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Messages - Sycodudeguy

Pages: [1]
Anti-Bully / Haters Petition!
« on: October 10, 2006, 06:40:27 PM »
The movies are bad, but I kind of enjoy the books.

Also, I really, REALLY, hate people who do that crap.

Anti-Bully / Petition to stop rockstar's Bully (2005)
« on: October 10, 2006, 06:28:03 PM »
Damn, people need to think a little bit more and take responsibility for stuff.

They say that 77% of kids get bullied, and it happens every seven minutes. That may be true, but knowing that, why the hell aren't people doing anything? Shouldn't the kids tell parents, teachers, siblings? Then, god forbid, they do something! Kids are just too sensitive these days. Politically Correctness is ruining America.

I'm fat, and people make fun of me, but I wouldn't go out and kill myself, because I accept that I'm fat. People just need to accept that there are douche bags in this world.

I'm thirteen, I play the GTA series, The Godfather, and soon Scarface and Bully. I have never shot anything short of a coke can with a BB gun on a campground, and never anything more than that.

People need to know their kids, even this emo crap going on ruins stuff, because if your kid is depressed than the parent doesn't know if it's genuine or they want to be with the cool kids.

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