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Author Topic: BULLY 2 PLOT/STORYLINE IDEAS  (Read 3399 times)

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Offline xRussel_Smashx

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« on: October 30, 2011, 11:49:06 PM »
Those who have ideas for the storyline for A bully game, post them here.

I said this idea in A topic before but heres the whole thing in shorter terms

It takes place 2 weeks after Bully. Jimmy and zoe are still romantically together, the bullying stopped, everyone is friendlier than ever, and Petey is the assistant head of the school. Dr. Crabblesnitch mysteriously gets arrested for sexually harssing Mrs. Danvers. he says he did nothing wrong but no one believes him. Jimmy leaves school in A month and needs Crabblesnitches report on how everything went and his opinion on if Jimmy should stay or not. If he does, he keeps zoe and his friends at bullworth (which he wants). Jimmy finds out the proof to the case is A photo that was taken of Crabblesnitch harrassing danvers and was said to have been gotten by petey. He says someone slipped it under the door to show him. Peteys says it was possibly gary or another personthat wanted him out, Jimmy need to find out what really happened and has to get Crabblesnitch back before his parents return. Until then, the students return to their bullying ways. He accuses gary later on who is being treated at the Asylum. He gets hostle and claims he didn't do it,

As time goes on, Jimmys parents return from their cruise to pick up Jimmy. Crabblesnitch is still in Jail. And Jimmy finds out what really happened last second. he finds out PETEY was behind the incident the whole time. He created A fake picture of Crabblesnitch and Mrs. Danvers and called he cops about it so he'd get to be head of the school and not Crabblesnitch. At the time of the picture, He drugged Mrs Danvers into passing out alowing him to get A picture of him And crabblesnitch to make the picture. the reason why he did it was cause He's sick and tired of being the weak target and wanted mre power then just to be A second in command. Jimmy doesn't like it and wants to report it to the poice and Crabblesnitch. but Petey doesn't allow him since'd he get in trouble. Jimmy has to go and refuses but his parents don't care and want him to leave. Then Jimmy runs, leaves school to be at Zoes house.
So basically in the mid part of the game, Jimmy leaves school to temporary live with Zoe, hes being looked for by the cops and his parents, Jimmy and petey now dislike each other, Jimmy tries to find A way to tell Crabblesnitch the news but is in Jail. Gary also gets medically well (...well kind of) and is sent to A rival school and takes the place over. so Its A 3 way rivalry between garys school, Peteys power with Bullworth, and Jimmys group, theres alot of twists and turns, some "where did that come from" parts, rising action, and other cool things. overall, it'll be A pretty sweet story for bully 2.

If you want me to tell the rest of the story that happens after this, i'll do it
but what do you guys think so far?  :biggrin:

Offline PattisonBoy

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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 12:45:09 PM »
jimmy goes to gary's school and has big brawl wins over rival school jimmy and rival school takes back bullworth and gets knocked out. later finds and beats down petey gary goes phsyco in bullworth with bb guns an stones etc gets army big brawl jimmy has no army takes over bullworth and rival school's town and cliks unlock new stuff ;D