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Author Topic: Legend: The Chronicles of Nathan  (Read 2300 times)

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Offline Manbearpig

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Legend: The Chronicles of Nathan
« on: December 01, 2006, 08:57:39 PM »
This is my fan-fic following a made-up Greaser and his second year at Bullworth. Leave constructive criticisms, please.

Chapter 1: Business at Bullworth
Nathan pressed his forehead up against the car window, staring at the massive school of Bullworth Academy. He sighed and looked back at the dashboard of his father’s truck. “I know you don’t like it here, son,” his father said, turning to him. “What made you think that?” Nathan replied sarcastically. His father was silent. After their neighbor’s house was blown up in Vice City, Nathan’s dad moved them to Bullworth for safety reasons. Suddenly, the truck screeched to a halt. “Well, here we are,” his dad said. Nate opened the door and stepped out with his knapsack. His father waved good-bye to him, but Nate walked through the school gates without turning back.

“Yo, Nate!” A voice called out. Nathan turned to the direction of the voice. It was Hal. “Hey, big man. Whatsup?” Nate said, pounding fists with his large friend. “Nothin’ much. Just got here a few hours ago,” Hal said. “Where’s Johnny?” Nate asked. “He’s at the Boys’ Dorm with Peanut and Norton, waitin’ on you,” Hal replied as they made their way to the dorm. They noticed an African American boy and a white boy passing a football around. “Man, those guys are meatheads,” Nate said. Ted, the white one, had gotten Nate and himself suspended for starting a fight. They walked into the Boys’ Dorm, where they heard shouting and some ruckus. “What the hell?” Hal said as they both rushed into the den.

What they saw was complete mayhem. Norton was stomping a blonde haired kid, Peanut was stuffing a buzz cut boy into a trash can, and Johnny was mercilessly punching a kid with black hair. The kid eventually pushed Johnny off of him and had scrambled to his feet, tripping on his way out the door. The blonde haired kid had also made his way out the door during the struggle. “Yeah, you better run, bitch!” Johnny shouted after him, wiping blood from his nose. “Oh, hey Nate,” Johnny acknowledged, pounding fists with him. “Dude, what the hell happened in here?” Nate asked, eyeing Peanut laughing at the boy in the trash can. “Oh, you know, business at Bullworth,” Johnny said, scratching his mop of brown hair.

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Legend: The Chronicles of Nathan
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 01:03:54 AM »
ok not trying to annoy you or anything because i enjoy this rp stuff as well but.. ffs man how can you be so bored as to write a massive thingy on it which just interacts with a made up story i mean im into writing them as well.. but like i sed before... wayyy too much time on ur hands..

Offline Nazz

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Legend: The Chronicles of Nathan
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2006, 11:40:21 AM »
Its pretty weird how your character resembles my one in the RP hmmm

Offline Manbearpig

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Legend: The Chronicles of Nathan
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2006, 11:47:09 AM »
ok not trying to annoy you or anything because i enjoy this rp stuff as well but.. ffs man how can you be so bored as to write a massive thingy on it which just interacts with a made up story i mean im into writing them as well.. but like i sed before... wayyy too much time on ur hands..

This took me around 5 minutes

Its pretty weird how your character resembles my one in the RP hmmm

Lol, now I see. Yeah, I can see a resemblance, but my character and yours are different in a couple of ways. First off, David is more of a "kick-ass now ask questions later" guy, while Nathan is reluctant to get in a fight unless it's for a good reason. Also, David has a different background. Nathan came from Vice City, I don't know where David came from.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2006, 12:02:38 PM by Manbearpig »

Offline Manbearpig

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Legend: The Chronicles of Nathan
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2006, 12:21:22 PM »
Chapter 2: Tension Rising
Nate nodded at Johnny’s re-telling of the tale. Apparently, the three boys were talking about Lola. When Johnny asked what they knew, the boys attacked. “That reminds me,” Johnny said, standing up from the couch and walking over to the trash can. “What were you talking about Lola for?” Johnny asked. The kid laughed at him. Johnny nodded to Norton, who put the boy in a headlock. “Ok ok ok!” The boy sputtered, his face turning red. Norton let go and Johnny grabbed the boy by his collar. “She’s trying to start a war,” the boy said. “Liar!” Johnny said, punching him square in the jaw. “No, I’m serious! She said she wanted to see some boys in action, so she told us to come here and stir you up!” The boy said, raising his hands to protect his face. Johnny gritted his teeth and said, “Boys, let’s go find the bullies.”

“This is crazy, Johnny. School hasn’t even started yet and you want to start a war with the bullies?” Hal asked, trying to talk his friend out of it. “I don’t care. I’m gonna kill them so I can teach Lola a lesson,” Johnny said, turning in to the school parking lot. There stood the two boys the greasers had fought earlier, along with another African American kid and Russell, the giant kid. One of them pointed at Johnny’s group and Russell nodded. Nate knew this was going to be bad. Johnny was determined as hell to keep Lola under control, but Nate knew that even Johnny had limits. This was either Johnny’s biggest feat yet or a huge bluff to himself.

“Where is my girl, you big apes?” Johnny shouted, shoving Russell. The giant boy stared at him, then suddenly slugged the greaser leader in the face. Johnny dropped like a rock and didn’t get up. Norton rushed at Russell, but Hal, Peanut, and Nate held him back. “No, not now, Norton,” Nate said. Norton calmed down, but Nate could feel the tension radiating from the two groups. “We’re taking Johnny to the infirmary,” Peanut said, dragging Johnny over to their group. “Fine, but you better believe we’re not done with you greaseball bastards!” The blonde haired kid said, pointing at them.

Offline Manbearpig

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Legend: The Chronicles of Nathan
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2006, 08:30:02 PM »
Chapter 3: Greasers, Grottos, and Gremlins
The nurse said Johnny would be okay, but still wondered how a rock could fall out of the air and smack a student on the head. It took all of them to convince her that it genuinely happened. Also, Lola was yet to be seen, and Nate was becoming nervous. The bullies knew who he was and they weren’t about fighting fair. Not to mention Johnny being out for a while would leave them vulnerable. The greasers were nothing without him. They pretty much worshipped the ground he walked on. Lola was getting what she wanted: an all out war over her.

One day, as Nathan was walking to Chemistry, a fat kid wearing a green vest and khakis came up to him. “What do you want, Melvin?” Nathan asked, turning down the other hallway. “Erm… I heard about your predicament,” Melvin said. Nate stopped and turned to him. “What do you mean?” He asked, placing his book on top of his locker. “We know that your leader is incapacitated,” Melvin admitted. “What? How do you know?” Nathan asked, bringing his voice down to a whisper. “Well, you know how gossip travels at Bullworth. Anyways, we want to help,” Melvin explained. “Is that a joke? How could you help us?” Nate asked, laughing. “Because your slick haired friends frequently defeat larger foes, they can usually divert the beasts away from us,” Melvin said, looking around to make sure no bully had heard him. “So you want us to use your help to protect you?” Nate asked, confused. “Exactly!” Melvin exclaimed, clapping.

“So this nerd wants us to fight this war?” Norton asked. The boys were sitting in the den during their lunch period. “Yeah, and word is he’ll give us any help we need,” Nate said. “I don’t know. I mean, what could they offer us?” Peanut asked, skeptical. “Well, for one thing, one of these!” Nate said, brandishing a gun-like contraption. “What the hell is that!?” Hal asked, backing away. “Spud gun,” Nate said, grinning. He shot a potato at a picture of Crabblesnitch. They were back in business at Bullworth.