Anti-Bully / Bike Customization
« on: May 19, 2019, 04:36:51 PM »
swegta already mentioned this a bit in one of his videos, but i want to go in depth of my dreams for this game. if you don't like long paragraphs, you'd better git, buster.
in my opinion, bikes should've been locked until the first shop class starts. if you finish shop class, bikes would be unlocked and a pretty trashy one would be available in your garage. this bike would crash easily, and was just pretty messed up in general. the bike shop could sell various parts and things for your bike, and you could go to a hideout, the bike shop, or the autoshop at the academy to switch out parts that would increase or decrease parts. here's one example:
tires - have to be pumped up after using your bike, after that the bike's speed would be faster. the tires could be switched out also to increase the speed further.
i think you could guess what the other parts might do. the bike could also be upgraded in general to increase general statistics of the bike slightly, and will upgrade more after buying different bikes. various bikes will have their own pros and cons, unlike the bikes you can buy in the actual game that just get better and better without any negatives. for example, you could have one bike that was better on land, but slower in general. another bike was faster in general, but you would lose control quickly and it would be terrible on grass, slowed down almost completely.
this was very long. sorry for that. just a thing that could be in bully 2, if they really went that in depth.
in my opinion, bikes should've been locked until the first shop class starts. if you finish shop class, bikes would be unlocked and a pretty trashy one would be available in your garage. this bike would crash easily, and was just pretty messed up in general. the bike shop could sell various parts and things for your bike, and you could go to a hideout, the bike shop, or the autoshop at the academy to switch out parts that would increase or decrease parts. here's one example:
tires - have to be pumped up after using your bike, after that the bike's speed would be faster. the tires could be switched out also to increase the speed further.
i think you could guess what the other parts might do. the bike could also be upgraded in general to increase general statistics of the bike slightly, and will upgrade more after buying different bikes. various bikes will have their own pros and cons, unlike the bikes you can buy in the actual game that just get better and better without any negatives. for example, you could have one bike that was better on land, but slower in general. another bike was faster in general, but you would lose control quickly and it would be terrible on grass, slowed down almost completely.
this was very long. sorry for that. just a thing that could be in bully 2, if they really went that in depth.