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Author Topic: My rant on Jack T  (Read 3351 times)

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Offline BPAC

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My rant on Jack T
« on: October 05, 2006, 02:22:41 PM »
Jack T is flat out annoying, he’s just a washed up lawyer that don’t have anything else to do but pick on Game media, like Rockstar games. I can understand his concern about Bully seeing that he’s a parent, what I don’t understand is why he’s trying to get it banned everywhere.

Last time I checked he wasn’t the president or the governor of anything. The only thing he should be taking care of is his kid, not trying to parent everybody else’s.

I can’t even find one good point the has made to ban bully from even being out. To me its all just here say. That’s like me going to the store buying a frozen pizza, coming home cook it and burn it. Am I now going to go back to the store and claim that the store made me burn my pizza? Lol ummm no.

Again, last time I checked every single game Rockstar has came out with has been an hit, from Max Payne to Red Dead revolver to Manhunt to, the beloved GTA series. A lot of the game producers have said, when they make a game they are telling a story, what point of THAT don’t people understand?

All people see is what is being shown, there more to it, then what one wants to see. When people think of bully they think of one thing, which is beating the crap out of someone.

But there is more to do then that, it has a rich story behind it that people could probably relate to. The star of the game is named Jimmy he’s 15 years old and an average teen, who has problems. Does that make him a bad person?

I’m willing to bet that most of the rockstar team who worked on the project of Bully either got bullied or saw someone who got bullied. Else they wouldn’t be making a game out of it.

It also helps that they are doing research on there games, they want to make you feel like your actually in school, so what’s the problem? Sure, one can say your playing a video game, then again one can say it’s a real learning tool to the real life actual thing, of the hardships of school and life.

If one can sit back and say they have NEVER been teased, then good for them! But I have, when one plays bully your going to feel like your Jimmy Hopkins, Rockstar has a way of making you feel like the character your playing, so what’s the problem?  

If I had a kid, I would rather him take his anger out on the games then harm someone in real life.

The bottomline is, he's a prick who is highly hated here on boards like these and everywhere else. Thanks for reading.

Offline Manbearpig

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My rant on Jack T
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2006, 03:14:35 PM »
Well, I didn't read it, but it looks inspiring.

Offline fraybentos

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My rant on Jack T
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2006, 03:17:40 PM »
lol we all know that Jack T really wants tis game deep down insaide because he even asked for a copy to try it out :p

Offline Xeo

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My rant on Jack T
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2006, 03:40:44 PM »
I'll repost my rant and opinion on the matter as well.

He's a self righteous, ignorant individual who's trying to take the fun out of America's youth by stomping on anything he deems unworthy or just flat out doesn't understand. Where in the reality by all rights the only people in the world that should have this power over our children, are those children's parents. If a child gets ahold of a violent videogame and goes crazy, it's not the game companies fault, but instead the irresponsible parent's fault for letting that child own such a game, knowing that their child could not handle it.

Furthermore, he stresses that it's because of violent video games that the Columbine incident happened, which is a complete load of garbage. Granted one of the two shooters, if not both may have been avid Doom fans, and they may have indeed played Doom with that mental imagination attempt of pretending they were shooting their would be victims. But a few things come into play here. For one the reasons why those shooters did what they did was not because of the influence of a videogame. They were picked up, ignored, bullied, and were immature enough to think that shooting up a school would be the answer to their problems.

Not to mention, had these two individuals had any sort of actual parental interaction, this probably could have, and would have been prevented. And to take this argument further, if one knows ANYTHING about firearms, and their handling, one knows that Doom in no real shape or form could be used as accurate "training" for an actual shooting.

In conclusion it comes down to the fact that this man is more or less just a biggot on a mission to himself to stamp out what HE deems unworthy for America's youth. When in all reality that decision should be left to and exclusively to the parental units of those children. The first ammendment protects us from foolish men like Jack Thompson, or at least it's supposed to, so let's hope that it continues to do so.

PS: If Jack really wanted to throw a fit about something, he should have targeted the actual columbine simulator free/shareware games spread across the internet. Oh, but he can't, because he has no control over what goes onto the internet? Well then why in the hell should he be able to have any control over what game gets released when?

Thank you.


Offline BPAC

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My rant on Jack T
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2006, 04:31:03 PM »
"If a child gets ahold of a violent videogame and goes crazy, it's not the game companies fault, but instead the irresponsible parent's fault for letting that child own such a game, knowing that their child could not handle it."

Do you know how long one as been trying to explain that? It IS in fact the parents fault! And why? Well Rockstar / any company is just doing there job and that's making games. I dont see the problem with that.

Does THAT mean one has to BUY the product? Umm no. Last time I checked if you went shopping and there's 100 different brands of tissue your going to pick the best one for YOU. Not bob the cashier not Sal, the farmer....YOU.

What? Are you going to go on a bitch-rant all becuase it wasn't soft enough? LMAO

Last time I checked. If your PS2 was broken you wouldn't send it back to Wal-mart would you? In fact it even states "In case of problems call Sony at...." So I dont know what the fucking problem is.

And even with Rockstar at the title of the game on the screen in verty small letters it states "The publishers dont endose this type of game matter seen in this game nor condones it." In other words just becuase one makes a game about killing they dont say "Go ahead and kill someone its O.K" litterally.

So with me, Jack T. is just bitching for no reason. And I thought that woman who's son was killed was getting annoying staying out over night at Bushes

Offline BloodArtist

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My rant on Jack T
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2006, 06:24:43 PM »
ooo, lets all send him a flower.... lol

Offline Xeo

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My rant on Jack T
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2006, 06:54:38 PM »
It is possible to send him, or other politicians a letter of protest. You don't have to march to protest.