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Author Topic: my story for bully 2  (Read 3960 times)

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Offline kvzm-and-zenan

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my story for bully 2
« on: December 06, 2011, 11:30:33 PM »
my idea has an entirely new character. Joel Floyd.a mean, cocky, smart-mouthed, 15 year old who follows his own rules and attacks anyone in his way. haveing been expelled from every school he attanded for various reasons including,fighting,stealing,pranks and mischief,skipping,vandalism,intamacy on school grounds during class,possesion of a dangerous weapon, possesion of a non-dangerous weapon, possesion of a lethal weapon,smoking, and use of alchoholic beverages. no school would accept him this year...except one. "The Radiant Sun Academy"(R.S.A) for troubled youth, or basicaly a dumping ground for troublmakers that has a nice sounding name. the school is in the town of Rayston.

the spots where the ... and blank space appears are the gap in between missions that im skipping

CHAPTER I-swords, games, and lies

it starts with  Joel in the office."remember i'm watching you JOEL" said headmaster knudsen,saying joels name in disgust. "yea yea sure, whatever" said joel. "get out of my office and go put on your uniform you brat!" says knudsen. "FINE!" said joel walking out of the office and heading towards the boys dorm...outside the dorm a guy gets up off the steps and walks in front of joel. "sup new kid? names tevin" he said thrusting out his hand to shake joels. joel shakes tevins hand and says "hey tevin names Joel" tevin laughed " i no your name already" said tevin "the whole school does. i wanted to get to you before those jerks waiting inside the dorm did" he said smiling and tilting his head indicating the boys dorm right up the steps. "what do you mean?" said joel narrowing his eyes and staring at tevin coldly. "im just warning you that there are guys waiting in the to give you the new kid initiation" he said cooly "thought i should warn you to use the back door" "thanks." said joel "dont mention it, but remember you owe me...i just saved you from getting hit with 10 balloons full of piss" he said laughing "now i gotta go to class. see ya around new kid" and with that tevin ran off. joel walked around back and used the emergency exit door out back to enter. he took the key the lady in the office gave had a 23 carved into the handle,heguessed it was his room number. he walked up the stairs and went to the second door on the left, opening the door with the 23 on the door with his key, he entered and got changed, putting o the school uniform. a white long sleeve shirt covered by a red t-shirt with the school cest on the left shoulder. then he heard the big front door of te door open and heard the other new kids screaming while they got hit with the balloons. joel chuckld to himself, he could get used to it here...

joel went to his classes. chemistry was ok, but math sucked. tevin walked up while he was walking down the steps. "sup new kid?" he asked. "my name is joel" said joel "not new kid" tevin grinned "ok joel. so whats up?" "nothing much" said joel. "so made any friends yet?" tevin asked with a grin "any one whos in a clique?" "a what?"said joel. "you know... a group of people who hang out together. here let me shown you" said tevin, as they walked into the cafeteria for dinner. "there are 6 cliques in this school. those are the geeks" he said pointing to a table with a bunch of kids wearing only the red school shirt without the white long sleeve...but there cllothes where filthy like they hadnt changed in days "they are led by Gabe" he sid pointing to the biggest kid at the table,who wasplaying W.O.W on a laptop."gamer nerds and anime fags" said joel  "very good!"said tevin "and those are the richies" he pointed to a group of nicly dressed students with nice designer jackets that had the school crest stitched into them "their leader is rodney" he said pointing to the one standing at the head of the table who looked particularly rich "rich dumb jerks who think money is everything" observed joel "yep" said tevin "those are the goths" he said pointing to a bunch of kids wearing heavy chains,black boots, and black jackets "there leader is nico" he indicated the youngest member who was sitting at the edge of the table "isnt he a little young?" aked joel "yea but he inherited the leadership from his brother whe he graduated last year." said tevin. "those are the thugs and skaters" pointing at 2 groups who were sharing a table,1 group whereing ripped up jeans, and gray shirts, and the other groups members were whereing sweatshirts,jeans, and hats, most holding skateboards under their arms, or having them sticking out of their backpacks, they were making a circle around a 2 members of both clique who were playing cards. "ross leads the thugs and trane leads the skaters" said joel indicating the 2 playing cards. ross was short and stocky but deffinently looked mean, with bruises and cuts all over his face, and trane who was tall but looked very tough. wereing a nice pair of jeans, and a nice looking skateboarding sweatshirt "thieves and poor kids" said joel dismisivly "yes, but thieves and poor kids that will beat the crap outta you" said tevin "then you got the redneck, party kids" he said pointing over towards the back wall where a bunch of kids were talking loud and being roudy.they all seemed to be wereing hunting and camo colors. "there led by ronny." he indicated the one that was being loudest,the one with long red hair and a crooked hunting cap on.joel didnt even comment "and last but not least...  the foreign kids." said tevin point over to a croud in the corner. they mostly lookd like russians and germans, but joel saw a japenese kid in there as well, and some other nationality's. "just a bunch of kids who dont speak english" said joel with a shrug" "they are the biggest clique" said tevin "be careful not to piss them off or Anton and Adolph will beat the crap out of you." he said nodding toward the 2 guys in the middle of the group who were twins. they were both big, huge, russians who looked like they could kill someone without blinking an eye....

