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Messages - HexEditFTW

Pages: [1]
what file/files does it actually replace?, have you tried importing it back in with the same file name?, it will probably crash if its a bigger size file than the one your replacing it with

you are wrong my friend...
size dosn't matter it can be big to 5mb
i replaced baseball bat
Wow...Thats awesome as in the Jock Challenge the clubhouse you win has a baseball bat supply in it! Keep up the good work

Introduce Yourself / Hello my fellow Bullys :)
« on: April 30, 2011, 07:07:54 AM »
Hi, I've been playing Bully on Xbox 360 and have had the game for about a year now and decided to get it on PC after reading some of the posts, I was interested in getting all characters in free roam so used a HexEdit to do that following the instructions of some of the members here. I just made this to say Hello to the community and introduce what knowledge I have of Bully so far.. :cool:

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