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Messages - Histeria Beagles

Pages: [1]
Modding Questions/Help / How to get the area in front of a ped?
« on: August 24, 2022, 10:51:27 AM »
I want to create a hitbox for an animation that doesn't have one, probably I would need to use PedIsPedInBox() or PedInRectangle(). However, depending on where the ped is facing, these functions will return an undesired area (behind the ped or sides).

So, how can I do that? how to detect a small area in front of a ped?

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Grapple Node
« on: July 26, 2022, 10:50:55 PM »
Player grapple (allows to move):

NPC grapple (does not allow to move):

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Node
« on: July 26, 2022, 10:29:59 PM »
Yes, the difference is that one will return "Give" and the other "Rcv" (receive).

Try to use: PedMePlaying(Ped, "Rcv", true) and  PedMePlaying(Ped, "Give", true), with that "true" at the end.

Modding Questions/Help / How to manage array variables?
« on: July 26, 2022, 10:22:08 PM »
I want to have multi units instanceable, storing many peds as needed without having to create multiple variables and if sentences for each one. However, I have no idea of how to manage it, I don't know how to return the value of the previous array, once I set a new one.

So, for example, if I store many peds in array ={}, like this:
integer = integer + 1
array[integer] = ped

Whenever I use a condition like PedMePlaying(array[integer], "Default_KEY", true), it will only detect the last stored ped.
How do I get the value of the previous ones?

Pages: [1]