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Messages - Khukuri

Pages: [1]
Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Girls/cliques fight modding?
« on: January 09, 2013, 07:17:49 PM »
If you'd like, I can give you an ide that replaces the Bullies with female students and female adults.

Sure that'd be cool :D thanks!

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Girls/cliques fight modding?
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:54:40 PM »
Well we all have to start somehow lol

But the game crashes on launch with your ide...

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Girls/cliques fight modding?
« on: January 08, 2013, 08:18:30 PM »
Eh "God Please help me  :wacko:" lol. The reason why the mod isn't working correctly is because you have to swap all of the 2E'S with 00's. I will upload a picture for you  :biggrin:
Please look at the picture closely and copy down what I have their.

Many, many thanks! <3 Changing all 2E's worked and game runs fine with the mod, but how do I change the rest of the girls as well?

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Girls/cliques fight modding?
« on: January 07, 2013, 03:44:45 PM »
I replaced that in the ide using HxD but now the game crashes on launch?

Edit: Is there something else I should do? The game won't make it past launch screen without crashing now..

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Girls/cliques fight modding?
« on: January 07, 2013, 03:14:47 PM »
Hello :) I haven't seen or found anything posted on this yet after days of searching...but I have seen some mod gameplay videos on youtube of the girls with fighting styles of the guys and I'm wondering how to do it?

I'm not sure if posting a link to these vids for help is allowed here so I'm hesitant to do so...

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