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Bully 1 Discussion / Re: chocolates but no flowers
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:18:51 PM »
Try on the beach area just West of the Beachhouse (save palce) in the mornings, that's where I see her the most in free roam.  She is usually there with 3 other Preps.  Other times, she is around the fountain area behind the school.  As a note, pass Art 5 and you won't need flowers anymore.

ok thanks chuck i'll check there

pass art 5, i've been stuck on art 4 for about 50 tries lol, what a joke it is

thanks again

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: lessons
« on: March 26, 2013, 11:27:59 AM »
As for shop and English, you can get the answers for them from the internet if you're too desperate to do them on your own.

I agree with you on art 4, I remember it took me more than 10 times to complete it.

yeah i know i don't want to cheat if i don't have to

with the art, chemisty andshop it's the limited tries that makes it hard, you have 3 tries to do it, you come in cold, you don't have time to get used to it and that's it, fail and by the time you come to do it again, it's the same: i can't get used to it, so i can't do it.

 it's not hard, it's just not giving a reasonabe amount of tries imo

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: chocolates but no flowers
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:50:01 AM »

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: chocolates but no flowers
« on: March 26, 2013, 08:52:08 AM »
Pinky still appears after that mission in the game.

oh really, thanks

do you happen to know where she hangs around?

Bully 1 Discussion / lessons
« on: March 26, 2013, 07:05:42 AM »
god dang it i'm getting frustrated in class

i'm in part 3 of the game and (i admittedly am crap at the mini games in class) but christ some of them like shop i am still on the first lesson! i keep failing, 3 tries is not enough, for me at least

english i am still on lesson 2: 1 try? seriously

art lesson 4, i just can't do it

god damn it i am loving this game but 3 tries for most of these things with so much time in betweeen is really annoying

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: chocolates but no flowers
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:40:37 AM »
jeez i'm stupid of course i've seen them in that store, just never had to buy them


thanks again

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: chocolates but no flowers
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:28:53 AM »
ok haven't seen that store thank you

also another question i have if you could help, after the date with pinky in the carnival, i could never see her again, couldn't find her anywhere in school or town, is that the only time you see her?


Bully 1 Discussion / Re: chocolates but no flowers
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:24:18 AM »
so in the winter you can't get flowers and can only health up through fatty?

Bully 1 Discussion / chocolates but no flowers
« on: March 26, 2013, 05:40:04 AM »

i'm playing bully for the first time and love it

for the whole of the game i have not been able to get girls to take chocolates from me, only flowers, now it's winter and i have run out of lowers, i have loads of chocolates but it doesn't give me an option to offer it to them

any advice would be appreciated


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