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Author Topic: Bully II, My Story Ideas.  (Read 4572 times)

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Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« on: December 25, 2013, 03:30:28 PM »
I'm gonna start fresh with a new section. I'll upload them as I check them for correctness. It's halfway done, but I gotta put it out there. So yeah, If you have questions, comments or concerns, post them, I'll respond back.

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 07:31:44 PM »
I'm gonna give you guys a little description on how the new protagonist looks in my story, bio as well. Inspiration for his looks came from Charlie Mcdermott.

Austin Henderson-Protagonist-Character File

Age: 17

Birthday: May 20, 1996

Appearance: Hair: Black - Eyes: Green (amblopyia in right eye)- Shoe Size: 10 M USA - Height: 5'10" - Weight: 145 lbs.

Austin Henderson Bio:

A teenage boy who comes from a wealthy, but rough household, who's seen more than his fair share of things a teenage boy should see. At birth there was a defect causing amblopyia in his right eye, leaving him blind in that eye and casuing it to wander.  In his first ten years of life he had taken loads of insults from his fellow peers until one day he decided to make a stand. He became addicted to the rush of getting even, and the school-less days of suspension and most other things juvenile delinquents enjoy. His father, Mathew Henderson, is a retired cop from the Liberty City Police Department who has seen many things in his line of work; He has drinking, smoking, and anger problems and mostly takes it out on Austin's mother, Augustine Henderson. Augustine is a housewife, she stays with Austin's father because she does not want to mess up her what Austin calls it, " Fairytale family". Augustine decides to make Mathew and her go through counseling, and decides that it would be best for Austin to go to a boarding school that he hasn't been to for him to expand his social life and it would make him more comfortable at collage. So they assign him a room in the New Hemisphere school of Bullworth Academy, to where Austin is scheduled spend his last two years of high school in. After being expelled from his previous school for sexual harassment, he's on his way to Bullworth.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 08:17:55 AM by BullworthChampion »

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2014, 07:59:49 PM »

It’s a warm August evening, and there’s a boy and a woman inside a nice, beige family van.  “Austin, aren’t you excited? It’s a boarding school this time honey.” Austin shakes his head and shrugs. “ Mom, you know you don’t need to send me to some lame school, just to impress Mathew.” She lectures him about not calling his father by his first name, as it gets Mathew upset. The phone rings and she answers, her first response is saying hello and calling Mathew, Mattie. He yells quite frequently and above all you hear him calling her Augustine. Austin mumbles under his breath saying that Mathew is a drunken lard ass. He puts on some headphones then goes to sleep.
His mom speeds up, and they arrive in Bullworth Town in an hour after a two hour road trip.They pass by some new landmarks in the town of Bullworth then finally they arrive at the school. Augustine wakes him up and tells him to get his bag. He and his mother heads on over to the back of the van, and get his two bags. He hugs her and tells her see you in two, she finishes his sentence  and says years. She begins to cry and he comforts her, she kisses his cheek and drives off back to Liberty. He tears a little too.

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2014, 08:26:16 PM »
Chapter I- The New School


He’s alone at the front gates when a tall woman in heels walks behind him, surprising him. He puts up his fists in alarm, then notices that she means no harm. He’s standing a few feet from her, but could tell that she was the same height as him in the heels. “ Hello boy, you must be Austin Henderson?” He obliges “ Yeah, you gotta be Ms.Danvers eh, I heard about you, you got a thing for Dr.Crabblesnitch hah!” Her cheeks turn a deep red, and tells him to go into the main school office to see Dr.Crabblesnitch. She flurries off in anger and embarrassment, taking his bags, leaving him empty handed and with no sense of direction. He walks to the main courtyard and looks around, there’s students with matching uniforms all around walking to wherever they need to be at 4:00 in the afternoon. He tries to get directions from a blonde girl in a white polo shirt, khaki shorts, and black hi-top shoes, she immediately snaps on him. “ Don’t ever touch or talk to me again you hear? If you do…..” She pauses and  references for some other boys in white polo shirts to go to where she was. They all run over, Austin doesn’t move a muscle. They almost instantly start bullying him, and he swings on a tall brown haired boy, they all try to grab him but the boy says he’ll make an example out of Austin.  People gather around for the fight that was about to commence. Austin throws wild punches and the boy throws wild punches although his punches are actually hitting Austin. Austin goes to kick the boys’ knee, he stumbles, and Austin takes advantage of his hesitation breaking the boys' nose. Phone cameras flare as the new kid goes to the main school, after getting directions from the girl who started all the trouble.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 11:20:50 AM by BullworthChampion »

