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Messages - TechPro

Pages: [1] 2

Too confused by this. Somebody should make a tut. and if they do i want a partial credit for the idea lol

I dont know how to use Nifskope when i open it theres nothing there but a green line

It's alright i just Uninstalled Bully then Reinstalled, but since i have you here i got a question. Nobody wants to tell me how and i dont know why but anyway i need to know how to check what something looks like in World.Img when using IMGTool, because i need to know what the Bullworth Cap- Classic  is in IMGTool/World.img

I need backups for  Attitude.dat and PedPop.dat

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: IMGTool help?
« on: April 22, 2013, 04:55:54 PM »
Okay well how do i find it?

Modding Questions/Help Archives / IMGTool help?
« on: April 22, 2013, 01:47:01 PM »
Alright so I want to change the School Uniform for a skin but as you know the School Uniform doesnt come with a hat so will somebody tell me the Bullworth Classic Cap you get in your dresser at the very beginning of the game you get it automatically what is its name in IMGTool/World.Img

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Help Me!!!!
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:29:55 PM »
Got it. I just dont like plain white.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: World.Img help?
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:39:47 PM »
Anyone know the one for Bullworth Cap - Classic the one you get at the beginning with the school uniform.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: World.Img help?
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:15:21 PM »

Modding Questions/Help Archives / World.Img help?
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:01:06 PM »
So over 3 days ive managed to successfully change skins and fighting styles so thats good but ive beat the game and kinda bored so im gonna do it all over again modding this time. Anyway i dont want to wait till i get a Re Ninja Costume or somthin else to change it to so does anyone have the names of like the Brown jacket and jeans and clothes i can change it too?

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Help Me!!!!
« on: April 20, 2013, 05:35:37 PM »
All good i have everything backed up and got the ide thing fully working all thanks go to LemonGrab for the tut video  ;D

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Help Me!!!!
« on: April 20, 2013, 04:14:07 PM »
I followed the tut but my game crashed before i even got to play.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Help Me!!!!
« on: April 20, 2013, 03:30:17 PM »
So i have a problem. I did the tutorial to change my skin and im Norton although i look screwed and wanna have his size and height i cant figure out the whole player...player........ and changing and all that but anyway my problem is i changed the skin to use The Blue Bandana and Worn flannel shirt etc.. Thats great and all but i dont want to keep changing it everytime i want a new skin so does anyone know how to get the Names for the clothes in world.img?

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Bone Glitch?
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:55:16 AM »
Ill check but where should i check?

Pages: [1] 2