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Author Topic: Do you have to dress like your group your with??  (Read 3025 times)

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Offline BPAC

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Do you have to dress like your group your with??
« on: October 13, 2006, 02:08:01 PM »

Yeah, as seen in the photo do I have to dress like them in order to get respect that certain group? Or can I wear what I want? Im just wondering becuase of all this talk about clothes and what-not on different sites; I just dont want to get my ass kicked all becuase im not sporting my gang colors.

Its more or less like in San A. when you wear your gang colors that means your down with them? lol

Most def, I can't wait to play this game.

Offline BPAC

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Do you have to dress like your group your with??
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 02:25:19 PM »
Doing some more thinking, ima just wear whatever the fuck I feel like. Then again I have to go back thinking I could've swore you had to wear your uniform of Bullworth else you'll get busted?

But the people on didnt wear their shit, they wore whatever the fuck they felt like, but at the same time Mr.Crab took note and said "I seem to note that your comfy" lol or some shit close to that

My point is? Every little detail the A.I of the game is going to notice. In which that's the way I wanted it to go.

So if you stuff some kid in a locker, he's going to remember YOU and fear you, or if you fuck with an Jock once again he's going to remember your face.

Last time I checked the A.I has surpassed the dumbness of GTA.

Bully is MORE of a social setting of how you get along. has already stated that. Hell you can be disliked by the whole fucking school.

Yo scratch that, you can be hated by a person indeivally.

Example: Your in the click with the nerds and Bob dont fucking like you, but sue does.

Im telling you the A.I is hella deep! I like it like that.

Offline BPAC

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Do you have to dress like your group your with??
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2006, 02:52:05 PM »
Yo I remember I slapped a girl on the ass back in my HS days. Man I swear it was all fun and games (for me) the chick didnt like that, she didnt get payback right away she got it 7 mins later with a soda over my head!

Boy was I fucking pissed becuase I didnt see it coming, mainly becuase after the slap I started talking to friends, when she did it.

And so I ran up on the bitch all up in her face, I thought about hitting her, but I know I'd getting the blunt of the shit over the "guys cant hit girls" rule, so yeah, the interaction apon human's is no fucking joke!

Offline BullyRocks10

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Do you have to dress like your group your with??
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 03:01:16 PM »
hey ddr you only dress like that so you can get into  the harrington house and kill a plant its a mission you do for one of the teachers and  it will also give you more respect with the preppies

Offline BPAC

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Do you have to dress like your group your with??
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 03:07:23 PM »
Yeah getting into the is important, oh yeah I heard from some site that you get into a mission that needs you to get a password to get into the

I mean that's if you dont want to wear the clothes and so forth.

Offline BPAC

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Do you have to dress like your group your with??
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2006, 03:15:30 PM »
You know wearing certain clothes all for funny moments when your see wearing them, in the game. Like for example in San A. wearing nothing but the heart boxers in a cutsence was funny!

Now wearing nothing but your PJ's doing a mission and in the sence it plays but your in your PJ's. Can you picture kickin somebody's ass wearing PJ's?

Offline Manbearpig

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Do you have to dress like your group your with??
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2006, 03:25:28 PM »
So if you stuff some kid in a locker, he's going to remember YOU and fear youQUOTE]

You kinda have a thing for that

And the answer, if it hasn't already been said, is no. You CAN and it will help your standing with them, but it's not necessary.