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Author Topic: My fanfic.  (Read 2718 times)

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Offline scg25

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My fanfic.
« on: April 18, 2011, 11:57:35 PM »
Hey, I was thinking about writing a fanfic. Now I don't get much time and I probably won't get very many people reading it; but I still want to write it when I find the time for it.

Anyways the plot was going to be something like this:

So James Allen is dropped off at Bullworth Academy. He's pissed that he was actually sent here when his parents said he would be sent somewhere else. He's from Oregon and he is having a troubled childhood. His dad took drugs, and he's been a fighter his whole life. As he goes in he discovers the cliques old and new. As the story progresses he discovers more about the bullying underworld of Bullworth.

Offline BloodChuckZ

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Re: My fanfic.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 02:45:43 PM »
Well....What are you waiting for ?  Start the story already !

Offline scg25

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Re: My fanfic.
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2011, 07:22:16 PM »
Alright, I'm on it.