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Messages - Mirror

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Fun fact: default.ide is a plain-text version of default.idb (editing it will have no effect though, the default.idb is the file that's used)

If you are a model of a ped that has a unique model status of 1 then that ped won't spawn anymore since you are that ped and the game won't allow anymore to spawn.
Yup, that's how I thought to look to change the gender at all, since it was listed there.

Also, it's kind of funny seeing the girl suddenly spawn and start throwing eggs at people. I also think she spawned in the boys dorm at one point.

Only real glitch is that the model gets messed up when the game automatically switches you to a new outfit. Pressing the button to change the model won't work, in that state, and then the game won't progress to another chapter. Oh well -___-

Hm, can't really see anything that I can work with there. (Then again I'm not sure I could even change outfits)

To update, at least with female characters, changing the gender to male  fixes the behavior problem for the player.
You can do it by extracting default.idb from the ide.img file, editing it with a hex editor, and then changing the gender, ( I did it based off this tutorial)

Of course, this seems to have had the side effect of making that npc not appear. Huh.
I assume if you could edit default.idb easier, you could add custom peds and switch to them without effecting anything else.
Or maybe I should have just edited the player part of default.idb to have the different model? Hmm..

Well, here's what I did

I set it to change the model on a button press, which works,
However, it still ends up messing with the behavior. In that example I used one of the girls, and she still counters with the kick in the balls move (When grappled), and Authority doesn't behave normally (ignores everything you do)

In Cfaction part, you'll notice that I tried making it so it changes your faction and stuff all the time. However it doesn't fix the problem,  and as long as the...
 PedSetActionTree(gPlayer, "/Global/Player", "Act/Player.act")

...Part is there, it resets your animation constantly (cant do any actions).

Any ideas where I should go from here? Is there more to behavior that needs to be changed?

Well, I ended up finding the STimeCycle stuff, and so I replaced it (keeping the original functions and everything)

However,  pasting the code there doesn't seem to do anything. I still don't know where it's supposed to go, be it posting it outside of any functions, or making a new function and then using it somehow.

Edit: If I put the code outside of any functions, I DO get a difference, but that difference is Jimmy growing taller with a messed up jaw and a female walk cycle and idle pose -___-
It's like it changed the skeleton but not the model or textures.

Thanks for the help so far. Looks like I was missing a few steps, or at least, a lot of stuff that makes it easier.

So I got to the point where it compiled it, and replaced it, however it doesn't do anything in the game. Does it only execute it when you play the game that script is associated with? If so, how can I get it to work during normal gameplay?

Geh, looks like this is beyond me after all. I have a couple questions...

Mainly, where do I put the script? I can't decompile existing .lur files so I can't Wing it and stick it wherever I think would make sense.
I assume I have to make a compiled lua file and put it in the image file, but does it have to replace something, or can it be something new?

Also, when I use it, will it just run the way you wrote it, or do I have to bind it to a button press or some other condition?

Lastly, where you wrote "model", does that want a file name, the number associated with peds?

If it seems like I'm clueless, it's because I am  -___-

Thanks for the quick reply.

I'm not familiar with anything at this point, but from what I've read I assume it's LUA, so I'll take a look at the tutorial on this site and give it a shot.

How can you do a model swap without changing anything about how the player behaves, or how enemies retaliate?

For example if you switch to a female character with any of the player selectors, you'll often instantly counter attacks, and it seems as though attacking other people has no effect on their hostility.
Is there a way to just switch the model without changing anything else?

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