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Bullworth FM
« on: February 06, 2014, 04:31:16 PM »
During my time as a DJ, I picked up on a few things.
One: Don't turn your back when oppertunity hits ya.
Two: Don't underestimate your listeners.
Three: The business can get violent.

Chapter 1: It begins
I had just been introduced to my new workplace. Excellent, right?
It was in a small studio booth in New Coventry.

"You'll be working here", said Mr. Lawrance as he fumbled to open up another pack of smokes.
"Unless you goof up the times", said Ashley as she smirked, leaning back in her chair.
I remember Ashley as a pretty goth-oriented girl. Black tanktop, black nails, black hair, sometimes even black lip gloss.
Lots of tattoos on her arms as well. Though they were for the most part just 'Rebelious', they were still pretty cool.

"Don't be daft, Ash", Mr. Lawrance quickly responded.
"Now, kid. It's important that you keep track of your scheduale. Our listeners don't want to wait, y'know." he continued.
"Gotcha.", I replied.

Mr. Lawrance left the room as Ashley spinned back 180' on her chair.
"We're gonna take a commercial break and we'll be right back with the hottest tunes in Bullworth. Right here, on Bullworth FM".
Such a great voice she had.
She then turned around, looked at me for a few seconds and said "Well? Are you just going to stand there, or are we going to get to work?".
I smiled and responded with "Just being... observant".

It was pretty clear to me that I would enjoy working here. Not only were my co-workers pretty funny people to be around, but the power of
introducing music to hundreds if not thousands of people was amazing.
After my first day, I stopped by to grab a drink at a local pub. "Blue Balls", it was called. Odd name, yes. But what isn't odd in this town?

I grabbed a seat and a bartender approached me. "Sup? What will you have?"
"Beer, thanks." I replied. The guy quickly got back with my beverage and left to tend to the other customers and drunkards.
I scanned my surroundings while taking a swig.
To my left: Greasers. Looked underage, but you don't want to get in their way. Besides, who want oil stains on their clothings?
To my right: Bunch of loud middle aged women taking photos while executing "The Duckface". I shiverred a bit.
And finally, behind the counter: The guy who just taken my order. And an elderly man who had been working there for years.

Old man Fred, they called him. He had been working in this joint for over 50 years. Good man with great patience for troublemaking drunks.
His wife had recently passed away, but that didn't stop him from doing his duty. Sure, he was still on the edge of getting over it, but you could
tell that he still had some fight in him.

He fumbled a remote and turned on a TV. It was the news.
Ashley always said that the mainstream media was for conformists only. I had no idea what the hell she was talking about, so I forgot about it.
Some brat was climbing down a ladder right after spraying "BullworthLess" on Town Hall.
I chuckled slightly and took another swig.

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Re: Bullworth FM
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 06:49:59 PM »
Chapter 2 : Friends helping Friends
It was raining and I was soaking wet.
I did my best not to trip myself and fall on my way home.
All was going smooth until I could feel the illness taking over. I found myself throwing up for what seemed like an eternity before my
roommate came out and grabbed my arm.

"I love you, Kim", I mumbled as I wiped what used to be toast from my lips.
She struggled to help me into the apartment and ended up dropping me on the couch.
Despite the fact that I had just thrown up on my Townie neighbour's "Home Sweet Home"-carpet, I still had a fuzzy feeling inside of me.
As if I had just been folded into a big warm blanked with someone feeding me. Which was actually what was going on.

The sunlight hit my eyes and forced me to get up.
Kim told me to lay still, as she continued to feed me some Baked Beans. I felt like a kid, but in a good way. I always liked the attention anyway.
"Big night out?", she asked me.
I responded with a simple nod.
"So why don't you tell me what's up?", she said.
"What do you mean?", I said as I took the bowl of beans.
She stood up, looked down on me and shook her head before she wandered off to work.

About an hour of recovery passed before it was finally time to head off to work.
I closed the door and slowly turned around in hope that my neighbour wasn't standing behind me.
Luckily the guy had been away for some event, so I carefully grabbed his carpet and threw it down the garbage disposal.
Now I wasn't just a vandal or a slob, but a thief as well.

I arrived just in time, so my scheduale apparently wasn't in danger anymore.
Ashley was talking to some kid in our studio, who was wearing a white shirt with blue jeans. An obvious Bullworth Academy student.
"You're the intern, huh?", I said as I entered the studio booth.
"No, my name is Wade Martin. Ever heard of 4 Straws 1 Jaw?", he said.
I told him No and that I was a bit confused.
"Well, most of Bullworth is about to. With the right amount of promotion, exchanged for the right amount of resources that can easily be arranged", Ashley explained.

It took me a second to process it, but I just realised it.
"P-payola...?" I stuttered. Ashley just smiled at me.
"More like friends helping friends out. I met Wade at an event outside of Bullworth Academy.
"The big teacher-strike?", I asked.
She went on to explain how it was a good occasion to mingle with dealers and other interesting types.

