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Messages - Pisces

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: March 09, 2025, 08:25:16 AM »
Also I love your username (writing this in early March)!  8)
Haha, thank you, Dave! Pisces gang unite  :cool:

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: February 12, 2025, 01:44:37 PM »

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: January 28, 2025, 07:58:02 AM »
Thank you, guys!

Welcome back.
Forums do still exist even with Discord being around, just the odds were always sorta stacked against Bully. It never had that wide-reaching popularity and having no recent news surrounding it or a sequel is the nail in the coffin. Unlike other forums for series that continuously get new games, or one-off things that are immensely popular.
Yeah, that's true...  :(

Mod Releases / Re: Allround Freeroam Mod
« on: January 27, 2025, 03:26:31 PM »
I saw you that posted the new version before, but wasn't able to get it since it wasn't approved yet, so thanks!  Gave another try and the bullies are now spawning normally... I don't know what happened before  :unsure:.
The new features are really neat. The option to lose/gain respect with the factions is so practical. I've also always wanted to see the preppies spawning in the Harrington House, so I loved that feature! They walk around so normally, and it really feels like it was supposed to be part of the game. They even went upstairs, to a room you cannot even access, I find that so amusing. Crabblesnitch spawning and welcoming Jimmy in the office was really immersive too. I've noticed the leaving the boys dorm by the window option as well. A good mod overall!

Mod Releases / Re: Allround Freeroam Mod
« on: January 26, 2025, 02:01:22 PM »
Hey Micha!

I really enjoyed this mod as it's exactly the type of mod that I'm into - improving the game by adding features, but keeping the overall game atmosphere as it is.
Out of all features of the mod, I only really knew how to add characters to the free roam, so it's perfect to me. The janitor roaming the school basement is a really nice touch, although a bit scary, haha. The only thing I missed was the bullies spawning in the parking lot, but I can try to add them back later.


Introduce Yourself / Hey guys!
« on: January 26, 2025, 09:04:14 AM »
Hi there, everyone!
Well, Bully is one of my favorite games ever, and is basically a comfort place to me that I can always escape to. I really just have so much love for this game :wub:.
This is not my first time using Bully Board, as I had a not very active account in 2013, when I was just 11 (wow, isn't that crazy?). I always remember this forum every now and then, and decided to create another account. Even though it's not as active anymore, I'm just glad to still be able to be a small part of it. Who knows if it won't make a comeback when Bully 2 gets announced, right? (if that ever happens haha :biggrin:). I just really miss when forums were popular. Also, I love how visiting this place is almost like a time capsule of those old times, when life and the internet felt so much simpler.
See you around!

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