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Author Topic: Bully HUD Modding?  (Read 4160 times)

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Offline Al Arlington

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Bully HUD Modding?
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:31:15 AM »
I was browsing Bully's data files again and came across HUD_DATA.HDT.
I opened the file with notepad and this is what I found.


      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Top"
      Center X -109
      Center Y 80
      Radius 50
      Inner Radius 45
      Start Deg -160
      End Deg -60
      Sections 30
      Start Colour 34, 93, 66, 128
      End Colour 100, 32, 32, 128
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Top"
      Center X -109
      Center Y 80
      Radius 50
      Inner Radius 45
      Start Deg 160
      End Deg 60
      Sections 30
      Stages 5
      Start Colour 200, 200, 50, 128
      End Colour 100, 32, 32, 128
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Top"
      XPos 22
      YPos 15
      Width 128
      Height 128
      Rotation Speed 20
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Top"
      XOffset   22
      YOffset   15
      Width   128
      Height 128
      Radius   64
      Sections   30
      Second XOffset 50
      Second YOffset 120
      Second Width 16
      Second Height 16
      Colour1 231, 123, 16, 128
      Colour2 231, 123, 16, 128
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Top"
      XPos 22
      YPos 16
      Width 128
      Height 128
      Radius 64
      Sections 30
      Colour 100, 32, 32, 192
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      XOffset -48
      YOffset -70
      Width   80
      Height 6
      Radius 14
      Sections 30
      Second XOffset -48
      Second YOffset -46
      Second Text XOffset -64
      Second Text YOffset -49
      Text XOffset -64
      Text YOffset -73
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Top"
      Boss XOffset -115
      Boss YOffset 51
      Boss Width 460
      Boss Height   7
      Boss Text XOffset 0
      Boss Text YOffset 25
      Boss Back XOffset -118
      Boss Back YOffset 51
      Boss Back Width 235
      Boss Back Height 6
      Boss Back Colour 95, 95, 95, 192
      Start Colour 34, 93, 66, 192
      End Colour 100, 32, 32, 192
      Outer Radius 0.4   
      Inner Radius 0.30
      Pill Radius 0.2
      Line Radius 0.02
      Sections 30
      Ground Offset 0.06
      Start Colour 34, 93, 66, 255
      End Colour 100, 32, 32, 255
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Top"
      Newspaper XPos -120
      Newspaper YPos 135
      Newspaper Width 38
      Newspaper Height 38
      Rotation Amount 10
      Movement Amount 20
      Mailbox XPos -20
      Mailbox YPos 120
      Mailbox Width 80
      Mailbox Height 80
      Counter XPos -22
      Counter YPos 200
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Top"
      Counter XPos -100
      Counter YPos 30
      Icon XPos -100
      Icon YPos 55
      Icon Width 64
      Icon Height 64
      Bar XPos   -100
      Bar YPos   118
      Bar Width   100
      Bar Height   11
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Top"
      Time XPos 35
      Time YPos 35
      Pos XPos 35
      Pos YPos 55
      Lap XPos 35
      Lap YPos 75
      Race Colour 235, 235, 128, 255
      Idle Colour 96, 96, 96, 255
      Watch XPos 35
      Watch YPos 3
      Watch Width 170
      Watch Height 128
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Top"
      Minimap Tex Width 128
      Minimap Tex Across 20
      Minimap X Pos -45
      Minimap Y Pos 15
      Minimap Width 128
      Minimap Height 128
      Minimap Inner Radius 42
      Minimap Icon Width 16
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Top"
      Bigmap Tex Width 64
      Bigmap Tex Across 10
      Bigmap Tex Max 10
      Bigmap Tex Min 2
      Bigmap X Pos -10
      Bigmap Y Pos 53
      Bigmap Draw Width 400
      Bigmap Draw Height 400
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Center"
      Thumbnail Tex Width 128
      Thumbnail Tex Across 2
      Thumbnail X Pos -240
      Thumbnail Y Pos -121
      Thumbnail Draw Width 333
      Thumbnail Draw Height 250
      Thumbnail View Left U 0.11
      Thumbnail View Top V 0.035
      Thumbnail View Right U 0.90
      Thumbnail View Bottom V 0.62
      Min Radar Range 40
      Max Radar Range 80
      Max Running Range 50
      School Radar Range 25
      Radar Zoom Increment 1.5
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Top"
      Chalkboard XPos    -32
      Chalkboard YPos   32
      Chalkboard Width   150
      Chalkboard Height   130
      Chalkboard IconXPos -170
      Chalkboard IconYPos 37
      Chalkboard IconWidth 16
      Chalkboard TextXPos -150
      Chalkboard TextYPos 37
      Chalkboard LineSpace 20
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Bottom"
      Legend XPos 100
      Legend YPos -80
      Legend Spacing 45
      Legend Shoulder Width 32
      Legend Shoulder Height 24
      Legend Analog Width 32
      Legend Analog Height 32
      Legend Button Width 32
      Legend Button Height 32
      Legend Text YPos -55      
      ColorGroup01 0, 174, 239, 255
      ColorGroup03 100, 32, 32, 255
      ColorGroup05 215, 180, 3, 255
      ColorGroup10 160, 90, 15, 255
      ColorGroup11 36, 54, 136, 255
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Top"
      XOffset -170
      YOffset 30
      Colour 34, 93, 66, 128
      Seconds On 1.2
      Cents Increment 5
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Top"
      Text XOffset 0
      Text YOffset 30
      Options YPos 370
      Options Spacing 20
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Bottom"
      Button XOffset 0
      Button YOffset -70
      Button Width 32
      Button Height 32
      Arrow XOffset 0
      Arrow YOffset -110
      Arrow Width 32
      Arrow Height 32
      Text XOffset 0
      Text YOffset -70
      Bar XOffset -50
      Bar YOffset -20
      Bar Width 100
      Bar Height 32
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Top"
      Icon XOffset 150
      Icon YOffset 30
      Icon Width 64
      Icon Height 64
      Text XOffset 185
      Text YOffset 35
      Mini Icon Width 32
      Mini Icon Height 32
      Icon XSpacing 12   
      Icon YSpacing 12
      Wheel XOffset 50
      Wheel YOffset 40
      Movement 25
      Show Wheel Delay 0.15
      Rotation Delay 1.5
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Bottom"
      XOffset   0
      YOffset   -80
      Width   32
      Height   32   
      Spacing   14
      Num Displayed      9
      Time Displayed   3.5
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Top"
      Team1 XOffset   30
      Team1 YOffset   55
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Top"
      Team2 XOffset   -290
      Team2 YOffset    55
      Health Width    66
      Health Height    15
      Health Spacing     5
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Top"
      Health TextYOffset 30
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Top"
      Timer XOffset   0
      Timer YOffset   35
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Top"
      Countdown XOffset   0
      Countdown YOffset   70
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   70
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Text XOffset   -250
      Text YOffset   157
      Icon XOffset   -300
      Icon YOffset   160
      Icon Width      40
      Icon Height      40
      ColorGroup01 20, 188, 250, 255
      ColorGroup02 130, 250, 250, 255
      Horizontal "Right"
      Vertical "Center"
      Button Width   64
      Button Height   64
      Button XOffset   -140
      Button YOffset   50
      Icon Width      32
      Icon Height      32
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Top"
      Text Justify "Left"
      Text0 X Offset -300
      Text0 Y Offset 15
      Text1 X Offset -220
      Text1 Y Offset 15
      Text2 X Offset -120
      Text2 Y Offset 15
      Text3 X Offset 0
      Text3 Y Offset 15
      Text4 X Offset 160
      Text4 Y Offset 15
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Center"
      Diary XPos 0
      Diary YPos 0
      Text0 X Offset -20
      Text0 Y Offset 20
      Text1 X Offset 20
      Text1 Y Offset 20
      Text Width 160
      Text Height 200
      Horizontal "Left"
      Vertical "Center"
      XOffset 20
      YOffset 20
      Width 160
      Height 200
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Center"
      XPos 0
      YPos -20
      Text Distance 50
      Colour 200, 200, 200, 255
      Line Width 400
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Top"
      XPos 0
      YPos 126
      Colour 200, 200, 200, 255
      Line Width 300
      Horizontal "Center"
      Vertical "Bottom"
      XPos 0
      YPos -50
      Colour 200, 200, 200, 100
      Line Width 400
      Fade Speed 20