(saving tevin rogers)
after dinner they were heading towards the boys dorm when 4 people surrounded them, all wereing the red shirt that was dirty and stained. geeks. "gabe sends his regards" said one as they surrounded tevin. "gonna help me beat them joel?" he asked  "not my fight" said joel as he tried to turn away but one pushed him back. " no ya dont new kid" he said "your gonna hang out with tevin then your gonna get beat with tevin" he said. "back off chuck or ill kick your a"started tevin but he got cut off when chuck threw a punch. tevin ducked under it and threw one back, nailing chuck in the face and knocking him down. 2 attacked joel at once, one grabbing his arms behind hs back and the other getting ready to punch him. joel kicked backwards catching the first guys shin and making him let go, then grabbed him and threw him into the other one. when he turned around the 3rd guy was on the ground, with tevin standing over him. they all got up and ran off around the corner of the building. "nice trick with that shin kick" said tevin "yea thanks." said joel "and now a whole clique hates me" "dont get mad" said tevin. "they hate me to" he said laughing "yea i noticed" said joel " and now im dragged in with you, and i repaid my favor. now you owe me" said joel. "hm. here he said" handing joel a skateboard. "i took it from a skater while he went to the bathroom" tevin said laughing "your gonna make 2 cliques mad at me!" joel said annoyed "i swear your gonna get me killed here" joel said as they walked to the boys dorm...

im working on more and will be done soon!
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 02:49:42 PM by kvzm-and-zenan »

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Re: my story for bully 2
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 12:58:56 PM »
a couple more days passed and everything went pretty normal. friday afternoon tevin walked up to joel after school. "so what you gonna do this weekend?" he asked "probly nothing" was joels reply. "well then why dont you come with me? gabe told me to meet him at the computer lab after school and he's gonna apologize for having his guys attack us" "why not. im not doing anything else so lets go" they walked to the computer labs but no one was there. "great. big waste of time" said joel. when he turned to wak away 7 people came walking up, making a circle around tevin and joel. "you were told to caome alone tevin." said one of them. joe could see they were all members of gabes clique and that they were not gonna apalogize. "yea but im not stupid." said tevin "i knew you were gonna try to ambush me like this"  "good" said the kid as he ran forward and swung something at tevins head, but tevin jumped back and dodged it. after that joel had to turn around cause 3 of them were circle him, fists up, and very angry. "bring it on girls" said joel. the first one took a swing which joel ducked and sprung up from the ground tackleing the kid with him. he punched him in the face 4 times before the other 2 pulled him off. when they pulled him up he elbowed the one on his left in the ribs and punched the other one in the stomache. they both let go and he grabbed, and smacked their heads together making a dull sounding *crack* then they fell over. he turned around to see 2 of the 4 guys fighing tevin on the ground, one with a bleeding nose, and one holding his ribs and groaning. tevin was grappling with the 3rd one, both of them trying to throw the other one down, and joel saw the third one coming up behind tevin with a baseball bat. he quickly grabbed the one with the bat from behind, shoved him onto the ground, and stole the bat. when the kid got up and turned around,  joel hit him right in the side of the ribs with the bat, making the kid drop to his knees, then ran up and kneed him in the face making him fall over and hold his face. when he turned an looked  he saw that tevin had knocked down the other kid to. then a rock came flying out of no where and hit tevin hard in the forehead "ow!" they looked over and saw another one standing by the corner holding a slingshot. as soon as joel took  step towars him he droped it and ran, so joel put it in his back pokcket "you really need to stop getting me into fights" said joel as they started walking towards the boys dorm. "then stop hanging out with me" said tevin while he laughed...

when they got back to the dorm, both his and tevins doors where broken open and the room inside was trashed. "damit!" yelled tevin "they tricked us!!" "yea i know" said joel. "we gotta get bac at them... and the only place they care for is the computer lab. come on!" he started to walk away but joel just stod there "the computer lab?" he said "no, this ends here. if we dont fight back they wont do it again." he said "yea they will" said tevin "i have known gabe for years. if you dont fight back he'll just start to get meaner... besides look what they did to that picture of your mom" joel hadn't noticed that yet. his mom had died when he was 5. they drew a moustache and beard on the picture with permanat marker nd then ripped it in half. "im in" said joel. they snuck out and across the school grounds towards the computer lab,avoiding prefects, and trying to stay in the shadows. once they got there they found the door locked. "what a waste of time" said joel angrily. "no its not. come here" said tevin running around the corner. when joel followed him he saw a ladder going up to the lab roof. "they use it to get up there and mess with the shool's network dish" tevin said while he climbed. once on top joel saw that it was flat roof, except for a sky light the was on the roof looking in. " does this get us in?" asked joel "the sky light" replied tevin as he walked up to it and bent down. he opened a tiny part of the window that almost nobody would hav guessed opens. "i found it when i stole theschool blue-prints" said tevin "it in case of a fire or somethng." he said. then he hopped down into it. joel followed and they were standing right in the middle room of the lab. "perfect." said tevin "now we just smash computers and spraypaint on everything." he said laughing as he handed a can to joel. "ill take the 3 left rows of the lab and you take the 3 right rows" said tevin, then he ran off. joel could hear him throwing computers around and laughing, so he started to also. he kicked a computer and his foot went through the monitor. it was kinda funny. he started to throw them on the ground,stomp them, smash them, hit them, finaly he ran out of computers. he walked over to tevin who was spraypainting the word "fags" on the wall. "spray paint your name" he said "what? said joel "no way then they'll no it was me" "exactly said tevin "they will no you got them back. here im gonna do it to" tevin spray painted the words "TEVIN WUZ HERE" on the wall so joel did to. " good now lets get outta here" said tevin grinning as he unlocked the door from the inside and they both ran of towards the boys dorm laughing...

(the chase)
the nxt morning joel walked outside. he started to walk down the steps and got hit in the back with something. he fell forward and lay there, dazed,  trying to think about what happened. then he heard bike tire riding around. he got up and saw 3 of gabes goons sitting there on bikes, and one with a plank of wood in his hands. another one was holding a wallet...joels wallet. "come and get idiot!" he yelled while they all turned and started riding away. joel pulled out the sling shot he got the night before and shot one of them in the back of the head with it, causeing him to crash. joel ran up, kicked him in the stomache once, and took the bike. he chased the other 2 up past the school building. down and arounf the foot ball field. while riding across the field joel caught up to them and tackled one off his bike. he didnt get the one with wallet though so he started to ride again. afte a few minutes, on the far left side of the field the kid stoped, got off his bike, and started to run across the basket ball courts.joel followed. the kid climed up onto a broken part in the brick wall and jumped over it. joel rode up and,using a skate board ramp, jumped over the broken part.he had just went from the basket ball courts to the parking lot.he saw the kid look back an freak when he saw him. then the kid just...dissapered? joel rode up and saw a small hole, broken in the bottom of the concrete wall around the school, just big enough for someone to crawl through. he crawled under and saw the kid running away down a little trail through the trees. joel started to follow and causght up with him, he shoulderd the kid sideways into a tree, and kicked him twice in the side. he took his wallet and started to head back towards the dorm...

