Suggestions & Feedback / Re: All Quiet On The B-B Front
« on: December 01, 2016, 05:41:35 AM »
man anybody here
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The best that can probably be done without some serious modding to the game's core is using different models with blood on them and swapping them out based on health, much like the boxing minigame does.So this is possible after all ? I am here if this plan comes to realization.. Anytime..
What about lemon man I miss both. What also happened to Chuck?Chuck passed away R.I.P (I heard that )
Like this, same way you would with a normal image but with a gif:Code: [Select][img]http://i.imgur.com/WA9YSGp.gifv[/img]
this happens all the time u tard. gembo dont know what he saying.
this what u do, SOME links may not work.
get the link, then put between this:
and replace "LINK.jpg" with the image link. The image link must end in .gif, .jpg, .png either one
glitched hehehehehehe
Steam has a screenshot button (F12 by default I think).Thanks daboss,
Otherwise, you can use the print screen button on your keyboard to copy it to your clipboard and then paste it in like MS paint to save it.
The screenshot you posted either has hud disabled (a scripting function) or is just zoomed in far enough that the hud got cut off.Guys this game was released in 2006 and remade in 2008
Okay, thanks for the info m8.