With this I believe you can edit the position of the Health bar, radar etc. etc.
Changing the numbers of X & Y axis can change the HUD's position like have the radar in the corner, where the weapons are, weapons where the radar was etc. etc.

I'm checking out too see if there are any more files related to the HUD.

With this as well you can also change the size of the HUD size of the buttons etc.

You can find this in C:\Programs and Files\Rockstar Games\Bully Scholarship Edition\Config\HDT
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 08:33:24 AM by Johnny Vincentfan1 »

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Re: Bully HUD Modding?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 10:14:04 AM »
you are correct. u can also edit the colors of the healthbar, clock, and all tht.

Offline Al Arlington

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Re: Bully HUD Modding?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2012, 10:52:16 AM »
Yup, I looked into the interfaceeditior.ini of GTA SA and the layout is pretty much the same there.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: Bully HUD Modding?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2012, 07:58:57 PM »
You are correct m8!

BullyIMod123 and I have messed around with the hud and other files in that same directory and all can be edited.

You have to be careful tho when editing the hud and menu files since you can bork up your bully install really easily....if I remember right, BullyImod123 had that happen at least once...and I had it happen a couple times myself.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 03:02:19 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

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Re: Bully HUD Modding?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 08:48:10 PM »
hahha yeah. what happened for me was i didnt rename a menu selection to a FE_ name. so it just had no wrighting for tht selection

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Re: Bully HUD Modding?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2012, 02:31:09 AM »
Hey bullymodder123 hit me up on xfire sometime I need your help with somethin

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Re: Bully HUD Modding?
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2012, 02:55:25 AM »
Just a correction I will mention.....I was tired when I wrote that post.

It was BullyIMod123 that I meant and not BullyModder123....sry if that caused confusion.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 03:03:17 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

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Re: Bully HUD Modding?
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2012, 09:14:35 AM »
haha yeah i know. I was just saying tht i have done it before too

Offline Al Arlington

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Re: Bully HUD Modding?
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2012, 05:12:24 PM »
You are correct m8!

BullyIMod123 and I have messed around with the hud and other files in that same directory and all can be edited.

You have to be careful tho when editing the hud and menu files since you can bork up your bully install really easily....if I remember right, BullyImod123 had that happen at least once...and I had it happen a couple times myself.
Same with the interfaceeditor.ini for GTA SA, if you put too high co-ordinates, it'll be screwed up.