Again, sorry if this is already well known, I’m still trying to get to grips with the forum but I’ve found something bizarre.
I’ve been redoing the “Finding Johnny Vincent” mission recently as I find the second half quite fun. I acquired the Orderly Uniform, relived the guard from his post and activated the switch to open all the cell doors. I can’t be the only one who stops for a minute to spar with the inmates as they start rioting but I noticed something peculiar.
After provoking one of the dropout inmates into fighting you hr began acting really strangely, to attack he used that same brawling style as the Bullies but he run like some sort of animal, doubled over forwards which his arms swinging against the floor. Then, as if that wasn’t strange enough, he used this grapple move where he lunged at Jimmy, climbed partly up the front of his body and started mauling his face like a wolf or something.
It was quite poorly animated so probably wasn’t intended to be finished and put inside the game but I was so amazed by it I didn’t realise how quickly Jimmy’s health was depleting. He was knocked out in just under 10 seconds, I mean Bif, Damon and Russell combined couldn’t do that much damage that quickly.
The inmate still used the same fighting dialogue as his dropout counterpart but he just behaved so bizarrely. I’ve never really like the asylum, the wired skeleton model, mortuary vaults and room with the large oven just creep me out, but this was just insane. Has anyone else had a go at it?