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Messages - machival

Pages: [1]
Hi c00ld0c26, firstly thank you for a very polite and informing answer. Not going to lie I was expecting a lot worse! I understand a lot better now! I completely agree that an author shouldn't have to share WIP mods, it's just when I see fully created ones that aren't shared it bugs me! Like this one for example, seems to contain everything I'd like in Bully! So yes it seems there are just plain nasty people like you've mentioned and people with some reason. But yes thanks for your answer, I guess unless people start to share more I'm going to have to learn LUA coding myself! All I'd really like to do is get a fully functional Johnny Vincent boss fighting style, with his skin and speech bank. I have no idea where to start though, and I don't think I have enough free time! Anyways, Thanks again.

Hi all, I'm a relative newbie when it comes to the bully modding community, and I have a question. Why is it that virtually all content/mods created for this game is very rarely shared? By this I mean every other modding community I've ever been apart of since 2006 (Oblivion,Fallout new vegas and 3, Skyrim etc) always (obviously) post and share their mods. But with bully, I've scoured the internet through several forums and mods, and all I've seen is the more able modders say they are able to/ have made something highly requested (such as a Johnny vincent or Derby Harrington full boss style) But not only refuse to share it, but fail to provide a reason! I'd just like to know why this is? Whats the point in a bully modding community if 90% of the modders aren't willing to share their work? Please don't bite my head off I'm just asking. If there's a valid reason for this (other than the "It's their work, do it yourself excuse" because by that logic, no mods would ever be released for any game ever)- Then please tell me, but if not I just don't get why they wouldn't share it, other than just being plain nasty.

Thanks in advance,

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