Standing on the safe spot on top of the trailer over in Blue Skies that Mike told me about, was raising havoc with the locals, hitting them with Firecrackers, Spud Gun, etc. Here come the Cops, as expected, running about the trailer, can’t bust Jimmy, but funny anyway. But, there is a spot, I noticed, where one or two Cops will get ‘stuck’ every once in a while....And that is in the little area at the North side of the trailer, a small area bordered by the trailer, a fence, a house, & a tree. Sometimes, as the trouble meter runs down, a cop stays stuck, such as what happened to me near midnight.....In this case it was Officer Monson in the white helmet. While listening, he spouted off some funny shit, the best of which was.....
“Officer Monson, on behalf of the fine city of Bullworth, we would like to present you with this Medal of Honor, for kicking teenage ass and being the greatest Cop ever.”...”That would be Awesome !”
Anyhoo, as Jimmy started drooping his head after 1 AM, I noticed Officer Monson’s helmeted head was starting to droop also, as was the light from his flashlight. The head droop became greater the closer to 2 AM it got, just like Jimmy. But in the second before Jimmy passed out, falling down, Monson perked up. Thinking this was a glitch, I managed to repeat the same thing with a different Cop, Officer Williams, on another night, with the same result. Never have noticed this before, so I’m thinking that the only reason for that to happen was that they were immobile and not moving, although they continued to spout off dialogue until the end.