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Author Topic: First day at Bullworth?  (Read 2742 times)

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Offline Parker Ogilvie

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First day at Bullworth?
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:11:15 PM »
Can you remember back all those years when you took your very first step into Bullworth Academy? What did you think of it? Did you get lost around campus much? Get beaten up a lot? Start hanging around with your favourite clique before they actually liked you? How did you do in your classes? Side missions? Any characters you became enemies with pretty quickly? Who was your favourite girl? Who was your 'first' girl? Favourite weapons (melee/thrown)? Share your experiences below!

Offline Parker Ogilvie

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Re: First day at Bullworth?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2013, 02:11:41 PM »
Admittedly, I was a little dismayed to find that everyone hated you at first. I started chatting to the three Bullies at the beginning by the gate and had to pay off both Trent and Ethan (Davis just walked away). I remember getting lost quite a bit, going into the wrong dorm a couple of times and always having to be busted to find my class. Then when it was "time for a beat down" I actually fled round the back of the dorm because I thought it was going to be a Boss Fight and I didn't know the controls.

I remember hating the navy blue vest so I bought a School-Sweater and some Cheap Dress Shoes from the student shop fit in more. I fell in with the Preps pretty quickly, having huge respect for them after Bryce and Gord literally  destroyed me in the Cafeteria. I used to go over to Harrington House in the evenings but I always had to pay them off, and once I even got knocked out with shoves.

I hated the Jocks at first but realised once that after the keep-up's mini game (I played it a lot to get money, and because it was the one tiny speck of Britain in a massive American school) you can actually hire Luis, even if you're in bad terms with the Jocks, which was pretty awesome. I did get a bit fed up with the missions where you just had to help the Nerds over and over again and I'll admit I was a little crushed when Gary turned on you too. I liked the place more as I kept playing I suppose...

Offline Hayley

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Re: First day at Bullworth?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2013, 08:16:00 PM »
I first played the game many years ago when my sister brought it over when she visited... I remember running around and wondering what the hell I'm supposed to do, failing shop class, and swimming around until I was bored and turned the game off (I also apparently started a file and completed Welcome to Bullworth, though I don't remember anything about it).

I was not impressed with the game at all.

It wasn't until ~4 years that I decided I wanted to give the game a second chance. I sort of blazed through the game not really paying much attention to it... it wasn't until I completed the story and messed around for a while in endless summer that it started to grow on me.

... and I can't go into anymore detail. :D
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 08:17:50 PM by Hayley »

Offline SWEGTA

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Re: First day at Bullworth?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2013, 04:12:11 AM »
My brother had looked up the game on Rockstar's old website. I thought that it looked pretty basic. Might be fun, especially since I had played a bunch of GTA games recently.

I wrote it down on the christmas wishlist at my ma's house. And eventually I got the game.
After the whole celebration of "yaaay, presents, yaaay good food, yaaay" I went up to my room, popped the disc in the PS2 and watched the intro.

And now it was time to take control.
So I moved the camera around a bit around Jimmy and the gate. Wondering "Am I stuck here?".
I was approached by a group of three fine gentlemen. One whom demanded a small amount of currency from me.

I attacked him in defense, but got overwhelmed really fast as another fine sir from the same group appeared. Thus giving me 4 people to beat it with zero to no knowledge about the fighting system.
So I ran away to the principals office.

After the cutscene and introduction with Gary, I began exploring the school. Trying to befriend anyone that basicly didn't hate my guts already.
I began following and hanging out with Constantinos. As depressing as the guy was, he was my only friend. And I couldn't afford to loose that. At least... that's what I thought.

A Bully appeared out of nowhere, knocked him down and I watched in shear horror as my only friend ran for his life, being followed by almost an entire clique of bullies.
My instinct told me, run, help him. But my mind told me that it was too late. And that it would mean death for both of us.

After english class, I began looking through the school halls. Avoiding jocks, greasers and bullies.
I began flirting with Chrissy, but quickly got rejected.
Having my both phallus and heart brought down, I resumed my exploration.

I feld like a snack was in place, so I headed for the cafeteria. I wanted to greet and befriend the lunch-staff. Nonetheless, I quickly turned away and headed back to my seat as I saw the horror. That is Edna.

I was sitting there, reading the manual at the same time trying to figure out what to do next when suddenly. An apple hit Jimmy in the head.

A bunch of students began throwing food at each other, so I took cover behind the table, grabbed a banana, accidentaly ate some of it and threw it at a random student.

Of course, having that student be a small girl wasn't my full plan. I turned around and saw Edna at my horror, staring me blindly in the eye.
I tried to run, but a prefect appeared from the cafetera entrance and grabbed me down.

The principal told me to clean up my act. I knew that it was no laughing matter, regardless of what face that little girl made when the half-eaten banana flew into her face.

I headed for the football field in order to relieve some stress. I ate an apple, got rejected once again from none other than Mandy herself.

It was nighttime and suddenly on my way back to the dorm I was rushed by a prefefct. Eager to get the hell out of there, I tapped the Triangle button like crazy. Until eventually Jimmy grabbed the prefect's "manhood" and I began to leg it.

Getting into the dorm just in time and falling into my bed, just wondering. What the hell happened today?

Ze End

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Re: First day at Bullworth?
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2013, 04:39:11 AM »
Oh, that was just PRICELESS.

You would make a great Comedy Writer, y'know that ?

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Re: First day at Bullworth?
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2013, 05:41:09 AM »
I remember the first time I played Bully.

On PS2.... in 2008....

I was approached by 3 Bullies, Ethan Trent and Davis, I didn't know how to lock on so they attacked me, I ran and they hit me infront of a prefect. I didn't know Seth was a prefect so I assumed he was helping me. After that incident, I wondered into the school, where a little boy, Sheldon, said something to me so I hit him by accident, when Karl came and busted me.
Once again, I didn't know Karl was a prefect so I thought he was Sheldon's older brother and thought he came to beat me up for it. [XD]
After the talk with Crabblesnitch I wondered around the place a bit, finding myself outside Harrington House, where I saw Bif. I knew for a fact he was going to be hard to fight so I didn't go anywhere near him.
After looking around for a while, I decided to go to the Boys Dorm where I was given the fighting tutorial.
So yeah after that I attempted This Is Your School and was shocked by the Eunice part. O_o

I loved the way every character had a unique personality and appearence.

Offline SWEGTA

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Re: First day at Bullworth?
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2013, 06:51:00 AM »
Thanks guys!
Why yes, I shall become a comedian one day.