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Messages - jujubattleship

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Create your own Bully Character.!!!!
« on: February 09, 2014, 07:29:36 PM »
Name- Chris Dabney
Clique- Non-clique
Personality-Nice, compassionate guy, but can beat up anyone who angers him. Sometimes, people take advantage of him without him knowing it. Is good friends with Johnny, although Johnny tries to manipulate him.
Outfit- A gray striped hoodie and blue jeans. Wears a tan winter coat and adds a hat in the winter. Has brown eyes, dark skin, and jet-black hair in a crew cut.
Background story- Was sent to Bullworth Academy because it was close to his home. Has a good but overprotective family, so he misbehaves under their noses.

When wandering around: "That math test was so freakin' easy!" "I might try out for the football team... nah, I probably won't make it." "The school cafeteria food stinks! Literally!" "I feel like a good Samaritan today."
When conversing- "Hey, man! I haven't seen you in a while!" "I heard Johnny and Bif are gonna dish it out behind the boy's dorm. I need to see that." Gotta go, I need a snack." "I'll do your homework, I don't have anything to do today."
When insulted-"I don't give a crap, man." "We don't have to fight!" "Come on, I've got better things to do than be bullied."
When bullied-"You suck." "I didn't deserve that!" Don't touch me anymore!"
When starting a fight-"These fists are gonna connect with your face!" "I'll go easy on ya for a minute, but then you're getting your butt whooped!" When insulting-"Watch your mouth, moron." "Keep it up, and I'll beat you all the way to Europe!" "Shut up, scumbag."
During a fight-"I'm gonna throw you on the steps of Town Hall!" "See that wall? I'm gonna smash your face into it." "After this, I'm gonna keep kicking you until you cry!"
When winning a fight-"I hope Russell was watching that!" "No girl in the world's gonna talk to you now!"
When losing a fight- "Alright, I learned my lesson!" "I bet you feel tough now, huh?" "You son of a (groans)
When kicked in the groin-" YOU'RE SO FREAKING DEAD!" "Ow! (painfully) You're pretty desperate, am I right?"
When complimenting clothes-"Where'd you get that?" "I need something like that." "I have that shirt, too!"
When insulting clothes-"Dude... no way." "Don't blame me when you get beat up later.Just giving you some advice." " (cough) stupid (cough) shirt. Sorry, I was coughing."

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