(the escape)
joel didnt see tevin at all saturday, or sunday morning. sunday night though, one of gabes guys walked up to him. "you should probly go help your friend new kid" he said with a sneer. "who are you and what are you talking about?" asked joel with a sigh. " "names gavyn, and you dont know?" he asked. "know what?" asked joel getting annoyed. "im just gonna say you should go use the back door of the school and see whats in the furnace room for you" said gavyn, then he walked away. "having nothoing better to do, joel went" when he got there it was dark. then heard a voice "no! its a trap!" to late though cause the door was closed and blocked from the outside. "great now where both stuck" said tevin walking outta the corner. he had a black eye, and a fat lip. "they grabbed me when i went to buy a yogurt..." he said reluctantly. " what?" asked joel. then a computer set in the corner came on,  and on it they could see a message. "dont worry were gonna let you guys out." it said "once you tell me what you did with my katana" "for the 5 thousandth time" said tevin, only this time he wrote it "i dont have your freakin katana!" "then sit there some more" said replied the next message and the computer shut off. just then tevin turned around "ive got a plan" he said. "every hour gabe has 5 guys come in, beat me up, then leave, with both of use we could over power them... but gabe's in the basement valve nd furnace control room." "ok. we over power them and then we go back out side?" "no" said tevin "they blocked that way. were gonna have to fight our way out of here and up into the school." "alright" said joel. then the guys came in. they walked over and right when they got close, tevin tackled one. joel hit one in the face twice,knocking him down, and turned to punch the other one, but was met with a fist to the face. he stumbled but regained his balance in time to duck under the next punch and hit the kid in the kidney, makeing him drop like a stone. when he got up and turned, tevin had already gotten rid of the other 3. "lets go he said" and they ran into the next room, where the electricl cords had been cut and layed on the floor by gabe. they started to spark up and shoot sparks out the end. "great, now what do we do?" asked joel. "use your slingshot" said tevin poitning to a emergency shut off button at the other end of the room. he shot it and  they ran into another room. all the heat turned on makeing white hot steam spray from the busted pipes. "dam" said tevin "i dont know what to do" just then joel got an idea. he jumped up and grabbed one of the rafters abbove him and proceded to use it to climb across the room, and spin the valve to off. they ran up and came out the door into the halllway by the math classroom. "lets get outta hear" tevin said and they started to run towards the door "hey doesnt this remind you of video games?" asked joel "i mean like an ambush, and now he locked us in a room and set electrical and steam traps?" "yea gabe is obsessed with games" said tevin "he probly took those ideas from games he's played" joel grunted in agreement and they both ran off towards the boys dorm...
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 06:40:29 PM by kvzm-and-zenan »

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re: my bully 2 story
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2011, 06:37:29 PM »
(revenge pranks)
"joel! i have an awesome idea!" yelled tevin running up to him. "what?" asked joel. "were gonna prank all of them!" he said excitedly. "all of who?" asked joel. "gabe and his friends! were gonna prank them all!" tevin said even more excitedly. "how?" said joel "well there all in the school  right now for class right? we have 45 minutes before class starts, and if we do it right we can get them all!" said tevin. "alright lets go" said joel. they ran up into the school. "who's first?" asked joel. "chuck." said tevin grinning. they found chuck next to his locker. "high there chuck." said tevin walking up and grabbing a handful of his shirt and shoving him into his locker, slaming the door shut and laughing. "let me out!!" shouted chuck banging on the door. "i will if you tell us were your friends are." said joel. "alright!" he said "gavyn went to go to the bathroom, and im not sure who else but they went off to hang out by the stair case and the art room!" he said "thanks now stay there" said joel "wait! we had a deal!" yelled chuck "you never shook on it" said tevin laughing. they walked down the hallway to the bathroom, and saw one guy outside the bathroom talking to one inside. joel grabbed the one outside the bathroom from behind and dragged him into a stall, shoved his head in the toilet and flushed, then ran out of the stall and pulled gavyn's ,who was using the urinal, pant's up making him piss himself. "what the hell!" gavyn yelled, but tevin tripped him and kicked him twice to shut him up. "come on. ets get the rest of them" said tevin as they ran outta the bathroom, and down the hall to the staircase.on the way they grabbed two buckets from the janitor when he wasnt looking. and stopped at the corner by the stairs. joel looked around the corner and saw 4 of them there talking. "3, 2, 1...NOW!!" yelled joel as the jumped around the corner and slammed both the buckets down on 2 of the kids heads and pushing them into each,knocking them down. before the other 2 coud react, joel grabbed the 3rd one and shoved him into a garbage can, while tevin pushed the last one down the stairs. "nice" said tevin laughing. "come on" said joel running towards the art room when they got there they saw 5 more guys and gabe. "come on" said tevin running at them. he tackled one kid and started hitting him, while joel ran up and kicked one, knocking him down. 2 grabbed joel and threw him into the lockers, but he got up and hit one in the face, and tackled the other one, hitting him n the face 4 times and getting up. the 2 he had knocked down where back up but they heard yelling. "BREAK IT UP!!" they prefects yelling when joel looked, he saw 3 coming, and ducked into a unlocked, locker to hide. he looked out the slits and saw that the prefects had grabbed the 3 geeks still left, but he didnt see gabe, or tevin. he figured they got away. after the prefects help up the two kids on th ground and dragged all 5 of them off to the office, joel got out, and saw tevin walk out of the art room smileing. "nice job with your escape there champ" he said laughing. "yea whatever" said joel. "gabe escaped to though." its fine we'l get him tonight" said tevin "huh?" asked joel. "when you told me about that hole under the wall i went and checked it out. it leads to a trail that goes to an old abandoned radio station. they hang out there. they got like 4 t.v's and a bunch of video games in there. were gonna rade them" he said with a smile. "good."said joel "i cant wait to get my hands on gabe" the bell rang and they both went to class...

