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Messages - killer641561

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / 8 months late but I'll introduce myself. XD
« on: April 12, 2014, 08:15:41 PM »
Hey fellow modders,I'm killer641561.I've been on the board for a while now,and I never introduced myself so I might as well do so now. I'm a 19 year old Bully Modder and have been modding for sometime now.I may release some of my mods later on.I am a huge Rockstar fanatic and have always loved Bully and GTA games.I also mod other games and I used to mod SA.Good to meet all you people.

LUA Scripting Help / Re: How do I make music loop ?
« on: January 28, 2014, 07:52:58 PM »
Thanks bro.

LUA Scripting Help / How do I make music loop ?
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:01:16 PM »
Hey guys I'm new to the forum but not new to the game or modding.So I made a mod via LUA and used the command to play a different soundtrack.In this case SoundPlayStream("MS_BikeChaseHigh.rsm", 0.69999998807907) For some reason when the music ends it just reverts back to the default walking theme.How can I make it loop so it plays nonstop?

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