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Author Topic: Oooo Rockstar is hiring!! (Its not all about fun & games)  (Read 2372 times)

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Oooo Rockstar is hiring!! (Its not all about fun & games)
« on: October 05, 2006, 04:51:10 PM »
* Acts surpised

ooo look mommy Rockstar is hiring! Instead of bitching about the games rockstar about for ONCE, Jack T looks at what is it they are actully doing.

Lets look at one aspect of just one of  MANY jobs they are looking for:

ROCKSTAR NORTH - Character Animator

Job Description: We'd like to hear from animators with a range of experience & backgrounds to produce in-game sequences and cinematics.

We are also looking for animator/riggers to handle setup, assembly and problem-solving with character assets for body and facial animation.

For cinematics, good technical skills and experience of editing motion capture data, editing of longer sequences with multiple characters and non-mocap animation props preferred.

All applicants should be fluent in one or more of the major packages with 3ds Max, Character Studio & Motionbuilder experience an advantage.

Materials must be presented on VHS or DVD (PAL or NTSC) with 1 Showreel presentation no longer than 3 minutes.
Sound is not important.
No separate materials i.e. lots of files on a CD.


[email protected]

Rockstar North
Calton Square
1 Greenside Row
att: Recruitment


ooohhh I understand now....all the fuck the media can look at is WHAT rockstar produces, as far as content on games.

So Peter just got hired for the team of Rockstar, his job is to do the graphics for GTA. He's rep is impressive:

2 years of C++
7 years of ITT tech
One 3 min vid showing his past work

oops my bad.....Peter has a family, and I might as well say being in the rockstar family he gets a very nice pay check.


oops my bad.....the media dont give a fuck about peter. Rockstar already is well over staffed at 100 so far with its group. So you know what that means? They dont fuck around when they come out with something.

Bob dont take days off when he is the person, that is supposed to be the head leader for some art work. Im sorry katie can't do it. She has another stuff to do.

So from a respectable point of view, WHAT is the problem? Sam & Dan houser KNOW what they are putting out. Its not like he dont know what his team is creating.

I dont see the people who Rockstar called up for Voice Over's bitching about the content of there game. I didnt see Samual L go "Im sorry I cant do the lead for Ten Pen for GTA San A. becuase all this shit about the media and this whole hot coffee thing"

Im sorry.....shut the fuck up!! lol Im serious! I dont see people backing down, I dont see Rockstar's site going down. I dont see when I click on Jobs "Im sorry coming soon, after we get all are law suits fixed" LMAO

This isn't the first time Rockstar has the light shined on them, and it won't be the last.