Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Rank Classes
« on: April 21, 2011, 02:41:29 PM »
1. Art
2. Music
3. English
4. Chemistry
5. Shop
6. Gym
7. Photography
8. Geography
9. Maths
10. Biology (I hate the thought of the dead animals.)
1. English
2. Art
3. Shop
4. Chemistry
5. Biology
6. Math
7. Music
8. Geography
9. Photography
10. Gym
2. Music
3. English
4. Chemistry
5. Shop
6. Gym
7. Photography
8. Geography
9. Maths
10. Biology (I hate the thought of the dead animals.)
1. English
2. Art
3. Shop
4. Chemistry
5. Biology
6. Math
7. Music
8. Geography
9. Photography
10. Gym