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Messages - JmTsHaW

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Script Modding / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Script Sources (just a few)
« on: December 31, 2012, 12:56:21 PM »
Any way to get the bodyguard to spawn on a bike?

Script Modding / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Script Sources (just a few)
« on: December 31, 2012, 08:24:17 AM »
I experimented with faction attitudes and wrote down all the IDs, which are basically the same order as in pedpop.dat.

0 - Prefects
1 - Nerds
2 - Jocks
3 - Dropouts/Townies
4 - Greasers
5 - Preppies
6 - Non-Clique Students
7 - Cops
8 - Teachers
9 - Townspeople
10 - Shopkeepers
11 - Bullies
12 - ? (Crashes upon load)
13 - Player

An example of changing the attitude for the nerds to hate the player:
Code: [Select]
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(1, 13, 0)
SetFactionRespect(1, 0)
The first line sets the nerds to attack the player on sight, and the second line sets their 'respect percentage' in the menu to 0%.

EDIT: In another faction-related subject, you can change the faction of a script-created ped using: 
Code: [Select]
PedSetFaction(l_1_7, 1)This example in particular when added onto the debug bodyguard  script madman has on the first page will turn whoever you spawned as your bodyguard into a nerd.

Script Modding / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Script Sources (just a few)
« on: December 30, 2012, 03:04:06 PM »
Code: [Select]
local l_0_0 = false

MissionSetup = function()
local l_1_0 = 270
local l_1_1 = -110
local l_1_2 = 6.4000000953674
AreaTransitionXYZ(0, l_1_0, l_1_1, l_1_2)
local l_1_3 = 216
local l_1_4, l_1_5, l_1_6 = PedGetPosXYZ(gPlayer)
local l_1_7 = PedCreateXYZ(l_1_3, l_1_4 + 1, l_1_5 + 1, l_1_6)
PedSetActionTree(l_1_3, "/Global/J_Ted", "Act/Anim/J_Ted")

MissionCleanup = function()

main = function()
until l_0_0 ~= false

Try changing
PedSetActionTree(l_1_3, "/Global/J_Ted", "Act/Anim/J_Ted")
PedSetActionTree(l_1_7, "/Global/J_Ted", "Act/Anim/J_Ted")

It worked for me when I modified the original script to spawn two bodyguards instead of one.

SWEGTA's Playground / Re: [RELEASE] Bully: Zombie Minigame MOD [RELEASE]
« on: December 30, 2012, 07:19:03 AM »
Most of my ideas and questions are pertaining to the survivors.
I guess I'll wait until you're focusing on them, then. :cool:

SWEGTA's Playground / Re: [RELEASE] Bully: Zombie Minigame MOD [RELEASE]
« on: December 30, 2012, 06:37:05 AM »
I have a lot of questions to ask, if you don't mind answering all of them.

  • What type of peds/Who do you start out with when you start the game?
  • What would become of the preps, greasers and nerds? Just different types of survivors to find?
  • Will you be able to break in and raid the school for supplies? If so, we don't have to deal with the horrible possibility of taking on Russell, do we?
  • Will there be any zombie students roaming around? No special abilities, just a reskin of the standard zombie, in a way to show the player that not everyone survived the zombies.
  • What music would be used? It would be nice to hear different music in different parts of bullworth.

And now some suggestions of mine:
  • A suggestion I have is that there should be some spud cannons jotted around some of the roofs, although this could just be near survivor groups with nerd members, though.
  • Alternate costumes for some survivors, the complete mayhem models for the clique leaders (Except maybe Derby if he isn't hiding away somewhere like usual) would suit them much better for this gamemode than their regular models.
  • Gary Smith, leader of the jocks/bullies

SWEGTA's Playground / Re: [RELEASE] Bully: Zombie Minigame MOD [RELEASE]
« on: December 29, 2012, 07:58:26 PM »
I guess the observatory would be a good place to have survivors providing somebody finds a way to get all those barricades in the 'stronghold assault' mission to spawn. (Granted, this probably won't be possible until Madman releases the script source for either that mission or Defender of the Castle.)

The asylum is well fenced off from the rest of the world, but I'd be skeptical about using that since that's where all the crazies came from the first place :D

SWEGTA's Playground / Re: [RELEASE] Bully: Zombie Minigame MOD [RELEASE]
« on: December 29, 2012, 06:51:28 PM »
* Survivors [ ]

Will you be able to recruit any of the survivors to fight zombies alongside you?

What's the complete list of Faction IDs? It'd be pretty fun to mess around with those 8)

May I ask what PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(#, #, #) does? It looks like it edits attitudes between peds.

Script Modding / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Script Sources (just a few)
« on: December 27, 2012, 12:43:03 PM »
I tried it with 2 earlier and it didn't work either.

Script Modding / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Script Sources (just a few)
« on: December 27, 2012, 11:45:23 AM »
It doesn't respond to the button (That, and I don't know what the button numbers are assigned to)

This is the code I have so far:

ImportScript("\\Library\\LibTable.lua") -- imports the LibTable library
ImportScript("\\Library\\LibPed.lua") -- imports the LibPed library
local l_0_0 = false
MissionSetup = function() -- basic mission setup function which is used in almost all bully scripts
  local l_1_0 = 117 -- X coords
  local l_1_1 = -8 -- Y coords
  local l_1_2 = 12.8 -- Z coords
  AreaTransitionXYZ(0, l_1_0, l_1_1, l_1_2) -- teleports the player to the 'Hole' in the basement
  TextPrintString("Press button four to activate goodies.", 1, 2) -- Show text
MissionCleanup = function() -- mission cleanup function
end -- end statement
main = function() -- Main mission function
    gMissionRunning = true
    while gMissionRunning do

F_Buttons = function()
  if IsButtonPressed(4, 0) then -- Check whether button four is held or not
  PedSetEffectedByGravity(gPlayer, false) -- Removes the player from the effects of gravity
  TextPrintString("Land is for loser-heads.", 2, 2)

Script Modding / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Script Sources (just a few)
« on: December 27, 2012, 09:34:27 AM »
Edit - JmTshaW, question: did you add an if statement to the bottom line?

No, I didn't. Should I?

Script Modding / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Script Sources (just a few)
« on: December 27, 2012, 05:17:46 AM »
The program's working fine now, I'm just having problems with scripting itself now.

"Luac:test.lua:10: unexpected symbol near 'ô'"
So I assume it's a problem with line 10 since it compiles that there bodyguard script fine (The script I have right now is a modified version of that script that's just supposed to start the player in 'the hole', display some text and remove the player from gravity when a certain button is pressed.)

This is what's on line 10, by the way:

"  TextPrintString(“Press button four to activate goodies.”, 1, 2)"

My script is also assuming " IsButtonPressed(4, 0)" followed by a repeat and a two second wait works correctly for checking if button four is pressed or not, if that's right.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Compiler
« on: December 26, 2012, 08:12:59 PM »
It still gives the same old error.

Is there a way I can get a log of the file to see what .dll is missing, if any?

EDIT: I installed 'vcsetup.exe' of visual studio 2008 express and it doesn't give me the error now - It just opens and closes itself instantly.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: *RELEASE* - Bully LUA Compiler
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:42:02 PM »
It gave me the same error, unfortunately.

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