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2014, 08:46:37 PM »
Word hasn’t got out about the fight yet, but it will soon he knows that. He goes up the staircase to the school office, he talks to Ms.Danvers and she lets him into the headmasters’ office. She knocks on the door and he tells her that she can come in, she rushes Austin into the office fast. He tells Ms.Danvers thank you, and sends her out. He looks Austin up and down and tells him he looks disgraceful, wearing a wrinkly white t-shirt, wrinkled black jeans, and a pair of black boots also having a diamond earring in his left ear. He looks at Austin’s record and tells him that the record was long, longer than another boy’s transcript some time before. He slumps in his chair and starts playing with his hair. Dr.Crabblesnitch booms loudly, “ Welcome to Bullworth Academy Austin Henderson, here is your classes you will take for the semester, your school handbook, and free Bullworth sweatshirt, vest, dress shirt, two pairs of khaki school slacks, dark blue slacks, and black slacks, also the extra curricular activity list for the extra things you can do in your free time on this fine campus. He gives Austin a glare and says you will do your best to behave won’t you Austin?” “ Yeah man, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep from bashing some pompous ass’s head in the wall, whatever it takes, I swear man, on like my old man’s grave.” Austin says without even filtering his voice box. “Young sir, you will respect everyone on this campus at all times. Even when your temper flares, you will keep a clean nose and you will address your elders as sir, ma’am, miss, mister or madam. Now go change into your uniform.” And with that Austin heads on out.

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2014, 09:36:48 PM »
Austin asks Ms.Danvers to show him the way to the boys dorm, but she tells him to ask someone else because she’s busy. Austin runs into Mr. Galloway and asks him. He tells Austin that he planned on going that way because he’s a chaperone in the dorm. So Austin walks with Mr.Galloway  to the dorm, and he looks at his room number 2-F. Mr.Galloway tells him that was an upstairs room. Austin heads on upstairs to his room and notices that it was completely empty besides three beds, three desks and three bookshelves. He gets into his uniform at 4:30 when all classes were over, he wonders why he was wearing that thing at the end of the school day. He wears his blue bullworth vest with the dress shirt underneath cuffed up to his elbow, and collar is straight with an untidiness in the front. He puts on some black slacks and his brown boots that he bought along, pulls the sweatshirt over his head onto his torso, his shirtfront, tail, side, and collar poke out. Some boy comes by the dorm and tells Austin hello. “Hey man how are ya, I’m new here so, and I ain’t really finished unpacking you know.” The boy tells Austin that his name is Steve, Steven McClain for his full name. ”I’ll be next door if you need me for anything.” Steve tells Austin and Austin grunts to show he heard him.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 11:19:48 PM by BullworthChampion »

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2014, 10:45:28 PM »
Austin goes down the stairs of his dorm and notices that there’s a soda machine in the rec room. He pays the dollar for it and drinks it. He sees Steve come down the stairs and tells him hey. He asks Austin if he learned his way around Bullworth yet and Austin tells him no. He shows Austin around just before the bullies try to jump them both near the garages in the newly designed auto shop area, to be friendlier to students who have drivers’ licenses. They are surrounded by the bullies as they are caught between cars. Steve tells Austin to climb up on a car, and gives him a slingshot. Austin looks at the toy in awe as if what damage could it do. But alas that was his only weapon at the time, or yell for help and go against all his principals.

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2014, 11:18:18 AM »

Steve gives Austin some pebbles and Austin puts them in his slingshot. He pulls back as far as he can and lets one rip and a short Asian boys’ face. He tries to jump on the car for Austin but Austin kicks him hard in the nose, making the boy fall down and whine. Steve shoots his at a porky boy who has hair similar to that of Crabblesnitch. They repeat the shoot and kick process for a while, until Steve runs out of stones. “ Well we’re shit outta luck Austin.” Austin gets down from the car and he runs over to the auto shop class. The auto shop teacher is in there wondering why he came in so late. Steve follows behind him. “Play it cool Steven, and act like nothin’ happened.” Steve replies with an ok and they go up to the teacher. “ So are you a must be Austin Henderson am I right? Welcome to Bullworth Academy, are you taking shop this semester?” Austin tells him he was scheduled to take his course. “Well how old are you?” “17.” Austin replies. “Okay for a 17 year old, wait do you have your driver’s license?” Austin tells him once he gets a pass to leave the school grounds he will. “ Well until you do, I’m going to have to put you in the bike work station, there’s going to be a whole bunch of stuff I know you’ll like.” “It’s cool, I can wait to drive a car, I’m in no rush at all to get on the road.” Austin replies, but he has a sense of disappointment in his face. Just then the door slams open, the gang of white polo, and dress shirts were there glaring at Austin and Steve. “Jackson what are you doing in here, class is over get out, or I’m calling the prefects.” A tall black boy with wavy hair replies, “Alright Mr. Winston damn.” Him and his lackeys leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow Mr. Henderson.” “Come on Steve, lets go.” Austin says as he pats Steve's back.

