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Messages - TrollFace

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Requests / Can anyone rig the Ms Philips cutscene model?
« on: September 05, 2019, 07:54:24 PM »
Is anyone able to rig the cutscene model of Ms Philips from the mission "Here's to you Ms Philips" so that she appears as an NPC in game? It has been done for GTA SA before.

Modding Questions/Help / Re: Ms Philips cutscene model as ped
« on: November 21, 2018, 10:18:01 PM »
Well I remember trying to work with the model in NIFskope (to no avail of course) but from what I saw, the model was the same size as any other ped model. It just has a more complex bone structure, particularly in the face.

Modding Questions/Help / Ms Philips cutscene model as ped
« on: November 20, 2018, 01:08:48 AM »
Hi all, so I tried to swap the cutscene model of Ms Philips from the mission "Here's to you Ms Philips" with a few different other ones in the game, but they all for some reason turn out with her face completely distorted. I tried following a tutorial on rigging but her model is divided into three pieces instead of one single model, so I've found it impossible follow the same steps as the tutorial. I am not knowledgeable in 3D modelling software so I can't figure it own on my own.
Has anyone rigged this model already or can teach me how to get it working?


Everything IS backed up so that's okay. I just can't run the game...

Thank you very very very much.... but now I have another problem :(
Reinstalling it did not fix the problem. Right after the main menu the error comes up and the game crashes. I'm not sure if it's my computer or Bully.

Hey, sorry it took so long to get back to you but I ended up having to reinstall Bully. Could you just paste the full Lua script for me?

I didn't tell you to touch the Trigger.img files.

Lol.... I just realized.... I had to replace the Script not the Trigger.

Yes, but after I put back the original Trigger.img I got the same message so I will just do a reinstall.

Bully.exe has stopped working...

I think I'm doing something wrong.

Actually.... could you just paste the whole lua script for me? I just want to make sure I put everything in the right place so I don't have to keep coming back to ask questions. Thanks :)

So u just want the codes? I see u got all u need okey.

Command to tp the player :

AreaTransitionXYZ(0, -34, -92, 1.001125435)

Just fill in the area code (the 0) and the coords.

Command to create Peds there :

PedName = PedCreateXYZ(32,l_1_0 +1, l_1_1 +1, l_1_2)

Replace the 32 with the Ped's model (For example 32 is Chad)
Replace the l_1_0 and all of those with the coords.

Plus u may need to load the interor so here is the command :

DATLoad("SP_Girls_Dorm", 2)

Hope I helped.

Where do I place the code to load the interior?

DATLoad("SP_Girls_Dorm", 2)

Girls Dorm      35      -430.667999, 317.761993, -2.361660

Then if I decide to try it with another interior, it's the same idea with a different area code and cords, right?

Oh and one more thing, I was just trying to use Lua for the first time and when I try to compile my script I get the following error:

Luac: luascript.lua:13: ')' expected near '_1_0'

I assumed that mean I needed to add ")" next to this "_1_0" on line 13 but doing that did not change anything and gave me the same error.

Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this but it's part of my problem.

Just the lines of code I need to add would be nice.

If u want him to spawn in an INTEROR, I suggest you take a visit at my LUA tutorial at Script modding section.

Yes, that's it, thanks.

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