1.) Handling.cfg?
I found this in C:\Programs and Files\Rockstar Games\Bully Scholarship Edition\Config
If you open it, it is the default handling.cfg from GTA San Andreas!!!
If you read the file, you'll see lines like
REGINA 400.0 1.9 4.0 1.6 0.00 0.10 -0.50 75 1.10 0.90 0.40 4 95.0 28.1 F P 18.00 0.45 0 31.4 1.50 1.00 0.25 0.60 1 0.15 -0.15 0.50 0.3 0x3 1 1 25.00
As GTA SA players know, the Regina isn't found in Bully.
Nor is the maverick or the rhino. It'd be fun if it was though.
By stumbling across this I think Bully IS GTA SA just stripped down and rebuilt.
I don't think modding this will make a effect on Bully but make a backup incase it does.
2.) Was sweating planned??
I found this in cloths.dat (Found in C:\Programs and Files\Rockstar Games\Bully Scholarship Edition\Config\Dat)
It says at the top of the file "Warmth Factors" and below it reads 0 Bare 2 - Cold 4 - Warm 6 - Hot
Juding by this I think Bully was gonna have a "sweat" thing where (Say) in summer, If Jimmy wears all winter clothes he'll sweat. If in Winter he wore his underwear and nothing else, he'd start to freeze.
(NOTE: This is my guess)
3.) Attitudes towards others.
Found in C:\Programs and Files\Rockstar Games\Bully Scholarship Edition\Config\Dat
The list is like this, It's hard to explain so here is a picture.
Nothing odd to be found here but if you prat around with this, you can make new rivalarys. Or make gangs hate their own members.
Very useful for making Machimna. Or however you spell it.
4.) Pedstats.dat
This I believe lists the stats for special actors like Gary or Damon's "boss" appearance.
I believe this because it doesn't have stuff like "GRGirl_Lola" etc. But it does have stuff like "B_RUSSELL_A" and stuff like "STAT_BIKECHASE" so I think this is .dat file is for special events that happen once in the game.
I do not know if these are boss stats but don't modify this without a backup.
I think modding this might screw up boss fights.
5.) areabbox.dat
I believe this file is for the invisible walls to stop you getting out the aera without the door.
Because at the top it says
# This file sets out the parameters for the area bounding boxes.
# [Left,Top, Base] [Right, Bottom, Height] reference using Max Script
# Anything zeroed out is not currently in game.
Mod this at your own risk.
6.) clthopin.dat
This data file is what the NPC's think of your clothing.
It's layed out Like the attitude one, but you can edit this so the prefects won't yell at you for wearing different clothes.
Here is a picture of the entire file.
I'll be browsing more of Bully's data files soon.