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Author Topic: The Graveyard and The Preacher.  (Read 3980 times)

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Offline Corpsefiend

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The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« on: October 21, 2011, 07:55:23 AM »
Sorry if there is already a topic dedicated to this, I used the search function and couldn't find one.

So, ever since I completed Bully 100% I've been wondering the map checking out all the little odds and ends that it encompasses. Last night I was checking out the graveyard, I found some pretty interesting things that other people here have talked about which I may be able to elaborate on.

First off, when I arrived at the graveyard there was an adult standing in front of a head stone making a sobbing movement. He was a black, wearing dark pants, a brown blazer, a white shirt, and a red tie. I greeted him and he turned and was surprisingly nice to me compared to most other adults in the game. As he was walking away he said something like "Don't step there, bad things will happen if you step there." I don't know if this is just random chatter he would say anywhere else on the map or if it's specific to this area. Nevertheless, it makes me wonder if there is maybe a certain area of the graveyard that has some kind of paranormal activity.

Afterwards, I checked out the church area. I've known about the preacher that can be heard inside giving a sermon, I wanted to see if I could make out what he was saying. His voice can at times be pretty hard to hear, but for the most part I didn't really have a problem. At about eight o'clock he began preaching.

First he started talking about Noah's Ark, going into detail about how the world became so evil that God decided to flood the Earth and start over, think of it as a worldwide reset button. He choose the most righteous man Noah (who was actually a town drunk at the time, which just goes to show that the world was so evil people who where alcoholics where considered righteous) to build a giant ship that could house two of every land animal so they could help repopulated the new Earth.

Then he changed the subject onto Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Talking about how Eve had given in to temptations of sin by disobeying God and doing what Satan (who had taken the form of a snake) tempted her to do. I specifically remember him saying something about all snakes from then on being cursed to crawl on there bellies and eat dust for the rest of there existence for allowing themselves to be possessed by Satan. (snakes before then had legs which where taken away afterwards)

He then moved onto the subject of Sodom and Gomorrah. A city which became so corrupted that God only allowed one single family to be sparred. God had sent angels down to warn the family to get out but not to look back as the city was being destroyed. The people of the city where so evil that, after the family had left and the angels stayed behind, they had planned on gang raping these angels. As the family was fleeing the wife disobeyed what she was told and look back at the city during it's destruction and immediately turned into a pile of salt.

It's around this time that two o'clock came around and I passed out. But the preacher kept talking, there is more to his sermon that can't be heard.

It's interesting to note that all of the stories he talked about are actually in The Bible and deal with subjects like corruption and the evilness of society. Bullworth has both of  these characteristics. People fight amongst themselves, physically and mentally harassing each other. The rich stand idly by and even mock other less fortunate citizens who live in poverty and sometimes substance abuse. Adolescent bullies are basically just allowed to torment there weaker peers. 

Is there any connection here? Or, am I just reading to much into this?

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2011, 08:25:37 AM »
Could be a connection or an inspiration for the whole Bullworth theme because indeed the themes in the game have been around since the beginning of time.

I did not know about this Preacher though...

I did find Sheldon here once though crying alone near a grave. I never cared too much one way about him, but I thought that was quite sad.

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2011, 09:00:41 AM »
The guy in the brown suit is Dr. Bambillo.

But almost nothing in any game is without reason.

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2011, 02:15:52 PM »
If you hang around long enough, that sermon will 'recycle'. The best place I found to listen is around on the North side, where the gate is you can't open that leads to the graveyard.  You can hear excellent if you turn off the background music from your control panel.

Seen Sheldon over there.  Sad or not, I still popped him.  Also, a couple of Townies, a Prep once, a Nerd, Dr. Bambillo, & Mr. Smith.  Sure I've seen others.  Been all over every inch of the place (except that small fenced-in monument area against the outer wall), never found a 'hot spot' of any kind.  I sorta feel that the Graveyard has an 'Unfinished' feel to it....Like there were things and ideas that could have been developed but weren't. 

The whole place could have been bigger....Wasn't like they didn't have the room for it.  It's in the woods, fer christsakes.  And about that, who puts a church in the woods anyway ?  Smacks of something like a Cult would do.  Overall, I feel the place is far more creepy than the Morgue over at Happy Volts Asylum (Nothing ever happens there, another wasted opportunity).  A REAL Graveyard mission, like to bury somebody like Danny had to do his wife in MH2 would have been ultra-cool.

So strange that religious content of any kind was allowed into the game.  Even stranger is that nobody bitched about it.   

Offline Hayley

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Re: The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2011, 02:27:20 PM »
If anybody is interested, I can upload the Preacher's lectures so ya'll can get a better listen. There's 10 of them, all around a minute long.

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2011, 02:34:53 PM »

Seen Sheldon over there.  Sad or not, I still popped him. 

Of course you did  :D

I sorta feel that the Graveyard has an 'Unfinished' feel to it....Like there were things and ideas that could have been developed but weren't.   

Interesting enough and I'm inclinded to believe this. Like I said, I've barely ever been there... I guess the fact that I only got this game this year sorta shows :).


So strange that religious content of any kind was allowed into the game.  Even stranger is that nobody bitched about it.

That's probably because like me, many people probably don't know about it.

If anybody is interested, I can upload the Preacher's lectures so ya'll can get a better listen. There's 10 of them, all around a minute long.

Yeah I found them myself. Thanks though :)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 02:42:25 PM by Peachrocks »

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2011, 10:40:10 AM »
If anybody is interested, I can upload the Preacher's lectures so ya'll can get a better listen. There's 10 of them, all around a minute long.

You still wanna do this ?  I forgot about this thread !  Lame, I know, I know.....

Offline Hayley

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Re: The Graveyard and The Preacher.
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2011, 12:10:00 PM »
Sure! I'll hop to it real soon. I think I need to extract the files again hahahahaha jetasnbvc