(sneaking in)
it was halloween night. joel and tevin snuck under the fence and went to the radio station in there costumes joel as a marine, and tevin as a zombie. at the station,tevin boosted joel up onto the roof "open the door and let me in" he whispered to joel. joel went up and kicked a weak spot in the roof til it broke and he fell into the entry way.once in there he really fast opened the door letting tevin inside. "nice one" said tevin as the door to the living room opened "whats this?" came chucks cockey voice as he and 2 others entered the room chuck was wearing a cop costume. 1 guy ran at tevin and one at joel,who grabbed the kid and headbutted him, knocking him out right away. tevin had taken the other one down to. chuck ran back into the living room, followed by joel and tevin there were 4 more geeks in the room, for a total of 5 guys. as soon as they entered the room chuck grabbed joels shirt and threw him through the door into the hallway. when he broke through the rotten door a part of the roof fell blocking the doorway back out. he followed the hallway and ran into gavyn,dressed as a pirate, and another guy dressed as a parot. he ducked under gavyn and tackled him, kneeing him in the groin, he got up and punched the other guy 4 times, taking him out to, then ran up the stairs. when he entered the top room, gabe was standing there with a katana carved outta wood in his hand....

(showdown with Gabe)
 "have you come to return my other katana?" gabe,who wast wearing a costume, asked. "for the last time we dont hvae your stupid katana!" yelled joel. "fine. dont tell me. ill beat the answer out of you!" shouted gabe. he ran forward and swung the katana but missed when joel steped back, then he stepped  forwad and hit gabe in the face twice, making him stumble and fall. "that the best you got?" said gabe getting back up. joel ran at him, but gabe kicked outward, hitting joel in the face, and knocking him down. when he got back up gabe attacked with the katana again. swinging towards him, and joel steped back again, but gabe lunged forward and brought the katana up into joels side, makeing him fall on his knees and cringe, and while he was there gabe ran up and kicked him in the stomache. joel got back up but was ready this time. gabe swung, and he steped back, but when gabe went to lunge again he steped to the side away from it and tripped gabe. gabe got back up and went to kick joel again, but joel jumped backwards, then jumped into gabe when he put his foot down, tackleing him and hit him in the face 6 times. "i give!" yelled gabe when joel stood up. "you can keep it! im sorry!" "keep what?" asked joel "the katana. just take good care of it. its worth 300 bucks" said gabe " i dont have your dam katana!!" yelled joel. "then... why did you beat me up?" asked gabe "because you were attacking me for no reason, and stealing my stuff!" said joel "i never told any of my guys to do" that said gabe confused "well who else gets to tell your guys what to do?" asked joel. "sometimes i have dustin go give them my orders" gabe said quietly. "but doesnt wouldnt...would he?"

(the liar)
next they heard a shuffling sound and tevin came into the room, being chased by chuck and a really big guy. "gabe!" yelled chuck "you ok?" "im fine" said gabe "i just want to talk to dustin" he said looing at the big guy. "ummm..." was all dustin said then he started to run down the stairs. "i got him" said joel running after him. he followed dustin all the way through the house and out the front door. then he heard a cracking sound and turned aound in time to see dustin kick a dead tree over and in front of the door, locking everyone else inside "me and you new kid" dustin said with a sneer. he ran forward and shouldered joel knocking him down, and then stomped on him while he was on the ground. when joel got up he saw dustin comeing again just a second to late. he got shouldered down again, but his time rolled out of the way when dustins big foot came down. he jumped up quicky and dodged dustins next charge. then dustin grabbed him and piked him up, and dropped him, adding a hard with a knee to the side while he fell. before joel could get all the way up, dustin picked him up to do it again, but joel wrapped his arms around dustins neck this time and pulled him down onto the ground backwards, kicking him reapetedly while he was on the ground. joel hurt all over but he wouldnt let him self be beat. dustin tried to charge him again, but joel picked up a bat off the ground, and broke it across dustins shoulder while he charged, making dustin turn to the left and fall down holding his arm. before he could get up joel kicked him in the face, knocking him cold right there. "hey he beat him!" he heard tevin yell and looked up in time to see tevin and all the geeks coming out of a window on the top of the house and hopping off the roof. "jeez" said gabe looking at him then at joel "you look like you got hit by a truck" said gabe "yea well him charging into me felt like a truck" said joel, then he turned to look at dustin "why'dja do it dustin?" he asked "cause i was told to" said dustin. "i got messages telling me what to say and when do do it" he said. "why did you listen to them?" asked gabe "cause they said i could do it to anyone i didnt like" said dustin "so i blamed it on tevin cause he owes me 60 bucks...i wanted revenge and  didnt think i would get caught or that  joel would help tevin" dustin confessed. "you need to leave. now" said gabe to dustin "but...i..." muttered dustin "go!" said gabe "if i see ou wearing our outfit or hang around here again ill beat the crap outta you" dustin got up and ran off down the trail. "so we cool?" joel asked gabe "yea. if you ever need help just ask" said gabe shaking joel's hand. as joel and tevin headed back towards the boys dorm across the parking lot in the dark, they caught up with dustin "im sorry" he said to joel "whatever" said joel "really i am!" said dustin "if you ever need extra muscle, im your man" he said then ran off again. "what a freak" said tevin "yea" said joel...
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 01:56:52 PM by kvzm-and-zenan »

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Re: my story for bully 2
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 11:00:09 PM »
CHAPTER II- money makes the world go round, but then again, so does violence

"hey" some kid ran up to joel in the hallway "your joel right?" he asked "yea, so what?" said joel. "my name is carlton" he said proudly "and i have an urgent message for you from Rodney Stanza" "and im supposed to care...?" asked joel. "yea." said carlton "he's only the richest person at this school. and he wants to talk to you" "ok?" said joel thickly "again, why should i care?" "you know what, whatever" said carlton "be at this address at 5 tonight, and dont be late" with that he ran off. "what was that?" asked tevin walking up to joel "i dunno. some rich kid needs help i guess" said joel dissmissivley, stuffing the paper in his pocket while they walked off...

