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Author Topic: My Bully 2 Ideas.  (Read 3586 times)

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Offline MightyZeus

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My Bully 2 Ideas.
« on: November 01, 2012, 01:45:01 PM »
Characters and Cliques.

Alex - Main character
Jimmy - Deuteragonist/Antagonist



Travis- Leader
Leon- 2ND in command
Stu- Member
Seth- Member

Rich- Member
Henrietta- Female member


Pedro (De La Hoya)- Leader
Ralph- Member
Goh- Member
Buster - Member
Dante- Member
Bruce- Member
Brandine- Female Member


Timothy- Leader
Cole- Member
Sheldon (Thompson)- Member
Harry- Member
Wallace- Member
Matthew- Member
Alice- Female Member


Kirby- Leader
Brad- 2nd in command
Stan- Member
Kearney- Member
Nathan- Member
Randy- Member
Lucy- Female Member


Jimbo (Russell's little brother)- Leader
Gerry- Member
Kenny- Member
Kyle "Derp"- Member
Carl- Member
Wesley- Member

Offline MightyZeus

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Re: My Bully 2 Ideas.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2012, 02:00:36 PM »
Chapter 1: An unknown person steps up to Jimmy and challenges him to a fight. As the two start to throw a punch, the screen blacks out and the text "1 year earlier shows up".

While the unknown boy steps into Bullworth Academy, we hear him say:

"I am Alex Williams. I'm a friend of Jimmy Hopkins, the kid who ruled the school 2 years ago. I got sent here so I don't get put in prison. I wonder how this'll go..."

As soon as he walks to the dorm, he's being harassed for no apparent reason. The kids yell things about Jimmy and the things he did. This leaves Alex confused about what happened during Jimmy's "reign". The next day, Alex sees a smaller boy being beaten by some bullies. Alex decides to step in and protect the kid. After beating the bullies, the boy thanks Alex and starts to talk to him. Alex reveals he is a friend of Jimmy and the boy said:

"You're friends with that guy? And you wonder why everyone here hates you? I'm Callum, and I'm probably the only guy who don't wanna kill you. Let's repeat what Jimmy did, successfully."

Alex thinks about this and accepts. The boys decide to go after the bullies first, since they're the weakest clique. They come up with a plan, which involves getting two of the bullies hospitalised, two in detention and leave Jimbo and his bodyguard. Jimbo invites Alex and Callum into the hole for a fight. Alex and Callum go to be welcomed by Jimbo and Kenny. Callum goes for Kenny and Alex goes for Jimbo...

Offline MrJordan

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Re: My Bully 2 Ideas.
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2012, 02:47:14 PM »
Love that Kirby is Jock leader
other than that where are Greasers and Preps
also,Nice intro and Chapter 1
This seems pretty cool

Offline MightyZeus

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Re: My Bully 2 Ideas.
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2012, 03:18:37 PM »
I think Greasers and Preps have had their moment. I feel they need replacements...


After getting the Bullies over to their side, Alex and Callum decide to after the Nerds next. Alex goes to the old observatory to talk to the new Nerd leader, only to discover a bunch of Jocks there. They have Timothy and Callum. Alex Fights his way out of this ambush and gets Callum and Timothy away safely. The boys discuss about getting the Nerds on Alex and Callum's side. Timothy accepts this and the Boys go their own way. The next day, Timothy finds Alex and Callum and explains that the nerds have overthrown him, so the boys recruit him for their plan and go after the nerds. They attack the observatory and take it over in a long assault mission. Timothy calls Alex to the observatory for a meeting. Alex goes into the observatory only to discover Timothy and All the nerds ready to fight him. After being beaten by Alex, Timothy tells Alex about Jimmy and how he ruined Bullworth and made everyone hate each other. Before Tim an explain further, the lights go out and Alex wakes up the next day in his dorm with Callum standing above him. Callum says he found Alex near the Gym, unconcious. Alex and Callum assume the Jocks are responsible and plan to get the Jocks back for this.

Offline MightyZeus

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Re: My Bully 2 Ideas.
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2012, 03:30:00 PM »

Alex decides to get revenge on the Jocks by kidnapping Lucy and hiding her on the boot of the Gym teacher's (Damon West) car. After the Jocks rescue her, they find out Alex is responsible, so they go after him. Alex outruns the jocks and finds Callum. They try and think of a way to get to Kirby and ask him about what happened at the observatory. Upon returning to the Gym area, the boys see that the Jocks are up in arms, ready for a fight. Alex steps forward and challenges the Jocks to a Football (Soccer) game with a team of 5. The Jocks accept. Alex gets Callum, Timothy, Jimbo and Wesley to play. Alex's team win and as a result, Kirby steps up to talk with Alex. Alex asks about what happened and Kirby says that he saw a masked figure go towards there and that he had nothing to do with it. Callum then asks how the Jocks ambushed them (Chapter 2) and how they knew he and Alex would to to the Gym. Kirby simply replies that the Masked man told him. As Alex and Callum turn to go to the dorm, Kirby lands his Haymaker and knocks Callum out. Alex turns back and prepares for a fight...

Offline MightyZeus

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Re: My Bully 2 Ideas.
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2012, 03:57:46 PM »

Alex and Callum are back in the dorm after their fight with the Jocks planning on what to do next and what to do about the masked man. They come to the conclusion that Jimmy and what he did is related due to the fact that everyone's coming after them. Suddenly Travis bursts in, with a bloody gash on his forehead.