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2014, 11:54:08 AM »
They see the boys hanging out and they decide to go the other way. They bump into a decent looking brown haired girl wearing a blue vest and skirt. Austin immediately takes notice and stops to flirt. Austin symbols for Steve to go on ahead  but he doesn’t get the memo. Austin walks over to Steve, “ Dude get outta here, go to the dorm, I’ll see you later.” Steve responds with an okay and trudges off with a sad look on his face. Austin goes back to the girl and talks to her. She tells him her name was Heather. “Where are you goin?” He asks and she tells him that she was going to go to dinner in the school cafeteria and asks him if he would like to come. “Sure, I’m game.” “So you’re the new boy aren’t you? You got in a fight your first day?!” Heather shakes her head. “ Well, they kind of were trying to bully me, and I don’t like that. So that guy got what he deserved.” She explains to him that just because he can, he shouldn’t go around beating people up. They go inside the building and they go inside the cafeteria. They grab trays and go up for the food. Slop is being served by a group of disgusting looking lunch ladies. Austin looks at his food and tries to hold back vomit. They sit and talk without even touching their food. They get along real well, and they talk about why Austin showed up at Bullworth, and his background. Heather shows deep interest in him. They leave the building and Heather tells Austin to call her to chat when he needs to. She gives him her number Austin walks off happily with the new cell phone number he just got. But he realizes the word chat was said, and he immediately says one word, “Friendzoned?”

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2014, 12:59:13 PM »
Austin walks to his dorm and see’s Mr. Galloway in the hall. Austin says hey to him and walks to his room changing into his pajamas consisting of, white and red shorts, a white t-shirt, and black socks. He gets one dollar from his slacks and heads down to the soda machine and buys a Sprunk. The Asian boy he hit with the slingshot and kicked in the nose walked past. They give each other deep glares. Steve comes down in his pajamas consisting of track pants, a YOLO t-shirt, and  camo socks. They sit down in the rec room and talk about Heather. “ I think I got friendzoned man.” Steve laughs and Austin chuckles. They tell each other good night and head on up to bed. Austin wakes up and feels his window. “It must be hot out there, I’m gonna see if Heather’s doin anything, friendzoned HAH!” He gets dressed in the same thing but without the blue sweater. He starts down and finds Steve waiting for him. They both go to advanced chemistry for their first blocks, and shop for their third blocks. They start on and Austin sees Heather, he tells Steve to wait up for Heather. Heather comes and Austin gives her a side hug like all most friendzone hugs. They walk and talk and go to the AC room. Heather forgot she was in civics in first hour. They go in. There teacher introduces himself and gives everyone the download link for the subject textbook on the school laptop. They get their first lab notes and are expected to be able to follow instructions on their hands on test at the end of that lesson. Class ends, Austin goes to gym and Steve goes to home economics. Austin goes inside the gym to see a tall figure in the gym. There’s a gray haired man in a sport jacket, track pants, and tennis shoes. “Hey man how are you?” Says the man. “I’m doin fine, who are you?” “I’m coach Diego. There’s uniforms over there go ahead and get one. Austin grabs a red Bullworth Bullhorns shirt, and white shorts with a Bullworth bull on the side. He gets some extra shoes from Coach Diego to play and run in. He goes to the locker room downstairs and sits down.