(helping Conrad)
"good to see you showed up" said carlton as joel walked up the steps "sure whatever" said joel "so what do you want?" he asked carlton "you need to ask him" said pointing to rodney. "hello" said rodney sticking his hand out to shake joel's. joel just stared at him till he put his hand down "what do you want rich kid?" joel asked. "well tonight is the clique bike race. we have one every month, and our best racer, conrad" he pointed to a tall black haired kid on the couch who had a cast on his leg "has a fractured leg and can't race. we heard that you out raced steeve, the best racer in gabes clique, and we were hoping you would take his place in the dirt bike race...ill pay you 40 bucks to race, and 20 extra if you win" rodney said "deal" said joel shaking his hand this time and smiling. they walked down to the edge of the woods and met a bunch of kids from all cliques there, and one from each clique on a bike. "whats the matter?" mocked ross as rodney walked up with his group of 5 or 6 richies and with joel. "why would i be?" asked rodney "just cause your goons busted poor conrads leg doesnt mean i dont have a racer, does it joel?" he asked a joel walked forward "hmph" grumbled ross. joel got on the bike rodney gave him and lined up with the guys from the other cliques. ross for the thugs, steeve for the geeks, viktor for the foeigners, trane for the skaters, and lucien for the goths. "GO!!!" yelled a voice and off they all went into the woods, following the trail with spray paint marks on trees to lead them. after a few minute joel saw steeve start to pull ahead, but got hit in the back with something and fell over, joel looked to his left in time to see ross's fist comeing at him and swerve to avoid him. he heard ross laughing "whats wrong tough guy?" he laughed as he started to pull ahead. joel started to move fatser and pulled up next to lucien "no you dont!" lucien said in a voice that sounded like a snake hissing. he rammed joel's bike but joel pushed back. finaly lucien tried to pull away, but joel kicked his bike tire, making it twist to the side and, sending lucien face first into the ground. next trane pulled up next to him. joel was expecting another attack and trane seemed to notice this "dont worry" trane said "im a fair racer, but you should worry about ross, and victor" next instant trane crashed into a lump that was laying in the road. joel lookedback and saw that the lump was an unconsious viktor. joel started to peddle faster. when he caught up with ross he saw that ross was holding a broken tree branch, so thats what he did to viktor, thought joel. they rounded a corner and could see the finish line of the race. ross laughed and swung the branch at joel's head, but he ducked and reached down, grabbing a rock off the ground, and threw it right at ross's head. ross gasped as it hit him above the eye and he swerved into a tree. when joel crossed the line and stopped rodney walked up to him. "nice work out there kid, i saw how you handled ross there at the end of the race, and that was pretty ingenios. he has one the last 3 races cause of his dirty tricks and its about time it came back at him" "sure" said joel. "we could become great friends and ally's. i give you money and yu give us your anger,strength, and lack of morals" said rodney "i like that idea" said joel "good" said rodney with a grin while he shook joels hand...

(stealing what was stolen)
"hey joel i could use some help" said rodney as he walked up to joel and tevins table in the cafeteria "with what?" joel asked "since you beat those thugs at the race, they got mad at us. ross had 4 of his guys steal my new four-wheeler!" "so how much do i get paid this time?" asked joel "you get nothing!! its your fault they took it!!" "fine!" said joel as he got up "where did they go?" "they took it and are riding around on it in the woods. you better get it before they wreck it". joel went out to the woods behind town with tevin. "so where do you think they are?" asked tevin. then they heard a loud crash and a bunch of laughing. they went towards it and found that the thugs had built a ring in the forest and would put 2 four wheelers in and play bumber cars with them.  they hadnt used rodneys yet though. joel snuck around behind a tree then rolled closer, hiding behind a large rock, trying not to get seen by anyone. he crawled over to be behind a bush, then ran up and hid behind another tree. when they all turned to watch what was happening in the ring he jumped on it and took off. upon returning to rodneys house was greeted at the front gate "wonderous!" rodney said looking at it then they heard another engine revving and tevin pulled in an another four-wheeler "hey thats mine that went missing last week!!" yelled conrad. tevin gave conrad the keys and joel handed the other keys to to rodney. "your good joel...very good" he said with a demented grin "whatever" said joel as he and tevin turned to head back to the school...
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 11:01:45 PM by kvzm-and-zenan »

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Re: my story for bully 2
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 11:47:10 PM »
(teachers pet)
"what do ya want now rodney?" asked joel as rodney walked up to him. "how do ya know i want something?" asked rodney "why else would you be hear?" asked joel "good point" said rodney "i need you to help me catch a snitch. i think one of the new kids ive been thinking about leting into my group is ratting we do out to a teacher. i need you to catch larry in the act." "fine" said joel with a sigh. "were is he?" "well i just made sure he heard mu say that were gonna cheat on the next math test, he should be going to tell mrs.crell the math teacher" said rodney "alright im on it" joel snuck up and sat aroun the corner from the math room watching and waiting. sure enough a few minutes later larry walked up and knocked on the door. he told the math teacher what he heard and she gave him a dollar. while he was walking away joelgrabbed him and threw him into a locker, then ran out o go get rodney from the boys dorm. when they came back joel let larry out of the locker and he stumbled out right into 4 or 5 richies who were waiting for him. "thanks joel. you can go now." said rodney "ok said joel and started to walk away while he listend to them beat the crap out of larry...

(lap dog)
"hey joel" said rodney "what'dya want?" "i was just wondering when im gonna get paid for catching larry?" asked joel. "hahahah get paid? no. you work for me. i dont give you anything." said rodney in an amused voice. "what?!" asked joel angrly "we had a deal!" "yea and i lied" said  rodney witha shrug "so what" "im not your puppet rodney" said joel. "nope. your my trained little pet joel. and without money thats all your ever gonna be" laughed rodney "screw you! im leaving" said joel hottly as he turned to walk away. "where are you going?" asked rodney "some where thats not here" replied joel but was met with 2 guys blocking the door. "no you arnt" said rodney. "i didnt dismiss you" at that moment the anger boiled over in joel's mind. "he swung out angrily, knocking down one richie in front of him but the second one quickly kicked him in the ribs. as he got up he saw that rodney had went back into the back room and left him here with these 2 who where getting putting one fist up and with the other hand makeing a open palm shape and holding it next to there side, upon seeing the confused look on joel's face one of them replied "karate" then they attacked one kicked but he ducked, then leaned back to dodge a punch, he was continually being forced backward across the room while dodgeing. at the other side of the room he grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed them both. while they coughed he threw it at one, who it hit hard in the chest and took down, then tackled the other one, punching him til he stopped fighting back. then he go up and left the room...

