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Messages - SimonBestia

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
Modding Questions/Help / Re: How to mod Act.img
« on: July 10, 2024, 07:44:01 AM »
You use marcd's tool.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: How to combine the two scripts files
« on: November 30, 2023, 08:55:30 AM »
They replace the same archive, not the same files.
Open Scripts.img via IMG Tool or IMG Factory and install the mods manually.

The first mod replaces STimeCycle iirc, while the second replaces ArcRace1.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Bully PS2 Areas Id List
« on: October 24, 2023, 03:19:09 PM »
Scholarship Edition didn't add any new area.
They're the same.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: How can i open .dir files?
« on: October 24, 2023, 05:51:16 AM »
You shouldn't mess with them. Those just reflect the state of the .img archive.
Any tool that updates .img archives will update the .dir automatically.

You could use VehicleIsInAreaXYZ to check for saved vehicles around certain coordinates, then delete them if detected.
Code: [Select]
VehicleIsInAreaXYZ(vehicle, x, y, z, radius, 0)

Then you might be (to my knowledge) the first one to figure that out!
Can you share an update on your progress and how you did it?

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Is it possible to mod audio files (rsm files)
« on: September 06, 2023, 12:49:25 PM »
Yes, it's possible. Technically.
No one knows how to do that yet, though.

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Is dead?
« on: June 09, 2023, 09:39:57 AM »
I'm not that inactive.
I occasionally update my All Screenshots post and reply to modding questions. If I don't reply, I simply don't know how to help.

I could be wrong, but I think all that file contains is just stuff like IDs to use in Lua, when scripting, to call certain button textures in your text.

What are you trying to do, exactly?

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Need help with Bully moding
« on: November 16, 2022, 02:38:16 PM »
That means you didn't follow the tutorial properly. Don't skip the part at 6:00.
When you don't embed and delete the pixeldata, the .nft is basically just a "reference" and will look for the texture inside your PC instead of containing it itself.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Need help with Bully moding
« on: November 15, 2022, 02:22:20 AM »
Then you did something wrong.
All the textures are stored in World.img inside .nft files. You can edit them with Nifskope.
You can extract them as .tga files and then use something like Gimp or Photoshop to edit them and importing them back in the .nft.
TheNathanNS has a tutorial on this.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Need help with Bully moding
« on: November 14, 2022, 02:28:57 AM »
The "skins" folder? That's a feature of GTA 3 and GTA: Vice City.
Even then, it's not for custom models, but for retextures.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: How to get the area in front of a ped?
« on: August 25, 2022, 02:10:27 AM »
Since you mentioned a hitbox for an animation, I can assume the ped will be facing another ped in front of them to fight in the ideal situation?
You could try using a combination of PedCanSeeObject() and DistanceBetweenPeds2D() (or 3D).

Use a variable to manipulate whether a loop should do its thing or not, like this:
Code: [Select]
while true do
if AreaGetVisible() == 59 and not ConstantinosSpawned then
X, Y, Z = PlayerGetPosXYZ()
Const = PedCreateXYZ(70, X, Y+1, Z)
ConstantinosSpawned = true
until AreaGetVisible() ~= 59
ConstantinosSpawned = false

To spawn peds coming from doors, the game uses a multitude of functions.
I looked into them when Cautious was making his dorm recreation.
I don't quite understand all the arguments in the functions, but you might get away by copying and altering this the way you need:
Code: [Select]
Guys1 = AreaAddAmbientSpawner(10, 3, 0, 1000)
AreaSpawnerSetSexGeneration(Guys1, false, true) -- Males only
AreaAddAmbientSpawnPeriod(Guys1, 7, 0, 125)
AreaAddAmbientSpawnPeriod(Guys1, 12, 30, 30)
AreaAddAmbientSpawnPeriod(Guys1, 16, 0, 300)
Guys2 = AreaAddDocker(10, 2)
AreaSetDockerSexReception(Guys2, false, true)
AreaAddDockPeriod(Guys2, 11, 30, 60)
AreaAddDockPeriod(Guys2, 15, 30, 900)
AreaSetDockerChanceToDock(Guys2, 10)
AreaAddSpawnLocation(Guys1, POINTLIST._BdrDoorDownstairs3, TRIGGER._BdrDoorDownstairs3) -- Pointlists and Triggers can be found in the .DAT files (obviously custom ones need to made yourself). Change the names accordingly.

I should point out that peds won't really do much on their own in these areas as they were never meant to have peds roaming around. You'd have to script all their behaviour yourself.

POI stands for Point Of Interest.

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