So far, i have TheBullyModder (imod), Mikey, and steman helping out on this. Okay, here's how this is gonna work. It will be a Bully 2 storyline, that you can play (obviously). You will watch a cutscene online. They will be made and uploaded to youtube. At the end of the video, there will be instructions. For example: Beat up all the jocks on the field and tag the scoreboard. Then you go do that ingame, and then go online and watch the next video. Sometimes you will need to put a modded file in your game to fit the mission/situation. We have't started yet, and if you think you can help us, please say so. Hopefully eventually we will have a bunch of storylines like this on bully-board. This will be the topic where the cutscenes will be posted. Maybe once every week or every 2 weeks a missions cutscenes will be uploaded.