"The masked guy's looking for you! Look what he did. It's all because of you and Jimmy!" He yells.

"Look, What's Jimmy got to do with me!?" Alex replies.

"You mean you don't know? Jimmy asked your Dad to send you here! He told all of the cliques and left, with ambitions to take over Bullworth!" Travis says.

This leaves Alex and Callum gobsmacked and wondering what to do. They decide to go after the Emos and Punks so Everything calms down in the school. Alex and Callum start with the Emos due to the fact that attacking the Punks would make them look bad after Travis getting attacked randomly. The next day, Alex gets a text from Callum's phone. He opens it and it says: "If you want to see your friend again, come to New Bullworth Vale, near the Abandoned Mansion." Alex goes there to see the Emos with a tied-up Callum laying unconscious. Alex fights his way through to Callum and runs away with him, whilst being chased by Goh and Ralph. After getting back to the dorm, Callum states that the masked man's watching their every move, more or less. Alex says it could be Pedro, hiding behind the scenes. With this, they go to find Pedro, only to find him and and the masked man making what appears to be a deal. Alex and Callum jump in to go after them both. Callum goes for the masked man and Alex goes for Pedro. Pedro presents a knife and warns Alex to back off. Alex lunges at him, trying to disarm him. Alex finally does so and threatens Pedro. Pedro backs off and presents another knife. They have a knife fight, but Alex cuts Pedro's knife hand and thus disarms him. He grabs the other knife and put them to his face. Pedro begs for mercy and starts to ramble...

"Stop! I only talked to the masked man so I could get revenge on you and Jimmy. I know you're in cohoots and planning a takeover of the school. He promised to get rid of you if I let him advise us and help us flourish."

"He was talking Bollocks! Can't you see? He's trying to take over more than I am. He's been stalking everyone on campus! Once I've dealt with you and those stupid punks, I'm gonna find him and make him pay!" Alex states, seeming to grasp the truth finally.

Pedro realises what's been going on and offers to help Alex and Callum out. Meanwhile, Callum is fighting the masked man...

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Re: My Bully 2 Ideas.
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2012, 04:10:49 PM »

Alex is on the streets looking for Callum as he never turned up after the Fight with Pedro. He keeps seeing the masked man around Bullworth and chases him, to no avail. Alex is lead back to Bullworth Academy, where he saw the masked man enter. Alex decides to board the school off using the students he has on his side to guard every exit, while he prowls around the school. Alex finds a route to the bell tower, so he investigates. He finds Callum, Travis and The Masked man.

"Look, I got him, just leave me and my boys alone, ok?" Travis says.
"Fine, but one more favour. Lead Alex to the Hole and get all the clique leaders to attend. This'll be something He'll never forgets..." The Masked man states.

So, Alex goes to the hole to find the masked man there. He takes off his mask and he turns out to be Jimmy Hopkins.

"Hello, Alex. It seems you guessed it was me. I listened in on your little conversations with that Callum kid. I had to do this because you were getting curious. I only asked your Dad to send you here so I could carry on my work elsewhere. But you made me return. It's all your fault..." Jimmy states.

"How is it!? And you can't act like the good guy. I know why everyone here hates you. You're a mean, sneaky, manipulative little bastard. You got the whole school on your side and sent me to do your dirty work. You're just like Gary!!" Alex yells.

"Gary!? How dare you! You're gonna get what's coming to you!" Jimmy replies.

Suddenly, the boys charge and Fight. After a long fight, Jimmy gets the upper hand and beats Alex down. As it looks over for Alex, A figure jumps on Jimmy's back and floors him. It's Gary. He helps Alex up and explains how he's reformed. He also tells Alex where Callum is. Alex finds Callum and they go to the front gate of the school, Only to be welcomed by Everyone cheering them on and praising them. Alex notices Gary, wearing the masked man outfit, walking away...

Offline Phap

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Re: My Bully 2 Ideas.
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2012, 06:33:38 PM »
No more Jimmy? No way this sucks. These should be the cliques.
Corleones - Don: Michael Corleone. Consigliere: Tom Hagen. Underboss: Fredo Corleone. Capo: Al Neri. Capo: Frank Pentangeli. Soldato: Alphonse Evelloni. Soldato: Gino Fredonna. Soldato: Ronald Esposito. Soldato: Bobby Carregi.
Trapanis - Don: Aldo Trapani. Underboss: Dominic Corleone. Capo: Jimmy DeNunzio. Soldato: Angelo Granelli. Soldato: Lego Coaliere. Soldato: Joey Blazes.
Rosatos - Don: Tony Rosato. Underboss: Carmine Rosato. Capo: Norman Rossi. Capo: Phillip Giotti. Soldato: Franklin Credi. Soldato: Clyde Lando. Soldato: Richard Ciechi. Soldato: Bill Ciompi.
Granados - Don: Rico Granados. Underboss: Stanley Jimenez. Capo: Theodore Ruiz. Capo: Johnny Salazar. Capo: Anthony Espinoza. Soldato: Harry Reyes. Soldato: Paul Morales. Soldato: Thomas Ramos. Soldato: Bruce Rivera.
Manganos - Don: Samuele Mangano. Consiglere: Paolo Riccitello. Underboss: Provenzano Porco. Underboss: Giorgio Strozzi. Capo: Doffo Spini. Capo: Baldo Campi. Soldato: Luchino Uliari. Soldato: Giovanni Corbinelli. Soldato: Guccio Ferrara. Soldato: Jacopo Vanni. Soldato: Moose Mangano.