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Messages - kazekthedestroyer

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey friends
« on: July 24, 2013, 11:17:20 AM »
OHH sorry I didn't know. Respect and props to MadmaN. and thank you for that video very much. it's cool of you guys to take the time to teach, and inform people. and how do you patch it, and install it by the way.?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey friends
« on: July 23, 2013, 07:09:45 PM »
Thank you guys very much. You guys are awesome and very descriptive, and clear when it comes to teaching and explaining, and all around a good community.  I did my first mod! ha but it wasn't original, I watched SWEGTA's videos, and replaced the scripts, the car spawn mod, PURE GENIUS, and enjoyable as all heck to be blunt. I  had no clue you could even do such a thing.  and yeah, I have somewhat of a problem. It's trying to find out what version of Bully I even have. I bought It off of Steam, but it seems you can't really find a good working trainer. unless its for Version 1.200. or something. It's all overwhelming as heck.

Introduce Yourself / Hey friends
« on: July 20, 2013, 04:14:29 PM »
Hey everybody I am new I love this game bully so much, been playing since the day it came out on ps2, got a little into modding ( sorta the same thing ) with action replays and gamesharks, ever since the n64.  I am new to the whole thing, and barely know about computer stuff like this, ( yes I'm a nub, new-feg, etc. ) I hope I fit in well with everyone, Have mad respect for everyone who reads this, and enjoy hearing from everyone or random people. every thing in this place offers more happiness and joy to the whole gaming experience, Thank you all so much.

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