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Messages - LolaLulu

Pages: [1]
Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: IMG Tool; Codes for clothes?
« on: November 21, 2013, 04:26:40 PM »
Thank you so much Walter :).

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: November 21, 2013, 04:25:32 PM »
Lol :p Thanks to everyone who welcomed me, I wasn't expecting people to be so enthusiastic. It's a good thing though :).

Bullworth Experiences / Re: You play too much BULLY when....
« on: November 19, 2013, 02:42:56 PM »
When you think a girl in your class is Pinky :-x.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: November 19, 2013, 02:36:12 PM »
Lol I love how you can stand there and watch :p. As if any normal person wouldn't notice.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: November 19, 2013, 02:23:43 PM »
@c00ld0c Sounds like fun. Maybe one day I will be able to have a flock of Mandy's terrorise everyone :p.
@Erik I need to try this >:D. However, Russell can make things emotional if (on a rare occasion). He gets knocked out. Beats the titanic ending any day :p.
@BloodChuckZ He's the one I start on, then everyone is just like YOU TOOK OUR TOY BOY, PREPARE YOUR ANUS I'm going to wish you never played :p.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: November 19, 2013, 02:12:54 PM »
@c00ld0c Wow you can do that :o?
@Erik I love hiring a Bully and going to the library, as evil as it sounds >:D. It isn't my fault anyway, I'm not the one attacking the nerds :innocent:. I prefer beating up the jocks but I keep my distance, I'm too much of a puss puss to fight them, they all gang up on me :-\.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / IMG Tool; Codes for clothes?
« on: November 19, 2013, 02:08:19 PM »
Firstly, I apologise if this post is either in the wrong place or already posted. I did look for an answer to my question, but I could't find anything.

Secondly, I was wondering if someone could tell me the name of the school uniform Jimmy has from the beginning of the game is in the world.img file?
If I have confused anyone, an example is the Red Ninja outfit bottoms are called SP_NinjaR_L.
My reason being the school uniform is accepted by the prefects and no one laughs at it.
Thank you in advane :).

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: November 19, 2013, 01:57:20 PM »
Thank you c00ld0c and Erik :). Russel is also my male NPC favourite besides Jimmy :D. I have a soft spot for giving him the odd mowhawk and slingshotting jocks from a tree branch :-X.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: November 19, 2013, 01:41:18 PM »
Aw thank you :). I have been skulking around the modding sections and they have come of much use to me. I only mod for enjoyment at the moment but I may delve deeper in the future.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: November 19, 2013, 01:36:59 PM »
She's my favourite too, I find her flamboyant bitchiness hilarious. And I hope to post some more, I just don't know where to start :)

Introduce Yourself / Hello everyone :)
« on: November 19, 2013, 01:31:23 PM »
Hello everyone, I have been loitering for quite a while, and I was contemplating whether I should join or not. I'm a little shy, but I was thrilled to find a community of people who still love Bully. I'm getting Bully for the holidays, so I was very excited to continue lightly modding and playing my favourite game. When I was looking at Bully videos, I came across a guy called Swegta, who put the URL Bully Board in his description. I have been looking at posts since and I've now plucked up the courage to join. So I'm excited to start playing Bully again, and maybe make new friend :blush:

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