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Author Topic: Red Wine To Blue Collar  (Read 2549 times)

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Offline Binky

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Red Wine To Blue Collar
« on: August 15, 2012, 03:05:53 PM »
Just want to note some things before I start;

*This is a long story, but not like the NES. It does end sooner, but is still a long story which I'll be working on bit by bit.
*If you have any comments, please comment here;
*Critique is welcome, but not flames. I'm not a genius story writer, I just enjoy it.
*Not being mean but I'd prefer to be the only one who writes the story.
*This is about Edgar's life up until present Edgar (the one in Bully).
*I know I said I wouldn't release it until I've finished but fuck I'm itching to post.
*Other than this, enjoy!

I was a mistake, though it wasn't obvious from day one. I felt loved, like I belonged, in the past. But I've learned that that doesn't matter. The past can't be altered. But the future can.
  It was simple. Poppa would come home from work and Mom would serve Poppa's dinner before she left for work herself. When she did leave, Poppa would always let me have chips, soda, the works before bed (thought Mom said I musn't). That process repeated every day until the weekends. Weekends would be 'family days', where we'd spend the day together, whether it be out or in, it would be our day. But when it came to the crunch, everything changed, including our family. Just at five years old.
"What do you mean lost your job? For god sakes, you really want to throw away our family fortune?" I heard Mom's muffled yells from my bedroom, which was next to theirs. I crept across the hall and watched through the crack of the door "Calm down, Dilys. It's not like we'll crumble to the ground. We'll just have to get a smaller house and cut down on the luxuries. We can still be a healthy happy family" said Poppa calmly. He put his hand on Mom's shoulder, only to be violently shrugged of and replaced with a harsh, loud slap which made me jump. "Do you want our family to become nit-bitten scumbags?" she screeched, oblivious to Poppa holding his hand on his burning cheek. "Now you are overreacting." Pop said, his voice raising with a stern tone.
  Just as he opened his mouth to speak Mom cut him off "Do you even think we can cut down on anything? We need what we got!" she whined, but still angry with veins pulsating in her forehead. "Just because you couldn't live without your fucking Aquaberry and your perfumes. How much do you spend on your wardrobe? About a grand a trip. I spend all our money on our boy, who, if you haven't noticed, needs clothes more than either of us. So while you flitter your cash and cards on pathetic expensive things, here's poor soap Joe supporting our child. Not mine, or yours, ours. How could you be so selfish?" spat Poppa. Mom looked stunned, but said nothing as the vase exploded in sharp shards on Poppa's face.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 08:12:04 PM by Binky »

Offline Binky

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Re: Red Wine To Blue Collar
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 08:12:54 PM »
I spent weeks crying, and all the while Mom kept telling me to toughen up. There was no talk of school thanks to the situation. After I turned eight, Mom started leaving me in the house on my own in the evenings. She'd often come back smelling strongly of drink and a slight touch of aftershave. In the morning she rang in sick, spent the day 'recovering', then she would do the same that night.
  After another three months she was fired, so she decided to move to Blue Skies. She then worked at Worn In to hang clothes up in the changing rooms, still going out and drinking in the evening, often returning to work hungover. She carried on with this routine for two years. When Granny caught wind of it, she was furious with Mom, but not me. I started living with her just in time. I'd often go back to pick up clothes and find needles scattered on the floor along with beer bottles. So for a year until Granny died, I lived with her.
"Would you like one my dear?" Said Grandma, shakily offering me a party sized apple pie. "No thanks" I mumbled, cracking my knuckles and grinding my teeth. She put it back and turned to face me "Edgar," she said sternly. I faced her.
  She had the tone which said 'listen or I'll kick your ass'. She squeezed my shoulder and gave me that warm smile she wore so well. It suddenly turned into strained discomfort "Your mother is a selfish stuck-up cow, t' be quite honest with ya'. I didn't want ya' Dad to mix with a blue blood, 'cause most marriges end up like this. I 'spose your mother is feeding ya' complete nonsense, hopin' money will fly through the front door? But listen to me Edgar, even if ya' never listen again," she said, her warm hazel eyes matching the new soft smile she wore so well.
Her hands cupped my face as she looked me in the eyes, very softly saying "Ya'r the best thing tha's happened to this Munsen family. You've seen the disaster happening these past few years, so ya' know more than anyone what the story is. And you know it isn't a fairytale. But believe me boy, you have a purpose. And before I flop onto my deathbed promise me this. Atleast try to be better than ya' momma n' poppa? By that I don't get a fancy house and pay cheque an' all tha' business. I mean make ya'self stable, happy, and never put ya' family through crap like these two 'ave, alrigh'?" She said, waiting for me to answer.