(dirty work)
"hey joel" said a voice while he walked out of his room. "what do you want?" he asked the richie kid standing to his left coldly "names jordan." he said as he walked up to joel. "and i want to help you" "how?" asked joel "by helping you get back at rodney" jordan said. "why would you help me?" asked joel "well because i want to be head of he richie clique. and if you make it look like hes incompetent, then i can snatch the leader place away from him and i can have them all leave you alone" said jordan.  "alright what do i do?" joel asked "you gotta go and ruin the stuff at the club we hang out at." said jordan "trash the place. throw garbage everywhere and spray paint on the walls but leave the back office that rodney use's as his office, clean" "alright said joel" he went to the hang out that night after they had all left and smashed a window to get in then procedude to pray paint all over the walls, cut the power to the fridge,t.v, and microwave, he also ripped up the couch and chairs, and clogged the toilet, but left rodneys office clean and nice. he went back to the school and told jordan what he did "good idea with the toilet" jordan said "here you nearned it" he handed joel 36 bucks and walked off leaving joel standing there...

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Re: my story for bully 2
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2011, 08:58:54 AM »
(starting a fight)
"joel" called a voice and he turned around to see jordan walking toward him "now what?" asked joel."i got a final plan to tun them on rodney once and for all." jordan stated. "oh yea? what?" asked joel slightly intrested. "we sic those kreepy, dark goth kids on them" said jordan matter-of-factly. "how do we do that?" asked jimmy. "go to nico, hes their leader, and tell him the richies are gonna attack him at 7:30 tonight. then convince him he should attack first.". "wait a minute... why am i the one doing the work again?" joel asked "cause its what your good at" replied jordan, then he ran off. joel went to see nico at his house after school. "what do u want?" asked nico coldly when he answered the door. "i just want to talk" said joel. "no thanks. i heard what happened when you asked gabe to talk" "that was a misunderstanding." said joel hastily. "sure" said nico. "now what do you want?" "to warn you that those richie kids are planning to attack you guys tonight at 7:30, and to help you fight them" said joel. nico stared at him coldly for a few moments before responding "why help me?" "because i dont like rodney very much and i figured that i help you, and i get to help beat them up" said joel. "hmmmm...what do you propose i do?" asked nico. "you attack him first. get the suprise jump on him and you can beat him." said joel. "i like it" said nico "how do we do it?" "well, thats up to you to decide nico" said joel. "good. get ready and lets go."  joel and nico ran through town and showed up at the richie base, followed by all the goths. nico kicked in the door, and all of a sudden it was a warground in there. goths beating richies.richies beating goths. joel went to take a step in, so he could find rodney, when something big ran into him and threw him on the ground. he looked up and saw the huge richie, conrad, standing over him. "get up joel, and fight me like a man!" he said as joel stood up. he ried to grab joel, but joel moved and kicked  conrad in the stomache, makeing him stumble, then kicked his knee, taking him down. 4 more richies surrounded him and joel hit one in the face, ducked and swept 2 of the others legs. when he stood up one grabbed him from behind holding his arms open, while a second one moved in to hit joel,who ducked and the richie hit his friend. joel came back up and  hit the kid in the face twice he had him down. he didnt care if these richies had karate skills, he was better than them. just then he heard police sirens out side and joel dodged 2 cops an managed to escape. while he was leaving nico ran up to him. "thanks joel. i owe ya one" he said then kept running from the scene...

joel was just sketing on the skatboard think about nothing in particular when. *CRACK* he stumbled of his skateboard and fell down. "hahahah. take the new kid!" when joel stood up he saw dudley. a particulaly fat richie. "dam" said dudley then he dropped the hndful of firecrackers he had and ran. joel chased and fllowed him into the woods, where 6 other richies showed up. "not so tough now are you?"  asked one as they circled joel. finaly he got sick of it and attacked, with a tree branch off the ground. he hit to of them with it and broke it over the third one's shoulder. when he turned around, he got a kick to the face, thn he stumbled, then he fell down. "bring it on!" yelled one of them as joel got back up and dodged the next kixk, hitting the attacker in the balls, and taking him out. from the ground he tackled a second one to the ground and hit him 4 times. when he got up the 3rd one hit him in the stomache,face,then throat, causeing him to gag and fall. while he was laying there, joel kicked the guys knee and then jumped on him when he fell over,hitting him a couple times, kneeing him in the balls then getting up. "retards" muttered joel as he walked away...

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Re: my story for bully 2
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2011, 10:51:07 AM »
(breaking out)
 "what do you want?" asked joel as rodney walked up. "i wanted to apologieze" he said. "i wanted you to come hang out with us, you know... real food and nicely dressed people, unlike your company thats here now" he said looking at tevin with disgust."here is the money i owe your for those 2 jobs you did" rodney said quickley handing joel 50 bucks. "fine ill come" said joel. they went to rodneys house and imediantly, rodney pushed joel down and ran out of the house, locking th door as he went. "i knew i couldnt trust a rat..." said joel, as noticed that he was locked in rodneys house and it was full of richies. he grabbed an antique vase and threw it into one of there faces, where it shattered and took him down. then he grabbed a broom and started to fight. dudley came at him, but joel hit him in the stomache with the broom handle then swung upwards, hiting his chin and taking him down aswell. the others seemed reluctant to fight. he beat them much asier than normal with the broom. hitting and sweeping leg, soon he had made it upstairs he took on 2 more guys in the upstairs hallway, hitting them at the same time,back and forth across the face, and taking them down. he ran into the master bedroom, dropped the broom, and went out onto the balcony,where he saw carlton. "sorry man but i gotta do it" said carlton as he ran up to punch joel, but joel weaved to the side, grabbed a fistful of carltons designer jacket, and flung him over the edge of the second story balcony right into the pool in the back the end of the balcony he climbed a ledge up to the roof, and heard noise behind him. he turned and saw 2 more richies chasing him. he stopped, turned, and kick the first on in the balls. making him fall down and lay there, then he ramed into the second guy, making him stumble and fall of the roof. then he ran over and hopped down onto the garage roof, ad from there the roof of a truck, then the ground, and ran off towards the school...

