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Messages - Lefty

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Questions / Who is your favorite faculty member?
« on: September 25, 2009, 05:02:17 AM »
Remember Panty Raid you can understand what :D

Bully 1 Questions / Who is your favorite faculty member?
« on: September 24, 2009, 08:59:55 AM »
I love Mr. Burton after I hear things he done with Zoe. :D

Introduce Yourself / Nathan here.
« on: September 24, 2009, 08:58:23 AM »
Thank you guys.

And CHUCK you right dude, I must play it again.

Chapter 1 / The Setup
« on: September 23, 2009, 05:13:24 PM »
Bully Scholarship Edition - The Setup [#2]
Watch a little cut-scene you speaking with Dr Crabblesnitch after that Davis gonna insult you and attack you with his Slingshot. After that you run behind Davis to the Auto-Shop where Greasers' hang-out. You see one of Bullies attacking you at Gates of Auto-Shop (( Might be Trent )) Beat him or or put him to the trash easy way. Open the gates of Auto-Shop. Run after Davis you see two Bullies running to you for attack.. Beat them and open another gate. There is two more Bullies, beat them too. After that you see Davis top of something, throw him a stone or something, Davis too easy to beat, three prick enough for him. After that you get Slingshot and +5 Nerd Respect (( I think ))

Introduce Yourself / Nathan here.
« on: September 23, 2009, 05:06:42 PM »
Hello guys, I'm Nathan.. I live in Newark , New Jersey and I finish Bully: SE for PC. But I wanted to play it again. I love playing GTA IV , Call of Juarez and some of new games..

Bullworth Experiences / Best 'WTF!?' Moments in Bully
« on: September 23, 2009, 04:15:40 PM »
I ran to outside of GYM and Mandy opens the door I knocked out by a door.. Or Mandy opens too faster and harder.

Chapter 1 / Welcome to Bullworth
« on: September 23, 2009, 04:06:23 PM »
Bully Scholarship Edition - Welcome to Bullworth Academy [#1]
You arrive to the Bullworth Academy. When you arrive you can see a Bullies clique messing with you, whatever pass it and go to the Principals room. Speak with him and you gonna take your new Uniform. Head to the boys room. You can see every member of Bullies there. And they messing with you one of them attacking you (( I think David ))
Follow the fight tutorial and beat the guy. After that Russell gonna attack you with a big Falcon Punch and one of Mr Hattrick see you and lets you go for Uniform. After that you meet with Gary and Pete.

Chapter 1 / This is Your School
« on: September 23, 2009, 04:01:18 PM »
Go meet with Gary in Main School Building. After that follow Gary and see Russell front of his locker. Go near of him and use your Apologies ability. But Russell wants some money (( around 2$ )) Pay him you see Russell goes away from his locker, pick lock Russell's locker. Take Bullworth Baseball Cap and follow Gary. After that you see Eunice crying front of Girls Toilet. Speak with her and she want her Chocolates back. Go to the Boys Toilet and take Chocolates from Constantinos you can take it with speaking him or beating him anyways bring the chocolates to Eunice and watch gross thing, she kissing you! (( EWW )) after that follow Gary to Cafeteria. There is a short cut-scene you can learn more about cliques from Nerds to Jocks..
After that one of Prefect's tells you to go classroom.

I love every Santa missions and setting trap to Gord with Johnny Vincent, Lefty,Ricky and Peanut at A Skate garage.

Pages: [1]