Offline Binky

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Re: Red Wine To Blue Collar
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2012, 04:09:13 PM »
Of course, the answer was yes. I'd never break a promise to my Grandma. I think she's the only person I'd ever loved in my life. I can't honestly say I love my Mom or Poppa. Even Poppa didn't bother with me after he recovered from hospital, which, I knew Granny would be rolling in her grave over. The poor woman died after a year of me staying with her. I started going to high school when I was living with Grandma, but after she died, I had to go back to Mom.
When I came back, she didn't even ask where I went. She acknowledged me and moaned whenever I wanted my clothes washing or dinner or I pointed out the trailor needed cleaning. I ended doing it myself, I learned how to do all the housework to stop myself starving and having clumps of mould form into a carpets. I started going out and meeting other kids in the neighborhood. That's how I met Shelby. We were together for 3 months before we slept together. She told me she was a virgin. The girl I thought I loved lied and turned out to be as much as a whore as my Mom.
"Wanna go out again tonight?" I asked Shelby over the phone. I was nervous. We hadn't had sex in a while. It was the first thing she asked me over the phone; "Do you 'ave a rubber?". Whenever I've said no she tried to persuade me anyway, but I refuse. I remember Grandma's promise every time. I haven't been able to get any rubbers recently and she doesn't go out with me when I don't. Maybe she's seeing sense, I thought. "Have you gotta rubber yet?" she sighed. "No," I replied worridly "B-but we can always go out and do stuff instead of... you know." I rushed, trying to keep her interested. "Well I aren't goin' out then. I'll see yah some othah time, OK? Bye" she sighed, and hung up before I got to say I love you.
I felt like a complete wimp and a fail not being able to keep her happy. I wanted everything to fall into place and take care of her like Grandma said to do once I get a family... I made for the docks. I always went there by myself late at night and sat on the edge. I always brought bricks with me just in case, though I had muscle from lifting things in Spencer Shipping when I was angry and went on a vandalising spree.
I wound down the paths, smelling the burning mixed with salty air. I considered getting a job here when I was old enough. Seems easy enough. Just as I started thinking about jobs I froze. I saw an old guy with a girl kneeling infront of him. It was obvious what she was doing... She had a fistfull of dollars. The detail soaked in... I saw the messy beehive, the croptop, the fishnet tights, the tight leather skirt... It was the whore I loved called Shelby was paid to give oral sex to the man I found out to be Mr Burton.

Offline Binky

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Re: Red Wine To Blue Collar
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2012, 05:50:17 AM »
Of course, after that bitch girls were my last concern. They either wanted money or sex. In Shelby's case both. A month after breaking up with her from the Burton incident, she went missing. She was last seen with a tall man in a dark suit. But anyway, this is my story, not hers.
Needing to ventilate my anger, I, as I always did, went to Spencer Shipping.
I pushed the rusty door which let out a short creek. I walked forward and looked around, coughing a little from the dust. "What the hell?" my voice trailed off, to see everything from the statues to the glass bottles now turned into minute peices on the shelves and floors. Someone had got there before me, and clearly were crazier than me. Just as my foot made a crunch on the glass, I heared the heavy thump of boots. I looked behind me to find a ginger muscular kid with big ears sprint towards me. I grabbed his arm and swung him around, putting him in a headlock. "Wha- what do you think you're doing? he wheezed. I didn't realized how tight my grip was I loosed only slightly enough for him to breath. "Looks like I'm being attacked by a ginger kid" I growled whilst he tried to struggle out of my grasp. "I- You're Edgar, right? Munsen?" he tried to lift his head up, but coughed as his windpipe pressed against my bicep. "And? What is it to you pal? Got a problem with me, HUH?!" I tightened my grip with every word, but released as I saw him turn blue but kept hold of his wrist.

The kid took deep gasps before replying "We heard about you a- and thought you'd be... I don't know, boss? Leader?" he asked meekly. "Who's 'we'?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. "The dropouts. Come to the chem plant with me and I'll show you" he said quickly, colour finally returning to his face. "Fine. Lead the way" I let go of his wrists and followed him out of the door. "By the way kid, what's your name?". The kid looked up at me and said "Er Omar. Omar Romero". The name rang a bell. Romero. Shelby Romero... This was Shelby's brother...