(breaking in)
"guess what i found out?" asked tevin walking up to joel "what?" asked joel. "rodneys who family will be gone all night tonight, for some formal gathering thing" said tevin "so?" questioned joel. "so we go destroy the place for what he did to you!" said tevin "we beak things, and then we leave, simply isnt it?" "yea. that could be fun" said joel. "good then lets go!" said tevin. they biked to rodneys house. "come on" whispered tevion, as he opened a window and they crawled in. "i got the first floor and backyard, you get upstairs" said tevin. joel nodded his head and ran upstairs. he went into thew first room at the top witch he guess by looking at the decorations, was rodneys. he torn down poster's, destroyed his computer,t.v,and ps3, then punched a few holes in the walls. he did this to the master bedroom and the bathroom as well, he aslo cut the flush to the toilet, and then went downstairs to meet up with tevin. "i took a crap in the pool" he said laughing so hard that joel thought tevin was gonna pee himslf. "come on lets get outta here" tevin said and they snuck back out and took off...

(yacht party)
"what the hell did you do to my house?!?!" yeled rodney. "i think i made it fit your personality" said joel with laugh. "and the turd floating in my pool?!?!?!?" rodney yelled "your gonna pay...tonigh 8 o'clock on my yacht. be there. me vs you man to man, a fair fight." "ill be there" said joel. after rodney left tevin walked up to joel "you no he wont fight fair right?" he asked "yea i know. and thats why im gonna have back up" said joel. walking down the hallway. "who?" asked tevin "then joel stopped at one of the rooms ad knocked on the door "hey dustin!" he called out "i need some extra muscle!!" the next instant the door opened and big dustin walked out. "alright im your guy. so who we fighting?" "rodney on his yacht" said joel. "alright lets go" they rode down to radius lake, witch is in he middle of the town, and wen ot the docks. "you two are gonna have to sneak on board,cause he thinks im coming alone." said joel "no problem" said tevin as he broke open,and climbed in through window on the side of the ship. dustin followed him and joel walked up onto the main deck and rodney was waiting with what appered to be the entire richie clique behind him. "hello joel" rodney said. "i though you where gonna fight fair?" asked joel "yea well i lied" said rodney as he put his hands into a fighting position, one hand in front of him in a open palm, and the other a clenched fist at his side, joel also noticed the fist hand had a golden pair of brass knuckles on it. "yea well i brought back up also" said joel. "well i dont see anybody" said rodney in a cocky tone. then rodney heard the footsteps. they all turned in time to see dustin charge and send like 4 of them onto the ground. "grrr!" growled rodney in anger as tevin, and dustin fough his guys. he turned back to joel. "fine i guess its a fair fight between us after all." he said as he luned forward aiming a kick at joels head. but joel ducked and tried to tackle rodney from the ground, but rdney caught his arm, put his feet on joels chest and rolled backwards, so he was on top of joel instead. he punched joel twice before joel shoved him of and got back up. as soon as he stood up he threw a punch, which rodney caught and flipped him over his shoulder. joel landed on his back with a thump and lay there dazed, realizing just how screwed he was. he couldnt hit rodney cause every punch he threw was intercepted and used against him. joel stood up slowly, but he had a plan now. he swung low and when rodney went to block he swung his other hand high, and when rodneys other hand went there, he kicked him right in the stomache, causeing rodney to fall to his knees momentarily stunned. in this moment joel turned around and stomped a wooden box on the ground, and grabbed a splintered piece of wood. he heard foot step coming at him rapidly and spun on his heel with the plank of wood outstretched and swinging, and broke it roight across the side of rodney's face. rodney stumbled into the yacht railing and turned around, but when he did he got a fist to the face twice, and he sank to the ground cradling his head. all the richies stopped and looked when rodney went down. "ok, ok! win" said rodney "but why me? why my group?" asked rodney "what are you talking about?" asked joel "your the new leader... you won..." "i dont want your pathetic group." said joel "your just a bunch of rich anoying brats." "then why did you fight me?" asked rodney astonished. "cause you where attcking me!" said joel "yea because i thought you wanted to take over my group!" said rodney "who told you that?" asked joel "jordan did! he said you destroyed the hang out, and had the goths attack us, so the boys wouldnt want me to be leader anymore and you could take over" said rodney. "quickly joel looked over the group of richies but didnt see jordan. "where is he?" demanded joel...

(the mole)
"over here!" they heard jordan yell and when joel turned he saw jordan standing on the roof of the yacht's cabin "come on up joel!" he yelled "and ill wip your ass!" joel ran over to the ladder that went to the cabins roof and climbed up. jordan was ready for him though. as soon as he came up jordan tackled him with a close line. joel caught his breath and stood up but when nhe did jordan grabbed him fom behind, locking hs arms above his head in a nelson, and tripped him so they fell forward, and oel hit the floor head first with a clunk and lay there. "hahahah skull crushing finaly!!" laughed jordan and joel remembered where he had seen this. he was doing wrestling moves. this time when he stood up he turned reel fast and punched, catching jordan in the face, then he moved forward and kicked him in the ribs twice and finaly grabbe dhis head nd smacked it on the railing. jordan fell over and grabbed his head. now rodney was up there next to them. "why?" he asked jordan. "because it was funny" said jordan "i told the other cliques your weakness's and how and when you where valnerablue and in return i got to see a bunch of people get beat up." jordan said laughing then he looked at joel "and i tricked you cause i knew it would lead to you 2 fighting. and i thought rodney would win and never find out it was me." he said laughing "whatever" said joel standing up and turning around he looked at rodney "and you are gonna leave me and tevin alone now" he said sternly "ummm. yea of course!" stutered roney looking into joel's angry face "good now let me off the freakin yacht" said joel. then they heard a yelling sound and joel turned just in time to see jordan running at him, about to tackle him. he put his foot up and kicked jordan in the chest, which pshed him backwards, then punched him twice, still slideing  jordan backwards with each hit, finaly he kicked him in the face. jordan stumbled backward and flipped over the rail. he fell,andvfell, and fell, and then hit the water with a loud *SMACK* everyone cringed when they heard his scream of pain. they looked down and saw him pulling himself out onto the shore and pass out. joel just shook his head and walked away...
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 01:58:23 PM by kvzm-and-zenan »

