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Messages - huskinatorr2

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oh right so it isnt changed through hex its through an img tool?

but yeah sure!


the person who made the video changed the 4 hit combo for p_striker_a to finish with a right hook instead of an uppercut through act.img, but he didn't get very specific on what to actually change,

could someone shed some light on how exactly could I do this?

I think i've found the answer!

According to 'the dream is dead' (, the stats for derby and bif are in P_Boxing

so then I checked out version 1.1 of the op's pedstats mod, (since this is the version in which he stated he increased derby and bif's free-roam health), and P_boxing health was changed to 1850 (holy crap), so i think we can assume that those are their stats

oh right you even said parker's name when you were listing groups haha my bad! yeah i'll do a little more googling on bif

Those P_BOXING_NAME ones you found are used in the boxing mini-game.
ah I thought so, that must explain why the have the same health then!

anyway thanks! I guess all I need to do now is find the right group for bif and parker :)

Correct me if im wrong, but from what I've gathered from tutorials on here, pedstats.dat can be used to increase the max health of npc's in free-roam so they're harder to beat yes? but I noticed that not every character is on the file (eg. tad spencer).

So because of that, I'm just wondering if pedstats is actually the correct file to increase the max health of npc characters, or is there something else?

(Sorry if I were on PC I'd just trial and error with the different files but since im on an xbox 360 I needa get it right the first time to avoid wasting cd's)

Also on another note, if I am looking at the right column, I noticed that  'STAT_P_BOXING_Parker' and 'STAT_P_BOXING_Bif' both have the same max health value set to 500, but that can't be right since Bif has so much more health than him?

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