Hey everyone, i would like to announce that Bully-Board.com has passed the 100 user milestone.
I want to thank everyone who has joined the message board and hope you are enjoying your stay here.
I know there are only a handful of users that actually post but i'm sure as soon as we get a release date, screenshots and video's then the board will become extremely active.
The next few months are exciting for us here and everyone who has the slightest interest in Bully. As the information becomes availiable Bully-Board will expand into the biggest resource facility for Bully related items- previews, reviews, video's, demo's and eventually walkthroughs and cheats.
I realise as soon as the game is released then there will be a flourish of Bully related websites and forums appearing across the web. But we now have the advantage of being the first, the origional Bully message board with a good userbase, I estimate that we will be closing in on 1000 users by the time that Bully is with us. And it is my promise that i will invest time, money and effort into making this the biggest, sucessful Bully resource centre on the Web.
Once again, thanks for joining Bully-Board.com
Oh and be patient! Good things come to those who wait, and Bully is going to be fucking awesome! :wink: