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Messages - J_Striker_A

Pages: [1] 2
LUA Scripting Help / Re: darby's block
« on: October 13, 2023, 01:46:31 PM »
elseif PedIsValid(PedGetTargetPed(gPlayer)) and IsButtonPressed(10, 0) then
   PedSetActionNode(gPlayer, "/Global/Actions/Defence/Block/BLOCK/BLOCKHITS", "Act/Globals/GlobalActions.act")
this is the code i use for darby block

Script Modding / Re: LUA Action Nodes
« on: May 08, 2023, 07:27:40 AM »
All unposted action nodes:
Code: [Select]
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/JabKneeCombo","J_Striker_Node.act") (Charge Jackie Kick Beta Jimmy)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/Cross","J_Striker_Node.act") (Cross Beta Jimmy)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/Legkick","J_Striker_Node.act")  (Leg kick Beta Jimmy)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/Jab","J_Striker_Node.act")     (Jab Beta Jimmy)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/LegKickStart","J_Striker_Node.act")   (LegkickStart Beta Jimmy)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/Hook","J_Striker_Node.act")  (Nemesis Hook)
PedSetActionNode(gPlayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/EvadeBack", "J_Striker_Node.act")  (P_Striker_A Evade)
PedSetActionNode(gPlayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/EvadeCounter", "J_Striker_Node.act")     (P_Striker_A Evade)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/SlidingPunch","J_Striker_Node.act") (G_Melee_A Sliding Punch)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/HeavyKick","J_Striker_Node.act")       (G_Striker_A Kick)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/KnockOutCharge","J_Striker_Node.act")  (Boxing KO Charge)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/Counter","J_Striker_Node.act") (Adult Slap)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/UpperCut","J_Striker_Node.act") (Jock Finishing Uppercut)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/HeavyDarby","J_Striker_Node.act") (Darby Uppercut)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/DropToFloor","J_Striker_Node.act") (Edgar Unused Evade Drop)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/DuckCharge","J_Striker_Node.act")  (Edgar Unused Evade Attack)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_Mascot_A/Offense/Short/Heavy/Stunners/HeadButt","Act/Anim/J_Mascot_A.act")(Dizzy Headbutt)
PedSetActionNode(gPlayer,"/Global/J_Mascot_A/Offense/Short/Heavy/Stunners/Sack/SackFreq/GutKick_R","act/anim/J_Mascot_A.act")(J_Mascot Kick)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/BOSS_Darby_A/Offense/Short/DashToUppercut", "act/anim/BOSS_Darby_A.act")(Running Uppercut)
PedSetActionNode(gplayer,"/Global/J_StrikerNode/Strikes/LightAttacks/SwingPunch_R","J_Striker_Node.act") (B_Striker_A Windmill Punch Without kick)
download and add these files to Act.img via IMGTool for the nodes to work:

Requests / Re: Help, anyone got a clean movies folder?
« on: March 26, 2023, 05:32:17 PM »
it's not allowing me to post them for some reason but you can add me on discord and I'll send them to you no problem.
Discord User: J_Striker_A#1695

Mod Releases / Bully SE Ultimate Selector V3
« on: March 16, 2023, 03:07:44 PM »
Bully SE mod menu with many functions and fighting styles
Link in description of youtube video
more info

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Restore beta moves
« on: March 23, 2022, 12:29:43 PM »
"/Global/G_Johnny/Default_KEY/RisingAttacks/HeavyAttacks/RisingAttacks", "Act/Anim/G_Johnny.act"(tornado Kick)
"/Global/J_Melee_A/Offense/Medium/Strikes/Unblockable/ShoulderButt", "act/anim/J_Melee_A.act"(shoulder Barge)

Bully Modding / Re: P_Striker_A EvadeBack for Player
« on: February 25, 2022, 08:15:54 AM »
Very Cool find thanks for sharing when I saw this I was excited to try and fix it up it worked like that for me:
   PedSetAITree(gPlayer,"/Global/AI", "Act/AI.act")
  PedSetActionTree(gPlayer,"/Global/P_Striker_A", "Act/Anim/P_Striker_A.act")
           PedSetAITree(gPlayer, "/Global/PlayerAI", "Act/PlayerAI.act")
and thanks to your find I was also able to find the second evade just switch the "evadeback" to "evadecounter"

Mod Releases / Re: Bully Better .cat files
« on: February 06, 2022, 02:25:13 AM »
These are only .Cat files you open the with Hxd editor you don't put them in your game these are wii files and they won't work on PC but the nodes in these cat files work on PC

Mod Releases / Re: Bully Better .cat files
« on: February 05, 2022, 02:35:35 AM »
These .cat files have more words inside them so it's easier to find nodes in it and I did not decompile it these are the Wii ACT files I'm just sharing them here  incase people don't know about them

Mod Releases / Bully Better .cat files
« on: February 03, 2022, 04:22:58 AM »
These are the Wii .cat they have many more words in them for people interested in finding action nodes.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: I need help with placing 2 mods together
« on: February 02, 2022, 01:22:36 PM »
I don't know why it worked when I tried it try binding the fire button to something else i have it on Q

Modding Questions/Help / Re: I need help with placing 2 mods together
« on: February 02, 2022, 07:05:32 AM »
I fixed those stuff and updated the link it should work fine now I uploaded the test version by accident.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Action Node help
« on: February 02, 2022, 04:24:04 AM »
I know this is old but just incase you still want to know this is the full node
"/Global/BoxingPlayer/Attacks/Specials/KOPunch/HeavyAttacks/KnockOutCharge/Release/HeavyAttacks", "act/anim/Player.act"
and it can only work if you're using the boxingplayer fighting style.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: I need help with placing 2 mods together
« on: February 01, 2022, 11:04:10 PM »
it's the last one in the fighting styles
Controls for no clip:
Double Tap Weapon Fire to turn on/off flying
Jump  button to fly higher
grapple button for no clip
Sprint Button for faster flying
Attack button to throw rubber bands
Crouch Button to activate coord finder

Modding Questions/Help / Re: I need help with placing 2 mods together
« on: February 01, 2022, 12:09:38 PM »
I'll add that for you

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Lua rich text formatting
« on: January 26, 2022, 01:24:42 PM »
TextPrintString("WRITE TEXT HERE",10,1)
The first number is the display time and the second number is the display area

if you're asking about how he wrote that entire menu Altamurenza released his source code you can just check it out.

Pages: [1] 2