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Messages - Velindian

Pages: [1]
Modding Questions/Help / Re: Modifying Hitboxes
« on: August 10, 2021, 04:13:44 AM »
Tanks, I got it working using   

if PedMePlaying(gplayer,"Default_KEY") and not PedMePlaying(gplayer, "Block") and IsButtonPressed(10,0) and IsButtonPressed(7,0) and PedIsInCombat(PedGetTargetPed())then

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Modifying Hitboxes
« on: August 08, 2021, 05:01:25 PM »
It works now, but I want it to be doable during guard break as well. Also to only occur if the player is in combat since Jimmy now ducks every time he gives people a positive greeting.

LUA Scripting Help / Finding Animation Names
« on: August 06, 2021, 01:32:56 PM »
Specifically I'm trying to find the player animation for when Jimmy blocks when a ped is in combat with him. However, I'd also like to know how to find animations in general since there's a lot more I want to do.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Modifying Hitboxes
« on: August 06, 2021, 01:08:31 AM »
I decided to just try and give jimmy a dodge. However I'm not 100% certain how to make him do actions when a button is pressed.
If I could find  a Lua scripting tutorial for this kind of thing exactly it'd be helpful. all i ahve so far is somethin i pieced together from what i've read so far and reading a .lur file through HxD.

if PedGetTargetPed and BodyGuard and IsButtonPressed(7,0) then
   LoadAnimationGroup("P_Grappler") ExecuteActionNode(gPlayer, "/Global/P_Grappler_A/Defense/Evade/EvadeBack/Evade", "Act/Anim/P_Grappler_A.act")

Pretty sure I'm missing some stuff though. Essentially I want jimmy to dodge when the Sprint button is pressed if the enemy is in an aggressive state and Jimmy is locked on.

Edit: now by using
  if IsButtonPressed(10,0) and IsButtonPressed(7,0) then
    LoadAnimationGroup("P_Striker") ExecuteActionNode(gPlayer, "/Global/P_Striker_B/Defense/Evade/EvadeBack/EvadeBack", "Globals/P_Striker_B.act")

I'm able to dodge, but now i just need to figure out how to disable it when not blocking, during grapples, while in hitstun, and while knocked down.

Requests / Player Dodge
« on: July 30, 2021, 11:23:20 PM »
Can somebody make a mod for SE on PC that makes jimmy dodge on A/X if they are locked onto an enemy who is currently attacking him? Without modifying anything else about his moveset, just a sway to i-frame through things.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Modifying Hitboxes
« on: July 30, 2021, 09:59:20 PM »
it's giving me
luac: luascript.lua:3: `end' expected (to close `if' at line 2) near `<eof>'
when trying to compile

edit: figured it out, but it doesn't seem to be working

    for NPC,ped in {PedFindInAreaXYZ(0, 0, 0, 99999)} do               
if PedIsValid(PedGetTargetPed(ped)) and (PedIsPlaying(ped"/Global/P_Striker_B/Offense/Short/Strikes/HeavyAttacks/Hook2", true) or PedIsPlaying(gplayer,"/Global/P_Striker_B/Offense/Short/Grapples/HeavyAttacks/Catch_Throw",true)) and DistanceBetweenPeds2D(PedGetTargetPed(ped), ped) >= 1 and PedIsHit(PedGetTargetPed(ped),true) then

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Modifying Hitboxes
« on: July 30, 2021, 05:12:10 PM »
So how/where do I put this in order to get it working? I just downloaded all the stuff for script modifying, but I have no idea where to start with something like this.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Modifying Hitboxes
« on: July 29, 2021, 09:05:45 AM »
The video below demonstrates the issue i'm trying to prevent.

I wanted to make fighting the preps more about baiting and countering their dodges, but a lot of the attacks in the P_Striker_B moveset have longer range than they should according to the visuals. These issues persist without them doing the dodges prior, and at any framerate. If there is a way to prevent this it'd be really helpful. even if it's impossible to modify the size of the hitboxes directly. A way to disable the hitbox if the player is a minimum distance away or something of similar effect would work too.

Modding Questions/Help / Modifying Hitboxes
« on: July 24, 2021, 12:58:23 PM »
Where/how would I edit things like the size of certain hitboxes on attacks?

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