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Author Topic: I am very sad  (Read 2430 times)

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Offline johnnyheston

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I am very sad
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:20:43 AM »
I want to tell you guys, I know this is probably not the right place for me to tell, but maybe I have to tell you this, I was a 15-year-old boy, I really love bully, bully is a part of my life, I think bully is very realistic, I have been like this since I was little, I want every kid in this world can feel happy playing bully, maybe I am a maniac bully, in this forum I do not mean to spam, I do it because I love bully, I was very disappointed when no one cares about my mod request, I really am sorry if my presence in this forum is very annoying, I do not intend to do so, this forum is made for the lovers of the bully,  if you want the fans bully increases, do the best you can, I believe you, you can do it, I tell you this because I love bully, 

Offline SWEGTA

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Re: I am very sad
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2014, 06:57:19 AM »
It's because you recuest like 2 - 3 things per day.
We love having you here, but you're expecting people to instantly jump in and make whatever reskin you desire within the matter of a day.

I'd recommend that you look up some basic tutorials on how to reskin and try it yourself.
It may seem a bit of a shallow piece of advice, but you're better off learning different techniques and mastering the art of reskinning.

Most of our good reskinners like Walter20210 have left the board a long time ago.
He took requests as well, if I'm not mistaken.

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: I am very sad
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2014, 12:45:54 AM »
This may of fit in life threads better...
We dont dislike you, but we just cant do all the requests you request.
if you do the mods yourself though, there are many rewards.
-you get total control over it, because your making it. Fuck everyone elses opinion on it, this is your mod and you can do it your unique way.
-feels a lot more rewarding when you use it, because hey, you made it and thats an achievement
-it will actually get done, when you make a request there is no gurantee someone will do it. If you do it though, it will get done... so long as you put enough effort forth
-it may get done quicker, as you dont have to wait for people to reply to the request
-youll be a respected modder people look up to, instead of a newbie who constantly makes requests

and texture modding is actually very simple anyway. There is just a few steps.

1) extract the NFT from World.img: NFT files are texture files, and World.img is an archive with all the game's models, textures, anim groups, and more. Download a bully img editor to do this, im sure you can find one. Im on phone atm so too hard for me to get one for you
2) open the NFT file in NifSkope (just search nifskope and youll find a download)
3) choose a texture image you wish to mod from the NFT and export it by right clicking it and then clicking export. Often times the first image in the NFT file in the list of images will be the only important/useful one but some NFT files have multiple. Now the image for the texture no longer is saved in the NFT, but the NFT points to the image you exported in the location you exported it to so when the game tries to get the image it will look for the image exported, so any tweaks to the image will be visible in game.
4) save the new NFT file that you just modded that points to the exported image
5) delete the old NFT file in World.img and add this new modded one
6) edit the image you exported in photoshop/gimp/anything supporting TGA images, remember since the NFT file points to this image all you have to do is save the image, no need to add it to the NFT or anything

-dont move or rename the exported image, it will mess up because the file the NFT pointed to wont exist anymore
-ped textures may be a harder place to start since their textures look a bit odd. Try modding something simple first, like Gal_Pic.nft or bdormpics.nft for example. They contain the pictures found in the boy's dorm.
-you cannot release the mods you make (well not easily at least, will be a pain for the player/downloader). If you want to release mods, you can embed images in the NFT so it has the image in the NFT instead of pointing to somewhere on your computer. For now you can just practice doing it without embedding or releasing, because i cant teach you embedding right now because it is tedious and annoying to type on my phone. Ill come back to this topic when on pc.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 12:48:25 AM by DaBOSS54320 »

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Re: I am very sad
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2014, 03:48:43 PM »
It's not that we don't want to help you. There are a handful of texture m9dders now a days. Also life gets crazy sometimes and we don't have the time to make the criteria.

For now people left tutorials on it so you are able to do it yourself. Just try it and we will try to help you along the way.