, as he was hiding the chocolate.

"Alright, thanks" Lisa said as she was leaning over, she then saw the chocolate bag.

"Not planning on eating all of that are you?' Lisa said, humorously.

"Oh, this?... Er.... Totally not !" Steve said.

"Heh....pass that over", Lisa demanded, holding out her hand.

After watching the movie Lisa kept reminding him about how good the movie was.  Steve just kept nodding and agreeing.

They went back to the spot Mrs. Jones had told them to be at, and then they waited.  After 10 minutes of waiting Mrs. Jones came back.

"So, how was it, you wonderful children ?" Mrs. Jones said, sounding cheerful.

"It went quite good, ma'am. How was your trip out ?" Stevie asked.

"It was great, thanks for asking, you cute little boy !" Mrs. Jones said.

Stevie started to blush and felt embarrassed.

After walking out of the mall they got to the car.  Mrs. Jones was then going to drive Steve home.  "So, what address do you live at ?" Mrs. Jones asked.

"48 Lavington Peninsula Street" Stevie said.

"Quite an expensive area, quite lucky !" Mrs. Jones exclaimed.

"Yeah, I guess so." Stevie said in a dull tone.

After all the driving he got home, "Thanks for taking me out guys !" Steve said.  As he went up to the front door, Lisa and Mrs Jones then drove off.

Steve went in the front door and was suddenly feeling tired.  No one was home, so he went to his room and flung himself on his bed.  Right as he was about to fall asleep Parker called.  Stevie ignored at first but the annoying ringtone kept continuing, which rarely ever happened.  And Stevie was hanging onto a thread to not fall asleep.....

Should Stevie...

1) Pick up, it might be important!

2) Leave it, he can call back later when he isn't falling asleep!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 06:01:32 PM by Chuck X »

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Re: The Steve's Adventures Game
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2012, 06:13:04 PM »
Groaning, Steve rolled over and grabbed his cell phone off the table next to the bed, and flipped it open.  "Yeah, whadda want ?"

If Parker noticed a slight unfriendly tone, he chose to ignore it.  Instead, he said excitedly, "Hey, Steve-o, that Fuck Roger is down here at the Outdoor Dock Market all by his little lonesome.  Hurry quick, come on down, we can get him off by himself without his little buddies around and kick his ass !!"

Steve considered.  It wasn't often he would have this chance, as Roger seemed to always have one or more of his flunkys with him.  It was a ways down to the docks however.  He'd have to ride his bike really fast. 

Should Steve:

1) Shake off sleeping and go down to the Docks and kick Roger's ass.
2) Beg off for now, claiming he was really beat.  After all, there would be another time, wouldn't there ?

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Re: The Steve's Adventures Game
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2012, 06:15:19 AM »
Decided to bring this back from the dead after getting some inspiration of writing again.

Steve was more of a calm, friendly sort of person, but with Roger it was a whole different story. He had one side of him, telling him not to do it as he may get in trouble for it, but the other boiling with rage after what Roger and his goons said about Lisa, he now really liked Lisa, and didn't like the idea of anyone harming her or even talking smack about her.

He then had flashbacks of Roger tormenting him, and his goons talking smack about Lisa and suddenly felt a surge of pent up rage just wanting to come out...

Steve had thought he let it out after the big fight with Roger's friends/goons, but he was wrong... Very wrong.

"I'm down for it man, I'll meet you there" Stevie Said
“Alright, come here soon, as I don’t know how much longer he will be sitting here. He seems to be taking his time with his food though, slowly munching on it, most likely learned it off all the dicks he’s sucked.. Fucking coward.” Parker said
“Heh, very true. I’ll be down there in a few, stay tight”

Stevie left the house, and got on his bike and rode as fast as he could to the Outdoor Dock Market, it was fairly late and around 10 PM-12...

After riding as fast as he could, he left his bike and ran around where the Dock Market was, and he saw Parker behind the store anxiously.
“Hey Parks”
“Yo, he just finished eating his food, and the shop is now closing... And it’s not very busy. C’mon” Parker said.
Roger had just finished eating, and the shop was closed. He walked down onto the beach and just looked at the sea, smirking.
Parker & Steve approached him.
“Well, well well... Hello, Roger” Parker said
“Wha... Wha, what are you doing here?!” He said with his lip quivering.
“Here to give you what you deserve, is all...” Steve Said
Roger begged, pleaded but it didn’t work with either of them. But before they were going to attack him, Roger let out a big laugh.
“Why are you laughing, asswipe?” Parker said
“Parker Parker... You see, I knew you and Steve would come here if you saw me all alone."

"Parker, here is a tip, Maybe try not to make it so blatantly obvious that you are watching me while I eat, dumbass. Anyways, the point is, you just fell into my trap, and I didn’t expect anything less from either of you idiots.” Roger said, grinning.

Out of nowhere, four of his goons came out and jumped them. They viciously beat both of them down, last time Steve & Parker got lucky with the wooden bat, but no weapon was in sight, even with Parkers strength, he couldn’t get up, neither of them could with them lying on the sand.
After a few minutes of getting the hell beaten out of them, both of them were in a pool of each other’s blood.
Roger then laughed, and shoved sand in Stevie’s mouth.
“Just remember boys, I’m always a step ahead”
He walked off with his goons.
The two got up around twenty minutes later. Stevie had a bruised eye, cuts on his face, and a huge splash of blood on his nose.

Stevie didn't say a word to Parker, and just rode home.

He then heard his Mobile Phone calling and it was Lisa, he picked up. There must of been a reason on why she was calling this late...

Should Stevie...
1)   Tell Her What Happened
2)   Just go with what she’s saying

« Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 06:32:17 AM by Evolution »

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Re: The Steve's Adventures Game
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2012, 11:09:26 PM »
Steve is D.O.A.   :laugh: