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Author Topic: Recent Drama  (Read 2431 times)

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Offline Red Blaster

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Recent Drama
« on: April 07, 2013, 09:40:20 PM »
So it turns out that the fake GarySmithFan account was a strawman sockpuppet of UltimateGamer1, and that the whole trash-talk went from simple trolling into a framing attempt.

Let's put aside the very pathetic attempt at impersonating an innocent user. What I would like to understand is, why all the egocentrism around modding? What do you have to prove behind it? It's not going to net you celebrity like fame. There isn't any money to be won. So why all this selfishness? And why do many people out there who leech off of modders try to steal credit on youtube?

Let this be a lesson to any would-be retard who wants to go down this moronic path.

P.S. Also, if someone tries to stir up a ruckus, do NOT involve yourself. Report it.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 06:18:45 PM by Admiral Red »

Offline MadmaN

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Re: Recent Drama
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 02:07:00 PM »
I know this topic is locked but I can't resist putting my two cents here anyways since I really don't like to see people causing problems in a community that has potential to be really great.

Well Red, You know as well as I do that this is just all about fame and when it comes to the youtube is just namely because some people are in a obsessed battle over who can get the most traffic to their youtube account like it will make them super famous or something. Never really truely understood that since I have never seeked out fame or glory for myself....never will really since it is useless to

I do suspect strongly that the actions that led UltimateGamer1 to do this is likely because of me. Namely because of how far and fast I have risen through the modding community and basicly taking charge of it and the fact that not only do I have a rather large amount of knowledge about the game in general, but unlike UltimateGamer1....I can back up every single thing I say with solid proof which Red here can attest to since I do NOT lie about anything nor would I.....wouldn't serve me well at all if I chose to do something like that. 

I also believe that he (UG1) may feel slighted over the above reasons because he may feel that he is in a competition over who is the better modder or whatever (I don't consider myself better then anyone here. I let others decide for themselves and simply stay out of that I think that is just plain silly since modders should work together and not against one another.

Trying to frame another modder or anyone really is just a childish stunt that gets the person nowhere and makes them then lose all credibility in everyone else's eyes and forever tarnishes their reputation and will follow them wherever they choose to go from that point forward.

This is the reason why I have been trying to get everyone to work together with mods and learning rather then working against one another in some silly competition to see who can be the "lord of bully modding" or whatever fancy title you wish to put there since in the end....we can only keep moving forward as a community if everyone puts any silly differences aside and just work together which will benefit everyone....or everyone can simply just fight it out to the last man standing and then where will we all be as a community?

I think it would be a smart idea to keep this topic where it is or maybe sticky it for new members to read over so that anyone getting a similar set of ideas to try something like this ...will realize that this kind of behavior is NOT tolerated here and action will be swiftly taken by the staff to keep order in the community....since in the end....we all just want to mod a game that is fun to mess around with and play....and learn something new in the process. Hell...this has also allowed a lot of us here to make new friends in the process which is not such a bad thing...and can only lead to more positive things.  :biggrin:

Offline King Cobra

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Re: Recent Drama
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 06:39:09 AM »
As Madman stated above, this modding section is for people to work together, not against each other. This is no competition. Fighting to prove you're the better modder won't achieve you anything. Working together will achieve things here. By starting modder wars you're just throwing a wrench in this community's true capabilities as a whole.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: Recent Drama
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 01:37:24 PM »
My point exactly!  8)