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Messages - DeadlyKnight04

Pages: [1]
Mod Releases / Re: Super Mod - V3.0
« on: March 18, 2014, 05:20:24 AM »
Oh right. Sorry about that :P

Was rushing to just post the comment as I was in a hurry.

Yeah - I always found it odd the vanilla game never had the hand-holding feature and you could only do it in an errand and a few missions. It'd be good to have it in this mod or as a completely separate, new mod (if it's easier and/or possible).

Mod Releases / Re: Super Mod - V3.0
« on: March 17, 2014, 06:27:24 AM »
Just found your mod for the game now... believe it or not. I'm happy to see your work and continuing work on the Super Mod but: I want to echo what a previous user had said on the previous page and that is: is it possible to integrate "hand-holding" (whatever you'd term it) into the latest Super Mod version.

I'm well aware there are possible scripts and/or LUA edits that allow for this but it'd be cool to just choose in-game which person you could hold hands with, with the press of a button and similarly, dismiss them or get them to stop hand-holding with the same button. I don't think such a mod exists and probably because it's not a very popular request.

Anyway - I've passed on all the other mods (already-created and upcoming) and only played your mod because it's simply great and added a lot of life to the game. Easily best mod and honestly a lot of dedication for a game that didn't have a big community initially nor a big welcoming on PC.

Thanks again.

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