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Re: my story for bully 2
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2011, 01:19:41 PM »
CHAPTER III-The Nightmare's Before Christmas
"hey joel!" he heard while walking down the hallway. nico came running up next to him "whats up nico?" asked joel "you should come hangout with me and my friends at the trailer park sometime" said nico "why are you asking me to hang out with you guys?" joel asked. "well gabe was mean to you and he got his ass kicked.rodney was mean to you and he got his ass kicked. i DO NOT want to be next on your hitlist" said nico "dont worry your not" said joel "i didnt want to fight they forced my hand. i dont want trouble with anybody" "i guess so..." then they saw kayleigh up the hallway and she called out to nico "see ya. i gotta go" said nico as he ran up the hall and around the corner...

(getting rid of santa)
"sup?" nico asked joel as he walked up to him. "nothing. like there's anything to do anyway." said joel "i know what you mean" said nico "actualy i was getting ready to head into town but...maybe i can pay you to do it instead." "do what?" asked joel. "well the guy whos playing santa at the mall in town is a rip off.  i saw him charge a kid five bucks to sit on his lap, then anoter 5 bucks to buy a pcture taken of him there that he didnt want. so i was gonna go and ruin his decorations and stuff, but ill give you 20 bucks to do it instead." explained nico "done" said joel as he turned to walk away "OH! and be careful! those midget elves are tough little shits!" yelled nico as joel walked away. when joel got there he saw what nico ment. that santa guy was ripping off all the kids. "hmmm how to do it?" joel mused to himself "do what?" asked tevin walking up eating an ice cream cone. "im supposed to destroy the santa display are you eating an ice cream cone?!? its winter." said joel. "because theres always time for ice cream and besides, it egg-nog flavor." said tevin smiling "and you could always make the fire alarm go of." said tevin with a shrug. "the water will destroy the cardboard set-up they have here" "good idea" said joel running off. he walked around til he ran into trane,the leader of the skaters, who was smoking a cigaret. "hey can i ask for a favor trane?" asked joel. "depends." said trane, pauseing to take a hit "on what ya need" "well i need you to go smoke your ciggaret by the smoke alarm" said joel. "why?" asked trane "because that santa guy is ripping of the kids and if the water turns on it'll ruin his set-up" said joel. "that guy is a cheep skate" said trane "im in, just give me a minute" trane went over by the smoke alarm and blew the smoke right on it, till it went off. every one ran outta the store but 7 of the elves blocked trane and joels way. "oh no ya dont, you boys just lost us our paycheck." said one of them "and now your gonna pay" the first 2 elves ran at trane, who punted one like a foot ball, and hit the other in the face with his knee. the other 4 ran at joel who stomped one in the face, and elbowed another but the last 2 tackled him down. trane ran up and kicked one of them off joel like a soccor ball, and joel rolled over on the other one and hit him til he stoped hitting back. "now lets get outta hear" said trane as him and joel ran out the door, both soaked and freezeing cold...

« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 02:53:39 PM by kvzm-and-zenan »

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Re: my story for bully 2
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2011, 06:18:59 PM »
(grave robing)
"hey joel" said nico walking up to him in the boys dorm hallway "hey nico, whats up?"
"where going grave robing tonight you wanna come?" asked nico "grave robing? why?"joel asked "cause its amusing" said nico "so you in?" "sure" said joel. "cool lets go" joel followed nico down through town and out to the graveyard. when they got there 7 goths surrounded him and nico walked to the head of the group "well here we are joel" said nico in a very cold voice. "and i no your secret" "what are you talking about?" asked joel "i know you hate me." said nico sounding like a spaz "you acted like you were rodney's friend then attacked him!! well it wont work on me!! beat his ass boys!" and with that nico left on his bike. "man!" said joel. one of the goths ran at him and he side stepped and kneed him in the stomache,knocking him down. 2 more grabbed him from behind and hit him in the back till he fell to his knees. then he saw the open grave plots where they had been digging up graves. he rolled forward like a ball, propelling the 2 holding him forward into the open, six foot deep hole. he stood up and hit another one in the face twice, knocking him down, and urned to the last 3. one of them kicked him and then another one punched him twice, but when the 3rd punch came, he ducked and the goth hit his friend, knocking him into a hole. joel quickly punched the second one in the stomache 4 times then kicked him in the side, dropping him to the ground, and tackled the last one, quickly dispatching him with a headbutt. joel stood up jumped on the bike and left...

(the challenge)
joel was walking out of the store, where he had bought a soda. when he cam out ther was 5 goths on their bikes. "race time joel" said lucien laughing. "what are you talking about?" asked joel and lucien pointed down to the end of the treet, where they had 2 more goths standing on either side of the road. "where gonna race to there." lucien said. "im not" said joel "yes you are or we will all attack you right now in the middle of town."  "bring it" said joel and they all got off there bikes. just then tevin came out of the store behind him "tevin your gonna peddle" said joel. "what?" asked tevin "your gonna peddle the bike" joel said. tevin seemed to understaned. he got on the bike and joel got on behind him. as they started to ride, the goths chased them. "get to the school!" shouted joel as he wiped out his slingshot and pegged a goth in the face, taking him clean off his bike. they started throwing fire crackers at them, but joel shot most out of the air, the rest missed, but 2 hit him. on hit next to them and burnt his arm, and the other one hit there back tire and it went flat, causeing tevin to crash. joel and tevin stood up and ran through the school gates and stood next to the prefect right there. when the goths pulled up they saw him and lucien sneered at joel then they left...