I hesitated so she quickly presented a CD to me: "Bullocks & Stuff", by 4 Straws 1 Jaw.
"Mr. L will be none the wiser. Don't you worry about that", she explained to me as she prepared to play the CD.
She asked me if I ever heard of Z-DEC, so I shook my head slowly while trying to process the risks.
"Real hardcore shit, M", according to her.
4 Straws 1 Jaw - Schoolboy (feat. Z-DEC)

It was a little under 2 minutes long as consisted of your basic "Don't mess with me, because I'm really bad"-lyrics.
After I had listened to the entire thing Ashley went out to get some Beam Cola.
Wade took a deep breath and looked at me with hopeful eyes. "So? What do you think, dude?", he said as he crossed his arms.
I sighed, leaned forward and shook his hand.

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Re: Bullworth FM
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 04:23:56 PM »
Chapter 3 : Eggs
Ashley leaned towards the mic.
"Welcome back to Bullworth FM, home of the greatest music from San Andreas, Liberty City, Carcer City and of course Bullworth.
Ever heard of 4 Straws 1 Jaw? Because if you have, you should know that they will be making a brief appearance at the big
Chem Plant Festival here on sunday. That's right. Wade Martin and Ethan Robinson will be there to sign anything you want.
So visit our website and order tickets now! It's gonna be out of control, people. Now here's a tune for all of you real folks."

She played the lagest OG LOC hit: "Orig. Gangsta', Grove".
The shear thought of the fact that she said 'real folks' made be chuckle. Considering the fact that we ourself weren't true or real anymore.
I didn't mind that too much though. A little extra money could come in handy.

"So tell me, M.", Ashley said as she began stretching her legs.
"... what will you do with your share?".
"I don't know", I said. "... but I think I might go see that 4 Straws 1 Jaw appearance at the festival."
Ashley's eyes widened shortly as she rushed towards her desk.

"Got ya covered, man! Courtesy of Ethan himself.", she said as she held two tickets infront of my face.
I took them and asked "You're not coming?".
"Nah. I got a date, as a matter of fact", she said with a pleased smirk.
"Who's the lucky guy?", I asked.
- It apparently was some rich bloke  from Old Bullworth Vale. Kind of a bigshot when it came to business.
He worked for a box company. A quite successfull one.

"So who are you taking?", she asked.
"Kim. My roommate.", I said as I began investigating the tickets.
Ashley chuckled as she sat down in her chair and rolled towards the phone.
"Alright, people we're gonna go to the phone really quick. Ash speaking, who's on the line?"
"Jimmy Hopkins, and don't ask how I'm doing. I'm tell you this though, I will be at the Chem Plant Festival.", a voice said.
- By the sounds of it, a Bullworth student. Loud mouthed, obnoxious and young. A perfect "fake", according to Ashley's standards.

"That's so awesome, kid!", she said.
"You bet. And I'm not just going to watch some wannabe hacks bust some broken rhymes or shred rusty guitar strings. No way, man.
I'm gonna be there to kick ass and show 'em who's boss", Jimmy said.
"I feel a lot of hardcore energy flowin' here, Jim", Ashley said as she giggled at his statement.
"Well it was nice talking to you, Ashley. Give my salutations to 4 Straws, will you?", he said.

Ashley gave the kid a farewell and continued the same old radio drill. Song, song, commercial, song, phones. Rinse and repeat.
The hours passed and we had some fun. Even managed to bring in some pot whilst Mr. Lawrance had taken off.
After a while, what seemed like fun turned into a blast, so we left the studio and headed off to a close-by Yum Yum Market-store.
We both got some Beam Cola and a carton of eggs (Ashley's idea, of course).

She lead me to a local skatingpark by the traintracks. Instead of going in though, we both went up a ladder.
"Skating? That's your thing?", I asked as I was climbing up the ladder.
Ashley turned around and smirked at me, and turned around again.
"That's a No, huh?", I assumed.
Ashley looked out over the city and said "You know... I really like this town. I mean, it's not beautiful, but it has its' charm and own form of feel to it".
She looked at me for a moment. "Yeah, uh totally. I get what you mean, it's pretty... uh... interesting".
Ashley laughed for a brief moment before grabbing the carton of eggs and gave me half of the dussin eggs.

We then began throwing eggs at close-by buildings and abandoned sites.
After a while of throwing eggs and laughing hysterically, we climbed back down before someone called the cops and began to leg it back to the studio.
Compared to the outside, the studio was like a warm blanked. Perfect temperature, nice decorative posters on the walls and constant music playing.
What more could one ask for?

When we got into the studio booth, I eagerly leaned in and what seemed for a second to be like kissing.
She hesitated for a moment, but quickly grew eager as well to mimic my action.
It didn't take long though before we both realised the mistake we had just made and the painful silence took place.
Apart from Madd Dog's latest song "Kill a MF G" playing in the background, everything was silent.
It took a few seconds before we regained eye contact.
"I better get going", she said as she quickly grabbed her coat and headed for the door.
"Hey, I'm sorry" I quickly responded. She stopped at the door and looked back at me.
"Yeah, I know. See you tomorrow, okay?", she said before quickly rushing out the door.