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Messages - NotSpeedyGonzales

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Why I am here
« on: September 10, 2013, 11:42:32 PM »
Why I am here
Recently I had found and bought a copy of Bully: Scholarship Edition. Thorough reading theses forums and looking upon the effort many members put into restoring cut content, I am impressed. Though I have more to learn about the modding process I have tried to contribute.

Though I am running short of spare time this week, I have been looking for mods which restore things that should have been in the game. The most substantial have been created already by the members of this board. Click leaders in free roam with boss fighting styles, more spawns, drivable vehicles, ect.

I look forward to trying and testing these mods.

Hopefully this will be a good modder's resource.

Almost all the audio files are named according to the following convention:
[character]_[type of audio][1-9]-v[version 1-9]
Except for yearbook related audio which is [character]_YEARB_00[0-9]_v[1-9] and quest audio.

For example: Abby_FIGHB_v4.xsb, Abby_FIGHB_v4.xwb This is version 4 of the fight dialogue for Abby, "you're fighting an old lady how pathetic are you!"

I was able to extract audio from Speech.bin via QuickBMS by Luigi Auriemma and converted these files to .wav (PCM, 16 bits, 22.1 KHz, 1 channel, 3XX.X Kbps constant usually, Endianness Little Signed) via towav Audio was converted in mass via
Code: [Select]
@towav.exe *.*make sure to put the extracted .xwb and .xsb in the same folder as towav.exe.

So far:
ALLYHM = allied PC calls for help
BOISTER = cheering brags after a fight
BYE = say bye
CFH = call for help
CARNEC = character comments about carnival
CHASE = taunt while chasing target
CHASEESC = chase taunt when target is hiding
CHASEOOB = chase taunt when target has outrun chaser
CHATTER = idle chatter
CHEERLEAD = cheerleading cry
COMPLAIN = complaining
CONFUSED = confused
CONG = character congratulates target
CONVC = ambient conversation begin?
CONVG = ambient conversation?
CONVGPP = girls about dating, boys, pillow fights
CONVGR = character reacts to a rumor
CONVNP = ambient conversation
CONVNPR = ambient conversation response to target
CONVNPS = ambient conversation
CONVP = end ambient conversation
CONVPP = ambient conversation
CONVPPV = ambient conversation about relationship
CONVQ = question to start ambient conversation
CONVQP = question to start ambient conversation
CONVQR = response to a question
DISGUST = expression of disgust
DONTHIT = expresses "don't hit me!"
FALARM = character wants help getting out of class
FIGH = fight dialogue
FIGHB = beaten up in a fight
FIGHI = target instigated fight with character
FIGHSU = character reacting to be spit on
FIGHW = observing a fight
FIGHWTF = character surprised to notice a fight
FIREAR = character hears fire alarm
FLUST = character flustered
FOODF = food fight
FREAKOG = character freaking out/panicking
FREAKRX = character reacts to the freak show
GIFT = character receives gift from PC
GIFTRG = character nervous about gift
GIVE = character gives PC a gift
GREE = character greets non-authority figure
GREEAF = character greets authority figure female
GREEAM = character greets authority figure male
GREECL = character greets PC when wearing clothes that character likes
GREECW = character greets PC when wearing clothes that they disagree with
GREEPHCL = character greets PC with haircut that character likes
GREEPHL = character greets PC when wearing a hat that character likes
GREEPL = character greets PC when wearing pants that character likes
GREEPSTL = character greets PC when wearing shirt that character likes
GROOM = character thinks current appearance does not attract attention
HELPEX = character surprised to receive help from PC
HELPREQ = character requests help
INDIG = character indignant
INTIMG = character intimated by PC's presence
JEER = character jeers
LAFFC = short laugh from character
LAFFF = longer laugh from character
MAKEO = character making out / kissing
MAKEOF = post making out / kissing comment
MAKEOR = pre making out / kissing comment?
PAYB = Character wants payback on PC?
PUKE = character pukes/vomits
PUKE_Start  = character about to puke/vomit
RATHIT = character hit by rat
RESPGD = respect low?
RESPGF = respect high / character greets PC in a friendly manner
RESPIG = respect low?
RESPUI - respect low?
SCARECRY = character scared
SEEAA = does not light fight?
SEEBID = interested in PC
SEESCOOL = character likes what is seen, deemed cool
SEESCRAP = character dislikes what is seen, deemed crap
SEEVAND = character reacts to vandalism
SEEWEAPF = character sees weapon
STINK = character reacts to stink cloud
STORCB = character sees item in shop, reacts
TAGDIS = character tagged by spray-paint
TATTLE = character tattles on target
TAUN = character taunts target
TAUNH = character taunts target because ?
TAUNPDC  = character taunts target because of clothing?
TAUNPDHR = character taunts target because target's hair is disliked
TAUNPDP = character taunts target because target's pants are disliked
TAUNPDST = character taunts target because target's shirt is disliked
TAUNPDT = character taunts target because target's tattoo is disliked
TAUNPF = character taunts PC due to low reputation?
TAUNRC = crying?
TAUNRDC = not intimated?
TAUNRES = not intimated?
TAUNRP = character reacts to being attacked
THISWAY = tells PC to follow
TJ = character receives gift
TOILDS = character getting a swirly!
TOILDF = character reacts post swirly!
TUNTPDH = character disapproves of PC's hat
TY = character receives gift
VICTD = character reacts to being victim of prank?
AITFM = wait for me PC
WHINE = character whining
WIT = character states "what is that?"
WTFTV = Character reacts to turned off TV
YEARB_00[0-9]_v[1-9] = yearbook quest dialogue

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