« on: October 15, 2018, 07:20:15 PM »
Nerds: Earnest=100. Fatty and Melvin=90. Algie=95. Thad and Cornelius(large nerds)=95. Bucky and Donald(medium nerds)=90
Jocks: Ted=180. Damon(Physical specimen)=185. Dan and Kirby(Medium jocks)=170. Casey(huge) and Bo(large)=175. Juri, Luis, and Bob(Huge Wrestlers)=180. Mascot/Costantinos=150(since he is technically a non clique)
Greasers: Johnny,Peanut,Ricky, and Lucky(Large greasers)=160. Lefty and Vance(medium greasers)=160. Hal(Large) and Norton(Huge)=165
Preppies: Derby/Darby=160. Bif=165. Justin, Parker, Chad, Bryce=160. Gord and Tad=155
Bullies and Non Clique: Russell(RAWR)=190. Tom,Trent(He is GAY), Ethan, Troy, and Trevor=155. Wade, Davis, and all but 2 noncliques=150. Sheldon and Pedro=125.
Dropouts/Townies:Edgar, Clint, Leon,(Large)=170. Otto and Duncan(Melee townies)=165. Jerry, Gurney, and Omar=175.