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2014, 08:21:02 AM »
The tardy bell rings and students walk in slow. Austin is already dressed and is heading on out. More people come out and some girls as well. Coach Diego tells them what they’re going to be doing when they come in to the game gym. “You come in here, you get dressed, and you stretch. When you finish stretching, you go outside on the track around the football field and run two laps. When your finished come in here and there’ll be a scheduled sport for you, don’t participate then get out of this class.” People talk in the class all but Austin. He takes role. All the girls in the class come over to Austin and question him about how old he is and where he was from. He feels as though he’s been bumrushed. In the background boys are staring in jealousy. Coach Diego brings out some basketballs and some boys with letterman jackets jump on them as soon as they see them. Austin thinks to himself that they are a bunch of sports junkies. He notices it was kind of cold in the gym. He runs around the gym for a few minutes to warm up and some kids laugh at him. Coach spots him and tells him to head over to him.
Austin goes into his office, “Yes…..sir?” Coach asks him why he was running on a free day. “It’s kinda cold in here and I wanna stay in shape for baseball.” Coach’s face lights up. “You play baseball, urr Austin right?” Austin responds with a simple yes. “You see here Austin, we don’t have a lot of talent over here in the baseball department….exactly how good are ya?” “I’M KING OF THE WORLD! No, I’m pretty decent if I dare say so myself.”
Coach Diego explains the time when baseball try-outs starts and the Bullworth baseball history. “ I know about this school’s crappy baseball system, and the only thing goin’ over here is football.” The bell rings and Coach reminds him of the try-out date. “I’ll be there.”

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2014, 11:08:15 AM »
Austin puts on his clothes in the locker room then starts to head on out to his next class. As he walks by people start mumbling under their breaths. “The hell are they talkin’ about? Oh yeah.” He remembers that he had amblyopia or lazy eye in his right eye. He’d forgotten about it for awhile after resolving all his bully problems with his fists. “He’s cockeyed. hah hah!” Austin turns around fast to see who had said it. It was a blonde in some very expensive looking school clothes. “You got something to say to me kid?” The boy gets up from the bench he was sitting on to go confront Austin. Austin rolls up his sleeve more. The boy takes off his vest. “I’m gonna kick your ass.” “What ya got bitch?” Austin swings at the boys’ head and hits. He tries to grab Austin but Austin reverses and does a takedown move. He climbs on top of him hits him then gets up. He tries to jump back on top of Austin. He hits Austin hard on the left side of his face. Austin pushes him up. They continue to fight until a little chubby boy shows up with a prefect. He breaks up the two boys, and does it roughly at that. He drags them to the headmaster’s office and throws them in. “Hello sir. I just found these two delinquents fighting each other. Give them your worst heh.” He laughs wickedly as he leaves.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 08:16:17 AM by BullworthChampion »

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2014, 11:41:00 AM »
Dr.Crabblesnitch looks at the two and shakes his head in disbelief. He glares at Austin then begins to speak. “ Well, well Austin Henderson and Daniel Boudreaux correct? The boys groan in a way to tell him yes. “ Fighting is not tolerated here at Bullworth Academy. As older students, I would expect you to conduct yourself better in front of the younger students. I normally would give you a pass straight to the punishment prefect, but I’ll let this off as a warning and the only warning I will give you. Take some time to sort this out for me, what happened in the first place?” “This guy called me cockeyed, and I don’t like that, so I just showed him who was the boss around here.” Austin glares at the boy while telling the headmaster this. “The pauper doesn’t understand the meaning of a joke. Plus I simply said something that was true and he couldn’t handle it.” Daniel says. Crabblesnitch looks at both of them and sighs. “Daniel, I know your mother and father, Austin I can contact your mother, but as I said, I won’t do it this time. Now you both will remember to keep your noses clean, and act like the young men you are.” Austin nods. Daniel just plays with his platinum watch and shrugs. Austin gets up to leave as does Daniel. ”One… at a time,” Dr.Crabblesnitch points out. Daniel rushes to leave and snickers. Austin hangs back to talk to Dr.Crabblesnitch.

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Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2014, 11:55:33 AM »
“What’s the matter Austin?” Austin takes a long pause and there is an awkward silence. Austin finally speaks up. “What…what’s wrong with people?” “What do you mean, tell me.” “It’s been like this for a long time, why do people just keep pickin on ya?” Dr.Crabblesnitch explains to him that in most cases people aren’t comfortable with themselves and must make others feel down. “ It’s not always us Austin, but as people we must learn to cope with these things as it defines who we are. Now I would love to be your mentor or guide to supreme happiness, but I’m a busy man. If you need to talk to someone there’s the counselor and her student helper.” Austin starts to look a bit hurt. “If you need me bad at any time or a little man to man talk come to me instead. Now have a good day Mr.Henderson.” “Alright, see ya,” Austin heads on for the dorm.