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Messages - Worm199

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If you could do that, it would be pretty amazing.

After trying the mod for a bit, my pros and cons are as follows:

Pros: I love the overall improvements of the AI, such as how they now try to chance tactic in case it's not going well for them. Speeding up the animations also makes fights more entertaining and harder. The higher HP was also needed.

Cons: The health regeneration. Just that. It really ruins what could have made Bully way more enjoyable than it already is. It just destroys the flow of the game. A typical fight in Bully lasted under a minute, it could last up to 3 - 5 minutes if you were fighting tougher opponents. In this mod, a regular prep/greaser takes freaking 5 minutes to beat due to the ridiculous hp regeneration. It doesn't make a game fun and difficult, it makes it frustrating and tiring. I don't want to spend 5 - 10 minutes fighting a regular opponent, let alone at least 10 minutes when fighting tougher ones. Features like these simply proves that making a game as hard as possible doesn't equal fun and challenge.

So are there any possible ways I can remove this HP regeneration? Then I might actually really love this mod.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: LUA Multi-Mod 2
« on: August 31, 2013, 06:50:28 PM »
The features of this mod looks awesome, but I don't quite get how it works. Does a menu just pop up before a start the game or how can I apply all these things? How will the menus work in-game?

This mod sounds like it could give Bully the challenge it needs, but I think the hp regeneration might make the game a bit too ridiculously hard, so is there any way to remove the regeneration from the characters?

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