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Messages - nononoah4

Pages: [1]
Bully Modding Archives / Re: Bully Modding On The Wii
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:11:00 PM »
Just put the modified ISO on the Wii with a flashdrive or burn it, and then launch with CFG Usb Loader or Neogamma.

Bully Modding Archives / Bully Modding On The Wii
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:18:57 PM »
I have found out that alot of the scripts on Bully for the Wii match the PC scripts. You can open the world.img, the Pedstats file, the IDE.img, and also the accessory.dat file to change what players are wearing on their heads. You cannot mod the textures at the moment because of odd file extensions which I cannot open because their are no modding tools for Bully on the Wii. I thought I would let you guys know to possibly start a Wii Bully modding scene. Thanks.
 ;D :cc_detective:

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